Debate Video: On Iraq And Our Military, Hillary = D-U-M-B C-U-N-T

February 21st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


She has absolutely NO FUCKING CLUE…

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19 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    It is amazing to me the exasperating effort these people put into spinning and twisting and turning a defeat out of our victory, and amid it they always seem to toss in a nod to the troops, “possibly” not realizing they are actually defining them as failures and the cause of their cartoonish defeat.

  2. HBarnhill

    i am now convinced that this dumbass broad is a terrorist

    60 days…just long enough for terror cells to reorganize in iraq and plan another attack upon our exit to destroy exactly what are troops have done so well in creating….a free iraq

    …if this bitch thinks shes doing any good for this country then i’m the queen of france

  3. deathstar

    Speechless, blood boiling. Didnt the democunts learn anyting from the worst mistake is US foreign poicy, i.e. thir snatching of defeat from the jaws of victory in Vietnam in 1972-1975.

    The Iraqis, new to democracy and riven by ethno-sectarian divides dating back the the blundering European Imperialism in the region have made significant steps toward reconciliation. In many ways their democracy has been more impressive than our own in recent months.

  4. Big

    Lady, just answer a fucking question. Just give one straight answer.

  5. drillanwr

    Wire the damn chairs/podiums … and then give the zapper controls to that Lutz guy’s focus group …

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    I hate hearing these 2 assholes even mention the word troops. what do they know about our military? absolutely nothing. like they even give a shit about our military. always acting like they are going to pull them out for their best interest. what do these people have to sacrifice for them to be over there? absolutely nothing. our troops have been political pawns for too long and it has to stop right now

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    I can’t stand this fool. I refuse to listen to her. I’ve heard all I need from her over the past year.

  8. Zeke Eagle

    The smartest woman in America?

    Idiotic Bitch! That dangerous slattern must be kept as far from the White House as is her good buddy Osama Bin Laudin.

  9. Jarhead68

    Another disengenous spin cycle from a leftist moron.

  10. Steve in NC

    really can’t even listen to it ooze from her, but anyway, she looks bloated, is it a heavy flow day?

    seriously, she looks sick, I like it

  11. jerr

    The Iraqi gov’t has passed more legislation than the WORTHLESS democrap congress, you dumb bitch. :evil:

  12. HardLuck

    Dems on Iraq in the last year, in a “nut shell”.

    The surge will fail… We should pull out.

    The surge is failing… We should pull out.

    The surge has failed… We should pull out.

    …What? The surge didn’t fail?!
    We should pull out.

  13. old11B


    That is how I feel when I see or hear this human slime.

  14. Nick

    Take a look at this idiot (Hussein):

  15. Judith

    Wow, that’s a side of him I have never seen. Dirt is just coming out all over about both of them. Obuma’s background should have been vetted months ago, he’s a snake oil salesman. We already know about Hillary. “Now’s the time to rally round our man”. Keep watchin this video.

  16. Snooper

    :evil: That is what this creature is :evil:

  17. drillanwr

    Proof, yet again, WHY neither of these two should EVER take control of our military.

  18. Mike

    The entire Democratic Party lives for the destruction of our military and the nations morals.
    This are NOT Americans they are communist!!!

  19. franchie

    “then i’m the queen of france”

    there never were any queen of France only king of France’s wives (salic law)

    just a precision, that you knew of course :lol:

    we say : then i’m the pope, cause he is supposed to be infaillible

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