Video: Retired General’s Flag Stolen 9 Times

February 1st, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.



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8 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    I wish this was my grandpa or even neighbor..I would do a stakeout at his house and catch this little punk and give him a beatdown he would never forget

  2. GBU43

    Next time conceal a hand grenade in the base of the pole. Tie a lanyard to the pin attached to the wall..

    Flag pulls out.. Theif runs… Problem solved.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)


    Something tells me that with this publicity, I’ll just bet there are military people nearby who’ll do just that. No doubt the good General just got himself a boat-load of friends.

  4. Jeff

    Something odd about this.

    In my neighborhood, which is mostly crime-free, we have a retired Air Force guy who built a flag pole with lights and the whole works.

    Someone broke into his backyard, and knocked his flagpole down. They didn’t steal anything from his house or garage, they just went after the flag pole.

    What is it with people and flags? It’s creepy, almost like Dracula knocking down crosses. Do they bother people that much?

  5. Indy

    I’m pretty sure you can shoot somebody for this in Texas.

    I love this state.

  6. Armand

    Crouch in the bushes, a hole arrives, salute them with a base ball bat - problem solved

  7. xghost

    Jeff: “Something odd about this.

    In my neighborhood, which is mostly crime-free, we have a retired Air Force guy who built a flag pole with lights and the whole works.

    Someone broke into his backyard, and knocked his flagpole down. They didn’t steal anything from his house or garage, they just went after the flag pole.

    What is it with people and flags? It’s creepy, almost like Dracula knocking down crosses. Do they bother people that much?”

    Well, afaik, the ones that are really hating (yet invading) the USA are illegals.. (which also want the US Anthem in Spanish btw.. bunch of dumb****s)

  8. Jim

    In 30 min. I would have the flag pole wired to 120v..The video I would send to America’s funniest

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