Video: Shuster Apologizes To Fugly Young Lady

February 8th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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10 Responses

  1. Bash (the infidel)


    LMAO, who’s pimping who here now?

  2. drillanwr

    Uh ohhhh … Swomebwuddy gots a widdle wringy-dingy frwom the Cwinton Machine …

    Score, anybody?

    I count this as 2 MSDNC apologies to The Clintons …

    Matthews just a couple weeks ago falling on his dull sword apologizing to Hillary for his “unkind” comments regarding her using her husband to get where she is politically.

    ZERO apologies for anything nasty said about Pres. Bush or any of his family members spewed by the MSDNC jaw-flappers.

  3. drillanwr

    P.S. -

    Think Shuster knocked on Matthews’s dressing room door to borrow the petroleum jelly for this?

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    So is this then the new “Morning Schmuck” or is Joey still on?

    Another question for Schuster: Get a reaming from the bosses at MSLSD did ya?

    Suggestion: Take the fucking gum out of your mouth and you want have to grit your teeth when you talk.

  5. PhilNBlanx

    That apology came off a bit forced Shuster. But then, who can pull off playing the victim as well as the Clintons?

    Through their many years of sucking at the teet of US taxpayers, the Clintons have mastered the ability to make others not only see their victimhood but experience the victimhood. Tears, biting lip, head hung low, coughing fits, training the dog to piss on their leg, all effective.
    And then there is those special times. Like when Americans felt really shitty about having to ask the Clintons to return the furniture they had just stolen from the nice house Americans let them stay in rent-free for eight years. And then besides the sheeple in the dem base, who can forget those many times when the Clintons would make Americans feel especially guilty for the lie the Clintons had told them.

    On the other hand, Shuster’s victim comes off a bit lackluster, a little bit…what’s the word? Perjorative.

  6. TBinSTL

    It’s tough to be a gangsta :roll:

  7. drillanwr

    Shuster bent over and looking back at Hillary w/cat-nine-tails in hand: “Thank you, sir! May I have another?”

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    Shuster got suspended from MSLSD:

  9. John Cunningham

    You have to be a mind reader when dealing with the mind controlling Clintons.

  10. JonnyMordant

    For Fucks sake! It’s not like he called the “Butt Ugly, Pimped Out, Campaign Whore” a “Nappy Headed Ho” or something! The statement was simply an innocuously Accurate analogy!

    Like the Don Imus thing I’d say this brought him more recognition than he had before hand, (not necessarily a bad thing career wise)… What is sad is that we have too many word police out there running shit that either don’t comprehend the complexities of word usage enough to see through Hillary’s stupidity or don’t have the Cajones to stand up to her like FOX News would!

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