Video: Spanking The Archbishop

February 9th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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12 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Once again the blind have a one-eyed king as their leader. But perhaps in his case the emperor has lost his clothes.

    For those calling out to sack him… hear, hear….

  2. David Marcoe

    Let me go one step further and call for the his replacement by Nicholas Thomas Wright (pen name N.T. Wright, for evangelicals who find that name familiar), Bishop of Durham.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Even so, just about anyone is a step up when compared to the one-eyed jack now holding the post of Archbishop.

  4. DC

    “Spanking The Archbishop” is good!
    Beating the Archbishop…..naughty! :lol:

  5. trustme1013

    This is why religion & politics don’t mix.

  6. David Marcoe

    religion & politics

    Or rather, politics and religion. It was the Roman emperors who first imposed upon the Church, in persecution and then in establishment. It was the Spanish Crown who established the bloodiest of the Inquisitions and sent Cortes, and men after him, to South America. It was King Henry the 8th who declared himself head of the Church of England, over the protest of Thomas Becket. It was the monarchs of Europe who gave themselves Divine Right, who defiled the papacy, and who initiated the bloodletting in the Germanies that we call the Thirty Years War. It has always been what Caesar rendered to himself that has been the West’s great bane.

  7. Birdddog

    We lost the high moral ground after 9/11? Fuck You.

  8. RC

    This is what the Archbishop agrees with I presume:

    Watch all 3parts to understand the overall stench that is Islamic Sharia.

    If we in the west do not draw a line in the sand, Sharia pukes will - and its foul odor will pervade for many generations.

    The Archbishop of Cant is a coward, and so to are others who fear and appease Islamist ideals at every opportunity.

  9. franchie

    “over the protest of Thomas Becket”, by Henri VIII’s he was already dead : Henri II assassinated him, effectively because Beckett wanted that the church properties stayed under the roman church control

  10. Dan (The Infidel)

    @David Marcoe

    It was the Judeo-christian society that you mentioned that freed the slaves, gave us the First Amendment, The Constitution, and the Magna Carta ,ended the Jim Crowe society and created the idea of tolerance.

    That same religion of peace inspired generations of free thinkers like Pascal, Newton, and Pasteur.

    It was Jesus Christ who first came up with the idea of treating women as human beings instead of chattel; who gave equal standing to free and slave, whose philosophy caused the collapse of Impearial Rome.

    Not all religions are equal. Except in one respect, they are all practiced by human beings. And yet one is the religion of peace, the other is the religion of war.

    Rendering unto Caesar has nothing to do with Caesar and his power or quest for it. It has to do with giving equal respect to both the government and God.

    Irrespective of how Caesar has acted, the rules remain the same which is that it is God who controls all things, he is therefore due respect. It is mankind that has been given jurisdiction over the affairs of other men. How those men use that power is up to them.

    But I do not lump religions into one bundle. They ain’t the same..never have been. Politics is one thing. A man’s belief system is what governs his actions and decisions while involved in politics.
    Not the other way around.

    Which is better…Following someone who wants to kill or be killed in Jihad? Or one who says that all men are equal and justice, equality and the rule of law are God-given mandates?

    Politics and religion can be partners. One cannot seperate one from the other. Not in Evangelical circles anyways. Faith is what and who you are…it governs your daily activities. It is not something that you turn on on Sunday and turn off on Monday thru Saturday.

    Anyone who says otherwise is a liar and a thief. His/her faith is either in themselves or is non-existent.

    It is not jihad either.

    And I find it very interesting that when Muslims get closer to Muhammed they begin to look more like OBL. And yet when Christians become more like Christ they begin to look more like Billy Graham or Pascal, or Newton.

    There are many wolves in sheeps clothing such as the Archbishop, OBL and others. They give religion a bad name. So what. I choose not to throw the baby out with the bathwater over a few rotten eggs no matter what the era.

    People are lousy examples to follow. I’d love to meet a perfect human being sometimme. Oh that’s right, there’s never been one? Or has there?

    There is only one perfect example that people can follow. And failing to do so, yields a history that you mentioned; and creates fools like this dweeb of an Archbishop.

    Those that have ears to hear know exactly what I’m talking about.

  11. franchie

    “It was Jesus Christ who first came up with the idea of treating women as human beings instead of chattel; who gave equal standing to free and slave, whose philosophy caused the collapse of Impearial Rome.”

    it was more the barbaric invasions that made Roma collapse than Christianism ; Christianism was considerated as a sect belief that affected mostly the elite of Roma.

    the plebe had still their godnesses and Mitraïsm that came with the occupation of ME countries (as well as Christianism)

    The Mithraïsm was more spred in the army, cause the soldiers came almost from the occupied countries ; only their noble chiefs were aware of Christianism ; and that last fast during 4 centuries after JC ; I was Constantin the emperor of the Byzantinian empire that gave the real start of Christianism, when he converted himself.

    In Gaul, Clovis the king of the Francs promised to convert to his christian wife if he won a Battle against the last roman legions ; he won and became officially christian and was consecrated in Reims ; since then this city was the consecration place for the next kings of France ; Clovis forced his soldiers to convert too. This was the really beginning of Christianism in occident. With Charlemagne, France became the “elder daughter of the roman church”.

  12. Dan (The Infidel)


    Not quite franchie. The fall of Rome started with the martyrdom of Blandina in the late 2nd century. That fall was a result of the philosophy of Jesus Christ, when the average Roman started to think that maybe their pagan philosophy was inferior to the stoics like Blandina.

    An empire fist falls from within, not from external factors. Rome collapsed in on itself long before the Visigoths, The Vandals, Goths and Huns did their damage.

    That internal collapse was caused by Christianity which exponentially increased before and most especially after Blandina’s public martyrdom in AD 177.

    Christianity is the only religion that thrives on persecution. The harder the persecution, the more converts are made.

    Modern day examples are the explosion of Christian converts in the ME, NK and China. The more these countries turn the thumb screws, the more Christianity will increase, thrive and eventually, overwhelm them. Just like they did to Rome.
    It took 250 years in Rome. Might take the same amount of time in the aforementioned countries.

    But unlike the Mooselems, those numbers weren’t the result of conquest by sword or armies. They were the result of young and older examples like Blandina, and Perpetua.
    So it is today where tens of thousands are killed all because the believe in Jesus Christ in China, NK, ME, India, Bangladesh, and Africa.

    Getting back to my point….

    Romans saw her philosophy as superior to their own and began to adopt it in ever increasing numbers, culminating in the Caesar Constintine adopting it as his own in 313.
    Thus ended the persecution of the Christians and began the downfall of Imperial Rome.

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