Video: The Purest Democrat Bullshit Of The Day

February 12th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Listen to why this guy says he is a Democrat. This is Solid Gold, man…

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32 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    A history teacher and he’s going to vote democrat. Can’t make this stuff up.

  2. PhilNBlanx

    Pa’ voted dem, Granpa’ voted dem, so I’m votin’ dem.

    Not real progressive these progressives.

  3. Barbara

    My Daddy and my Granddaddy were…so I am. Priceless.
    Well, my Daddy was…. and I’m NOT. Got tired of my income tax going up every six months during the Jimmah Carter trip.

  4. Paslode

    O……..kay. That is a well educated decision he is making there…..glad he isn’t teaching my kids.

  5. 0311inOHio

    Now, there is real ditto head. A history teacher that can’t think for himself. Ass hole.

  6. dad3-7

    and this moron is a teacher :sad: there is no hope for the youth of AMERICA.

  7. dave

    Was’nt He in a movie playing a retard?

  8. ticticboom

    I got two words for ya:

    Home schooling.

  9. Paslode

    My Grandpa always ate shit, my dad always ate shit, so I am going to eat shit too.

    Inherited trait?

  10. Paslode

    Maybe inbreeding

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    A brilliant disertation from a teacher? Let’s all give this bright light a Dollard Nation Salute shall we? Middle fingers up…spit, hack, loogey, cough, cough…

    Home schooling is right. Gotta keep our kids away from these brain-dead fucks.

  12. Marc

    He’s probably teaching his class that 9/11 was an inside job as well. What a dick!

  13. Kurt(the infidel)

    Anyone ever feel like your brain is burning while listening to a dumbass speak? where do these people come from

    Im with Dan, people should home school their kids. this guy has plenty of dumb to pass onto others

  14. Jeff

    The coach should stick to football and stay the hell out of the voting booth.

    I can’t believe they’d let someone that ignorant anywhere near kids. And he gets to help mold their brains!

  15. Jackal3886

    As someone who graduated from a public highschool in 2004, and has had time to reflect on his experiences and classes, excluding math, science, english and, electronics. I can say without a doubt that I have learned more about history, government and what it means to be an American from the History Channel,Fox News and the O’Reilly Factor,and Pat than whatever I had in highschool. I wish I had access to school vouchers for private school or military school. As taxpayers we’re all gettin hosed and should be demanding refunds for this shitty public education system.

  16. TJ (The kafir)

    mygrand father was a democrat, my father was a republican so I will vote for both parties. :lol:

  17. TJ (The kafir)

    dave, the retard was sean penn. since my favorite actor played a retard, i’m going to play a retard and vote democrat myself. :oops:

  18. TerryTate

    Thats purrrre genius right there…..

    This guy just thinks he is a history teacher.

    As the saying goes, “Those who choose to ignore history are doomed to repeat it”. Despite my better judgment regarding an education, I would advise his pupils to ignore that idiot as his version of history is circumspect at best.

    Idiots like that guy are more worried about the football championship rather than the depth of ideas. What a rube. And people wonder why there is no respect for the educational system today.


  19. Mike F

    His Grandfather probably went to Switzerland during WWII, and his Father to Canada during Korea! Don’t you just want to punch these Liberal pukes square in the face!

  20. A. S. Wise- VA

    Typical opposition voter for you.

  21. Kermit

    Well that was the mindset in the South for a very long time. Then came Carter followed by Reagan.

    When I registered back in ‘73 that is what my parents told me, along with the GOP were Yankee Businessmen who raped the South, especially Louisiana, during Reconstruction.

    Despite that Goldwater carried Louisiana back in ‘64. Go figure.

    I remember in about ‘82 or ‘83 that my mother whispered to me one day that she had voted for Reagan because she could not stand Carter. I about shit my pants. Her cousin was a longtime Dem state senator, and there were a few others in state & national politics a few generations before her. One had been a U.S. Senator who ran for president (of CSA).

  22. Jackal3886

    As someone who graduated from a public highschool in 2004, and has had time to reflect on his experiences and classes, I can say without a doubt that I have learned more about history, government and what it means to be an American from the History Channel,Fox News and the O’Reilly Factor,and Pat than whatever I had in highschool. I wish I had access to school vouchers for private school or military school. As taxpayers we’re all gettin hosed and should be demanding refunds for this shitty public education system.

  23. Reagan T.

    the history teachers at my old high school were the only teachers in the school that were republican. that guy is a dumbass and its depressing that those are the kind of people that teach the kids here

  24. drillanwr

    Why is it the MSM NEVER find people like US to interview?

    Ohhh … Please, wake me when it’s over, huh???

    Where’s the wall?

    >I … >I … >I … >I … >I

  25. Reagan T.

    They should go to a shooting range.

  26. trustme1013

    I’d like to take this opportunity to quote my grandfather …

    “I voted for that son of a bitch [FDR] three times! [and look where it got us!]”

    Valuable lesson he taught me … trust a democrat as far as you can throw them. My grandfather learned the error of his ways, how come this clown’s didn’t?

  27. drillanwr

    The pertinent follow-up question by the FNC reporter should have been,

    “So, your grandfather and father and everybody you know is democrat … and you are a high school history teacher more than likely in a teachers’ union … and you are willing to put your vote to the flip of a coin … Completely unable to think for yourself, huh?”

  28. Tom in CO

    And that’s why we’re all gonna die…

  29. CJW

    He must have gained tenure back in the ’50s.

  30. Dan (The Infidel)


    “He must have gained tenure back in the ’50s.”

    No way. In the 50’s he would have needed a brain to get tenure.

  31. Mike

    Educated in public schools, can be anything else.

  32. BoomBoom

    Just another member of the NEA that can’t think for himself. Maybe they should change to name of the socialist outfit to the Lemmings?

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