Video: “True Conservative”

February 1st, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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36 Responses

  1. DC

    “Foot-soldier”, my aching ass…he was a Navy pilot, and they are officers. The nearest thing he had to boot-camp was the Naval academy.

  2. LRS

    Why did he close his POW records?

  3. Irish Gal

    He was a prisoner of war for five years. He is a true patriot. Even though he is not my first choice, or second, or even third choice, I could live with him over Hill/Bill or B. Hussein.

  4. J. W.

    hey John - why don’t you tell them you’re going to continue
    to leave the back door open while you’re at it? Anyone who
    sides with Ted Kennedy is a turncoat - and I’m not afraid to
    call you one for allowing Mexicans to continue to invade our
    sovereignty. Don’t you remember your oath? both foreign AND
    domestic. That does not include shamesty!

  5. Jeff

    Any minute now, he’ll let us in on the joke……won’t he?

    Conservative my behind.

  6. ticticboom

    True conservative my royal Irish ass…

  7. EDinTampa

    DC he meant “foot-soldier” metaphorically speaking, not literally.

    Either way I don’t believe him in that commercial.

    He is reminding me more of John Kerry everytime I look at him or hear him… I truly am disgusted with him, hoping Romney pulls it out.

  8. Steve in NC


  9. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    That is just insulting . . . He thinks people are stupid.

    Well, I guess, some are.

  10. 0311inOHio

    It will be the first time I did not vote in my 60 plus years, but if this NON conservative is on the republican ballot, even with Jesus as his running mate, I will stay at home or better yet go to the local pub and tip a few. (Not to long ago the bars had to close on election day. Bet you youngsters did not know that)

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    He called for the surge? Bullshit. He had nothing to do with it. What he did was “Shamnisty, Keating 5, gang of 14, McCain-Feingold. True Conservative my ass. He’s a poor liar.

    “For what the media call “maverick,” true conservative Republicans call liberal. The American Conservative Union gives Captain Queeg (McCain) a score of 68 on a scale of 100, placing him solidly in the moderate, decidedly sub-Reagan range. And, true conservatives who worked under “The Gipper” say Captain Queeg is nobody’s Reagan.”

    “Liberals do not call true conservatives “mavericks.” Right wing, yes. Extremist, certainly. But “maverick,” uh-huh. When in doubt, remember this: A conservative to a liberal is like daylight to a vampire”

    Just as an aside, if you liked Teresa-Heins Kerry, you’ll love Cindy McCain. She’s as big a fruit-cake as there is.

  12. Dannyboy

    What to say that hasn’t already been said? McCain is a big dope, and the sad, uninformed GOPers that are planning on voting for him over Romney need to be dissuaded, pronto!

  13. bill

    Im with Ann Coulter, if its him and Hilary then Im voting for Hilary

  14. Judith

    (Nothing personal in this rant, just sick and tired of so called conservative monoply of the Republican Party.) Sad, so sad. Eight years of Jughead selling us to the Muslims or eight more years of puke Bill. All because of the Conservative wing of the Republican party. No room for anyone except you one issue extremists. When exactly was my party hijacked by you chastity belt wearing “our way or the highway” zealots. The libs never fight each other about who is the most liberal and they win. McCain is not my choice but I belong to the party and I will carry water for the nominee. Someone said they resented the party for shoving a liberal down their throats. Well, why didn’t you guys put up some besides ugly lazy Fred or hillbilly Hucklebery? At least we’ll know who to blame when we all go down the tubes. Happy higher taxes!!

  15. Jerbb

    @ Judith

    It’s not just one issue. McCain/Feingold, Gang of 14, against Bush’s tax cuts, amnesty for illegals. Those alone cover Free Speech, judicial nominations, taxes, and illegal immigration. And I’m not including his dissing of Bush on a regular basis, kissing up to the liberal media and “man-made global warming”.

    I am conservative and I do believe McCain will go after terrorists and protect our country. But what kind of country will we have if he continues to be liberal on the social issues that have vilified him to conservatives?

    I can’t speak for all conservatives, but I am not a slave to the GOP. The GOP has in the past promoted a conservative agenda, but people like McCain have undermined that and the GOP has been slowly moving away from the principles of conservatism. This will become more and more strenuous if they keep endorsing and calooding with the Democrats. If they keep throwing liberal Republicans at us, then we’ll go elsewhere. Simple as that.

  16. Jeff

    :arrow: Judith

    Jerbb covered it very well but I will attempt to add to his post.

    First, take a look at this.

    You’ll see that many of us put conservative values ahead of a particular party. I know I did. I don’t care what party I belong to as long as that party reflects my values, at least a majority of them anyway. The Republicans did at one time but that appears to have changed. And if Romney loses so will my affiliation shortly after.

    Illegal immigration is by far my biggest concern because it affects me every day. It has cost me thousands of dollars and I am fed up. I want something done and McCain is not the guy to do it. While illegal immigration is big on my list, the following list is troubling to me which is why I cannot (will not) support McCain whatever party he runs under.

    anti-free speech McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform

    McCain-Kennedy guest-worker/amnesty bill

    opposing tax cuts — including the Bush cuts of 2001 and 2003

    Judges and Gang of 14

    opposed the marriage protection amendment

    closing of the terrorist detainee facility at Guantanamo Bay

    against drilling in ANWR

    lead sponsor of an anti-gun show bill

    co-sponsored “Patients Bill of Rights” with Senators Kennedy and Edwards

    I could go on all day but you get my point. McCain is not what many of us look for in a conservative President.

    I’ll vote for a 4′ tall, green skinned guy with antennas sticking out of his head if he’ll close the freakin border, kick some ass in the mideast and generally act like a conservative politician. His party affiliation means zip to me.

  17. Hugh

    When you hear the speaches Reagan made trumping for Barry Goldwater in the 60s, THAT is the conservatism I signed up for. I don’t know what the hell you call what the GOP is now???

  18. Steven D

    Not quite “The Straight Talk Express”.

    Though McCain is now claiming that he voted against the Bush Tax Cuts because there weren’t enough spending cuts, he actually said in 2001 “I cannot in good conscience support a tax cut in which so many of the benefits go to the most fortunate among us at the expense of middle-class Americans who need tax relief.”

    For someone claiming to be a “foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution”, doesn’t sound like he learned anything about supply-side economics, does it?

    McCain is another typical Washington insider politician interested more in his own power, pushing feel-good solutions that cause more harm than good.

    He did not get my vote in the SC primary and WILL NOT get my vote in the general election.

  19. James F.

    One thing I find funny about this is that some of my liberal friends have been telling me that if Hillary gets the nomination they’ll vote McCain over her. :razz:

  20. POD1

    I’m George Soros and I approved this ad.

  21. Gary in Midwest

    Feingold Kennedy Feingold Kennedy Feingold Kennedy Feingold Kennedy Feingold Kennedy Feingold Kennedy Feingold Kennedy Feingold Kennedy Feingold Kennedy Feingold Kennedy Feingold Kennedy Feingold Kennedy Feingold Kennedy Feingold Kennedy

  22. IP727


  23. gramps

    I’m sorry that John Mcshamnesty was a POW for 5 years, I’m sure it was a very hard time for him. What I don’t understand is what qualifications that gives him to be President. So many of his campaign ads resort to the the same theme I was a POW.

  24. DC

    @ EDinTampa:
    Yea….I know what he meant….it was just another one of his lies, so don’t try to sugar-coat it.

    I can appreciate his prior service, and being a POW, I can’t imagine what kind of horrors he went thru, but his constant BS rhetoric and involvment with the liberals in congress, speaks volumns about his character!

  25. Jon

    Keating 5
    Gang of 14

    Benedict Arnold served in miltary too. Bite me, McCain.

  26. Grumpy

    I dont care about conservative or McCain-Feingold (dont even know what it is). But, if any of you whining little bitches lets a Dem get voted into the WhiteHouse while I am in Iraq next year, I am going to be pissed. I don’t care what your problem is with McCain or Romney or Huck, get off your ass, go down town and vote for one of them. The shit-bag dems are going to get a lot of people killed in Iraq and Afghanistan if they manage to weasel their way onto AirForceOne. DONT LET IT HAPPEN!

  27. Jon

    Quote: I dont care about conservative or McCain-Feingold (dont even know what it is).

    McCain-Feingold is campaign finance “reform” that equals suppression of free speech. McCain-Kennedy is instant amnesty for 20 million illegals. McCain-Lieberman is throwing $1.2 trillion a year at global warming. Gang of 14 was blocking appointments of conservative Supreme Court Justices. Keating 5 was a savings & loan fraud scandal. Now do you understand why we’re so pissed? He ought to have a “D” after his name on the ballot, no difference at all. I’m on the soapbox trying to get everyone with any interest in McCain as a candidate to go for Romney, as I suspect Huck is still in it with a wink & nod to McCain to be a spoiler against Romney and there’s a cabinet position with his name on it if it goes to McCain. Right now there’s only 2% spread on a national level between Romney and McCain, so it’s worth being loud about, everyone.

  28. Kufir Ken

    So all of you “conservatives” out there would rather HAND this country to Hillary or Barak because the Republican nominee isn’t conservative *enough* for you? You would rather offer passive aggressive “punishment” to the rest of us by sitting out the election or voting for the Democratic nominee?

    That attitude is CHILDISH! and I’m certain that the men and women that are overseas right now offering their lives while we debate on this board would be as disgusted with you as I am.

    You don’t have a right to vote, you have an OBLIGATION to vote. ESPECIALLY in this election. As much as I hear people talking about how important it is that we have a strong leader and how important it is that we protect our values, and then to see people saying “I’m taking my ball and going home” because they don’t like certain things about the candidate that the people chose… that is WEAK and you deserve what you end up with. We don’t need a strong leader, we need a population with some spinal integrity.

    If you don’t vote, then you have no right to complain about the condition of our country because you didn’t do ANYTHING to get it that way. If you lose, tough shit, it’s a Democracy… but don’t go whining about how you don’t even WANT to vote. Get out there and vote. If you can’t vote for something then vote against something. But VOTE.

  29. gramps

    To steal a line from elsewhere, some of you so called Conservatives would vote for Putin if he had an R behind his name.

  30. Texas Mom

    Oh, I will vote, but I will not vote for McCain - you guys can lay that guilt on us all you want - but voting for McCain is a vote for the Democrats and if we are left with him . . . I will write in a Conservative.

  31. Jon

    Well said, Texas Mom. I’m right in line behind you.

  32. Dbo

    :arrow: Kufir Ken:

    I am a Marine who served two tours overseas and I am not mad about people not voting. I don’t plan on voting for McCain myself. I feel at this point our current President has created strategies for success in Iraq and Afghanistan that will be so successful by January 2009, no one will politically be able to reverse them.

    You also say, “If you don’t vote, then you have no right to complain about the condition of our country because you didn’t do ANYTHING”/ in my case, I disagree. I served my country, this is why I am not voting for someone who will ruin it. I suppose on election day in November I will vote because of its civic virtue. I plan on writing in my friend Shane. Hes a really smart guy. You all should vote for him too.

  33. gramps

    I was gonna vote for Mickey Mouse if Mcshamnesty gets the nod, but what the hell, I’ll vote for Shane :-)

  34. TO

    Having John McCain as president will be worse than Jimmy Carter.

    He is OLD
    He is an economic ignoramus.
    He is the very definition of egomaniac.

    Benedict Arnold was a war hero too. He changed his stripes. While not a benedict arnold… McCain is ABSOLUTELY, 100% a traitor to anything that resembles conservative. His “war stance” was no different than 85% of any of the Republican delegation. He was NOT unique in his position.

    There is not a hair’s bit of difference between Hillery and him… except he hates capitalists.

    If he gets the nomination this will be the first time in my life I will not vote. Might as well let the Liberals screw up the country and get the blame. I don’t want Republicans get the blame for Liberal McCain screwing up the country.

    Romney is the better candidate.

  35. Kufir Ken

    I hope you guys didn’t mistake my rant for an endorsement of McCain. I’m just saying Vote. I’m not going to vote for him either. I’m a registered Independent and I will vote my conscience (not Democrat) on Tuesday’s primary. It is up to us to vote on Tuesday to keep Captain McCain form sinking the USS US. That means that WE need to get out there and vote for a conservative candidate. If my vote is overwhelmed by others then I will accept that result knowing that I participated and then when the Presidential election happens later this year I’ll try again.

    DBO, I agree with you regarding the President’s strategies and I’m right there with you, and as a fellow veteran of overseas conflict (Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Philippines) I respect your right to abstain. I’m not questioning whether *you* personally have contributed in that regard. However, I very strongly feel that if a person in this country hasn’t served, and they refuse to use that vote, then they are thumbing their noses at the very right that our service has granted them to participate in this Democracy and therefore should not be allowed to enjoy the fruits of such liberty - namely complaining that things aren’t how they like it.

    TX Mom, not trying to make you feel guilty - just hoping that you will VOTE for someone, even if it is a write in. Just because Romney isn’t a Christian doesn’t mean that he’s not a better candidate to run the country - especially from the economic standpoint. If GWB could learn how to be CiC, then so can the other candidates. Expert advisors and proven leaders are already in place at the DOD and we all know that good leaders make decisions based on input from their advisors, they don’t do it all on their own.

    My original point was not Vote for McCain. It was simply vote for *someone* on Tuesday (if you state is voting) to be able to stand up to Hillary or Obama (or God forbid, a joint H/O ticket), even if it is writing in Shane.

  36. Texas Mom

    Kufir Ken

    Thanks for your post. I agree with you. Thanks for clarifying.

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