U.S. Embassy In Belgrade Attacked - With Video

February 21st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Serb demonstrators have broken into the US embassy in Belgrade at the end of a mass protest against Kosovo’s independence.

No-one was injured as the building was closed and evacuated. But it was not under police guard and protestors smashed their way into the building before starting fires and wrecking furniture.

Masked attackers were seen throwing furniture from an office. A blaze broke out inside one of the offices.

The neighbouring Croatian Embassy also was attacked by the same group of protesters. Riot police drove armoured jeeps down the street and fired tear gas to clear the crowd.

US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack urged the Serbian government to protect the US embassy. He said the US ambassador was at his home and was in contact with US officials.

The Serbs are angry over US support for the new nation of Kosovo and earlier 150,000 people had taken part in a protest rally in the city centre.

They jeered and booed every mention of America and the EU as Tomislav Nikolic of the ultra-nationalist Radical Party accused them of being responsible for the “theft” of Kosovo.

The crowd waved Serbian flags and carried signs reading “Stop USA terror.” One group set fire to a red-and-black Albanian flag. Most of Kosovo’s population is ethnic Albanian.

More than a dozen nations have recognised Kosovo’s declaration of independence, which was made on Sunday. They include Britain, the United States, France and Germany.

But the declaration has been rejected by Serbia’s government and the ethnic Serbians who populate northern Kosovo.

Nods to Kurt & LftBhndAgn.

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7 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    there are over 100 thousand of them now and attacking other embassies as well. Clashing with the police, its getting pretty out of control over there

  2. LftBhndAgn

    This is F’d up

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Just a little update on what im seeing.

    Belgrade has sent out either military or police and their vehicles are getting attacked by protesters. looks like the gas they have launched really hasnt done much to disperse the crowds, just made them more angry

  4. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :evil: Thanks Bill Clinton.

  5. Jay

    seeing this is a hard pill to swallow, but this is what happens as a result of a democratic president who bombs Orthodox Christians who were fighting jihadis. again, thanks bill clinton

  6. ticticboom

    Usually, when I see a crowd attacking a US embassy, my reaction is to say, “Let them have a whiff of grapeshot…”

    But in this case, I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same thing. If the meteorite worshippers declared that Dearbornistan an independant nation, and other countries vowed to back them up, I’d pay their embassies a visit myself.

    On the bright side, it looks like the Clintons won’t get back into the White House. Of course, that’s because it’s now likely that someone who might declare the United States the Islamic Republic of America is the defacto nominee.

  7. Lamplighter

    OK, where is our embassy security?

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