Warning Graphic Vid: AQ Iraq Resorting To Desperate Measures

February 14th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


This video is about 30-60 days old, and shows the desperation of Al Qaeda in Iraq. The more desperate they get, the more gruesome their killings for terroristic intimidation of locals. They would do this on the streets of Manhattan if they could, make no mistake.

Nods to The Jawa Report.

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15 Responses

  1. John Cunningham


  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    And people bitch about us wanting to kill these low-life scum. Who of these punk jihadis has not earned a bullet for this?

    And how does this compare with Abu Ghaaib or the resort vacation spot known as Guantanamo Bay?

    All the leftist fucktards that still don’t understand the term Nazism or genocide, should take a good look at this vid.


    A thousand dicks in your religion you punk ass followers of the moon-god.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    that was probably the most hideous thing i have ever seen. fuck AQ and i love seeing them get blown to pieces, it makes me smile!

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

    Rev 21:8

    Hear that apostate liars and murderers who follow the false prophet? Your fate is sealed in the lake of fire. You too will feel the fire one day soon.

    And we WILL find you.

  5. Mark Tanberg

    Completely devoid of humanity.

  6. Mike

    And who was it that thought water boarding bad.
    I still say nuke them.

  7. Ivan the Kafir

    I know how to get the left’s attention and get it good.

    It is well known that the KKK would not only hang blacks but would burn them alive as well. The KKK would then cheerfully watch these blacks burn and write about it in letters and diaries. These AQ fucks are doing the EXACT same thing. If the left can express outrage over the Klan, they can bloody well express outrage over Al-Qaeda!

  8. Reign in Blood

    How did that prick jihadi on the right get that AR-15 with the scope attachment?!?! Hope we claimed that back with extreme prejudice. :mad: :!:

  9. Professor Bill

    That was truly horrifying. Just when I think I see a video that hits bottom one comes along to break the previous low.

    And to think code pink and Berkley and Toledo city council tacitly defend this is truly unbeleivable. They don’t deserve to live in America.

    Liberalism is a mental illness.

  10. deathstar

    When US forces in Afghanistan burned Taliban bodies to stop the spread of disease the was an outcry because to Muslims its a hideous anti Islamic desecration.


  11. JTS

    I think it’s time to bring back napalm! Burn those fucker to death and then Nuke the ashes.

  12. One Shot

    Reign…that is an M4 Carbine with an ACOG sight. Likely lifted from a dead US soldier or possibly from an AI Spec Forces member (dead, captured or turncoat).

  13. TJ (The kafir)

    sick! :evil: :twisted:

  14. Ranger

    Die motherfuckers, die motherfuckers die.

  15. ron

    Not to be cold. But were these guys already dead?

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