Who In The Hell Is Voting For These People?

February 5th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


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By JB Williams on Feb 5, 08

Not long ago, the idea that any of these three candidates could ever be President of the United States would have seemed insane to most Americans. Even now, most American’s are scratching their heads in disbelief and asking all of their friends, “Did you vote for them? ‘ No, did you? - No, how about you? - No… Then who in the hell is voting for these people?”

Hillary isn’t running for President, Mrs. Bill Clinton is. She could not even keep her husband out of trouble down the hall, yet she might be a war-time Commander-in-Chief, standing tall against the world’s most dangerous thugs??? This notion defies even the most liberal imaginations. If she were not Bill’s wife, would anyone in New York or America know or care who Hillary is, or trust her to run a Day Care, much less a country? NO!


Barack Hussein Obama, the young charismatic nobody from Chicago with a completely blank résumé. Who thought a guy named “Hussein” would be a front-runner to become Commander-in-Chief while our nation is at war with the Husseins of the world? And can anyone name anything in his limited life that qualifies him for the most powerful office in the world? NO!


John “Amnesty” McCain, the guy single handedly responsible for the Republican bloodbath in 2006, is eighteen months later, the new king of the conservative movement, whom only weeks earlier, wanted to lynch McCain in public square for trying to ram legalized illegal immigration down the throats of his own party faithful? The John McCain who says we should close Gitmo and move known terrorists to American soil, stop interrogating them in an effort to learn when and where the next 9/11 will happen, and give them access to American criminal courts and OJ’s dream team? Are you kidding me?

You can thank the MSM for all three

The so-called “mainstream media,” the press, is who is responsible for hoisting all three of these less than American candidates upon the unsuspecting people, who are clearly too busy at the mall to pay attention to such minor details.

All three of these candidates are media creations. McCain’s star has been polished by the MSM for decades, as the most famous Vietnam POW in the world, as if he is the only POW to survive the war and due a the debt of gratitude of handing him the Oval Office on a silver platter, no matter how many times he has stabbed Republicans in the back from the Senate since.

Obama is a freshman nobody, with no real world experience which would qualify him to even hold the office of Scout Master.

Continue ( at paragraph 8 )

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27 Responses

  1. EDinTampa

    I agree, who made MSM a super duper delegate in both parties?

    I know that any of these liberals spell disaster for USA.

    Good thing there are a few nuke shelters left, start preserving for the worst and hope for the best.

    Better lock that money down too, Hildabeast & Obamaramadingdong plan on appeasing the enemy of it.

    & John, well, Ustedes tienen que apprender espanol, nuestro lengua nueva.

    And all are doing the “Social Program” kabookee (sp) dance.

  2. Cathy

    Okay, so I’m a conspiracy theorist…

    But I wonder if it’s the Democrats have a strategy to have Democratic voters switch parties to vote for McCain since they know they’ll have a better chance to beat him in the November elections than they do against Romney? I have read (but can’t find the source) that there are many Democrat’s who switched their party to vote for McCain because they didn’t like any of the Democrat’s candidates.

    I do have Republican friends who swear they’d rather vote for either Democratic candidate instead of McCain. WTF?

  3. Joe in MD

    I asked a few people I work with yesterday who they would vote for and was shocked. They are all going to vote for either Osama Obama or the Hildabeast. These are people who I used to regard as sane, rational and thoughtful and in the case of two of them, conservative. They were all stuck on the health care for everyone lie. I couldn’t believe it. When I asked them why they wanted a socialist president, they ALL responded with some form of “what’s wrong with socialism? It helps the little guy.” I am absolutely floored. I thought people could see through the propaganda spewed by the communist MSM, but it looks like they can’t. I’m getting the feeling that conservatives are more in the minority than even they realize. :sad:

  4. trustme1013

    My feelings exactly… First off, a senator hasn’t been president in this country since JFK won — they just don’t have the experience necessary to A, win an election, and B, to manage something as beastly as the US government — senators are micro-managers. Even if I liked McCain, I wouldn’t trust him to handle something like this. That’s why, in recent history, governors have been our presidents. They have a slight inkling of what it takes.

    For once, Obama got it right when he said that being married to someone didn’t make them qualified. Well, neither does being in the Senate for almost no time.

  5. Goodbye Natalie

    Some years ago, I got an email that showed the stages of how a Republic rises and falls. And when you get to the final stages, you’re left with an apathetic nation, an immoral nation. And these are the quality of candidates you receive. And in my voting years now spanning eight Pres. elections including this one, I have never witnessed a sorrier, more unqualified lot.

    There’s too many good Americans to let Her fall anytime soon. But I do think we are quickly getting to the steepest slope of the downhill curve. The trend has been ongoing for the last 50 years. For a time, I thought this new generation would get us back on the upswing but for the most part, they’ve been a real disappointment at discerning right from wrong; good from evil.

    When one person does the work for two and the slacker is allowed the equal privilege of voting, sooner or later the dam cracks.

  6. RememberOurFathers

    I’m voting for McCain and so is my wife, so at least you know where two of his votes are coming from. You can probably count on most NRA members to vote for him as well since he was endorsed by the organization, Stormin’ Norman Schwartzcopz is going to vote for him as well, McCain also has Rudy Giuliani’s vote, as well as Bob Dole’s, as for the other votes, I don’t know, but you guys can make up whatever kind of delusional diatribes you want about where they’re coming from. Rush Limbaugh ain’t nothing but a draft dodging, fat ass, pill poppin’, hypocrite, by the way, just in case there are any Rush fans in here that I can piss off.

  7. Mike

    The dems were very busy in the 4 early Primaries and helped MSM pick McCain.
    We have been had with McCain, what a sad statement. I wish he had switched parties and really still could in the middle of the election.

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    The MSM has definitely influenced voters to pick McCain. They knew they had to choose one Republican candidate to talk about so they chose McCain knowing that Romney could wipe the floor with Hillary or Obama. I think they are scared of him. I dont know who elected the MSM as Director of Propaganda but it has worked efficiently well

  9. RememberOurFathers

    My vote for McCain started back in 2000, but your MSM theory may work well enough if it was directed at idiots.

  10. RememberOurFathers

    It was the same MSM that was saying that McCain’s candidacy was dead in the water a year ago.

  11. RememberOurFathers

    Yea, McCain’s liberal democratic values are what swayed Norman Schwartzcopz, the NRA, Rudy Giuliani, Bob Dole, and most other Republican voters who have cast their ballot for McCain so far this year. Jim Jones called, he wants his koolaid back.

  12. Mr. Standfast

    The sad fact is that we are all descendants of the greatest generation. We are all pathetic by comparison. My one great hope is that those serving in Iraq will continue their public service and a new breed of leaders will arise and set this nation aright. Until then we will suffer another Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton.

  13. Da Kine

    I’m one ex-Marine, NRA Benefactor member who won’t vote for McCain, the liberal. The McCain-Feingold debacle was the final straw. I don’t see a dime’s worth of difference between McCain and Billary.

  14. AConservativeConservative

    I will abstain from voting if McCain gets the nomination.
    Most of the people I talk to in Arizona voting for McCain, are middle of the road Republicans.
    And most of them are voting for McCain because of one thing they like about him. All the other things dont even matter.

  15. Zeke Eagle

    “Remember Our Fathers”, I remember the war McCain rests his reputation on very well. I saw heroism nearly every day. Those young men are not running for President, some of their names are on the Wall.
    McCain will never get a vote from me.
    Do you know where the story of his “Heroism” came from?
    Did you ever see any proof that McStain was in solitary when he was absent from the other prisoners in the Hanoi Hilton?
    Maybe he was in a hotel with 2 hookers.
    So far as I know the Senator is a made up phenom by the MSM and you can’t prove otherwise.
    Pissed? Good! Vote for HO Fu*kin’ Chow Mein. McCain will lose to the Dhimicrats and suckers like you will be at fault.

  16. Zeke Eagle


  17. Zeke Eagle

    WTF? Over.

  18. Zeke Eagle

    Merely drawing attention to aberations in this posting mechanism.

  19. Mart (just another infidel)

    Zeke Eagle, thanks for saying that, it needed to be said. And by the way RememberOurFathers, McCain only gets a C rating from the NRA that is really not that great… average… just like John McCain.

  20. John

    This is whos voting for them-

  21. RememberOurFathers

    Well fuck, guess you got me zeke and da kine. I’m a Marine too by the way, OIF vet, and NRA member myself. And if by suckers like me you mean Norman Schartzcopz, Rudy Giuliani, Bob Dole, the NRA who endorsed John McCain, LtCol. Orson Swindle who served with McCain prior to being shot down, and of course Medal of Honor recipient and McCain supporter, Col. Bud Day, the guy who could attest to McCain’s suffering in the Hanoi Hilton since he was there with him. If you are including me with these suckers, well I guess I’m actually honored you think so highly of me. As far as McCain being in a hotel with 2 hookers instead of solitary confinement, well I don’t know, after being shot out of the sky and suffering two broken arms, a broken leg, and being bayoneted a couple times, I guess its possible.

  22. Mike

    ya these

  23. Da Kine

    Actually, McCain’s behavior in Vietnam is irrelevant to the issue at hand. His behavior as a senator is very much relevant, and is the only variable that I use to evaluate his competence to be President. So, I say again, I don’t see a dime’s worth of difference between McCain and Billary.

  24. Lamplighter

    This is one of the few differences between McCain and Billary, should they be the nominees, that matters: if you default and let Billary win, she will appoint the next 2-3 flaming liberal justices of the Supreme Court, which will determine the direction of this nation for the next 40 years or so. If McCain wins, he is pro-life, and he has never advocating appointing flaming liberals to the court. So, he’d probably appoint those who would at least seem to be conservative. This will affect the direction of America for the next 40 years almost more than anything. If you don’t believe that, all you have to do is look at the Supreme Court cases from the 60’s and 70’s and then later, when some of the flaming liberals were gone, to see the effect.

  25. KBoomr113

    Just another junk article. RememberOurFathers, your my boy. I’m getting drilled with every post I write sticking up for an American that has spent his entire life serving his country and defending America, willing to sacrifice life and limb. Just another OIF vet here whose voting for McCain. I can’t wait till Ohio votes because i’m voting for him on March 4th and November 4th.

  26. ticticboom

    Aaaargh! Romney got my vote, but I live in NYC, so my vote hardly ever matters.

    Imagine a woman who never held a private sector job got elected to Congress, then the Senate, and every bill with her name on it pisses on the Constitution and damn near every conservative value. She doesn’t give a shit about the Bill of Rights. She rants and raves against people who actually think the First Amendment was a good idea. She screams racism whenever she doesn’t get her way. She votes against tax cuts, claiming they benefit “The Rich”. She says “profit” like it’s a four-letter word. She believes in government price controls.

    Sounds like Hillary? Reverse the gender and it’s McShamnesty.

    John Fucking Kerry was in ‘Nam. Why didn’t he get elected? Because he’s a liberal piece of shit.

    McCain is a better bullshitter than Kerry. He can act like a conservative when it suits him, but that’s like Right Hand Girl acting like Obama Girl. I’m sure she could pull it off, but that doesn’t mean she holds everything the Left worships in contempt.

    I respect military service. But it doesn’t mean someone should get a free pass everytime they fuck up. Get out of a speeding ticket, sure. Throw open the gates to the enemy, not a fucking chance.

    McCain, like our “intellectual superiors” here and in Europe, have a vision for the future. We don’t have a place there. They have lost confidence in the people. Seems we’re just not willing to sacrifice ourselves on the altar of collectivism, so they’ve decided to import a new electorate that will hand them the Nanny State that their twisted little hearts desire. In Europe, it’s muslims. Here, it’s mexicans.

    I’ll definitely vote for McCain over Obama. Against Hillary, I’m torn. It’ll be easier to block anything she tries to cram down our throats, and her positions aren’t much different than McCain’s. When the leadership of both parties team up against the American people, it takes not much short of rebellion to set them straight. Look at Shamnesty. Now, imagine McCain in the White House during that.

    Like McCain, Hillary has shown she’ll cheerfully throw her most enthusiastic supporters under the bus. I think she’ll toss Code Pink and all their kind out the window into traffic the minute she’s elected.

    Hillary is an utterly ruthless sociopath who’ll do whatever it takes to win. As long as she directs that against the muj, I can live with her in the Oval Office. I don’t trust her, but I’m sure she doesn’t believe that shit about giving terrorists civil rights.

    McCain thinks the terrorists are just like him, and deserve the treatment he didn’t get.

    Hillary knows the terrorists are just like her, and need to be killed before they kill her.

    In November, if it’s Hillary versus McCain, I don’t know what I’ll do. I very rarely feel doubt. And I don’t like it.

  27. Theresa, MSgt (ret), USAF

    I won’t vote for mcvain for one simply reason: his stand on the illegal invasion. His war record doesn’t have shit to do with anything anymore and the more he throws his “POW” card out, the less it means. In my experience most WARRIORS who survived the Vietnam War, including my uncle, may he rest in peace, DID NOT TALK ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCE. mcvain doesn’t let a day go by without bringing it up. His vanity and arrogance are sickening. As for “Stormin Normans” endorsement, big fucking deal. He is a private citizen just like me so does that make my non-endorsement just as important? mcvain is saying anything and everything to get the ultimate political prize. IF, and it’s a mighty big IF, he manages to pull it off, he will change his position to accommodate his socialist buddies in the dipshit party regardless of how the “base” feels. If this is the end of the republican party, I say good riddance.

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