Who Will Win Dem Nod? Why? Who Can GOP Beat?

February 11th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


If you were to ask people a year ago who the Democratic nominee would be, overwhelmingly you would hear the name Hillary…

Hell, even six months ago.

Now, it’s anybody’s guess as to who will get the Dem nod.

So tell us/discuss:

Who do you think will be the Democratic Nominee? Why? And most importantly, of the two, which one do we want to face in November, and why?

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18 Responses

  1. T Double Dash

    Hillary as long as Bill doesn’t saying anything else stupid and because of the experience issue with Obama. Hopefully neither becomes president.

  2. Texas Mom

    Obama is going to win it all, unfortunately. His flash appeals to the stupid American voters. We are doomed.

  3. Kilemal

    Hillary will have BHO assassinated. :twisted:
    He’s too much like a Bobby Kennedy.
    The democratic party can’t afford for him to win. He exposes their weakness. “The cold light of Truth.”
    If he doesn’t win, race riots.
    After he’s dead Hillary can then pick up his torch like Jessie Jackson did with MLK.
    Who can beat them?
    I’d like to stand in line to BEAT then both. With a n Axe Handle.

  4. Texas Mom

    Yes, if Hillary has Hussein killed, of course, it will be blamed on racist white conservatives . . . I can see how that all works out for her . . . It could be that the Hispanic chick wouldn’t go along with the plan so Maggie, who convered up the Vince Foster affair, is again at the helm . . . yes, it all is making sense now.

  5. A. S. Wise- VA

    If the GOP plays its cards right, they can win any election; remember how Bush was supposed to lose 2004? Obama may get the nomination, but that will just open him up to more scrutiny (this will happen to McCain too, of course). Something about BHO is lying below the surface, mark my words. I believe at the end of the day, most American voters will choose experience that McCain brings, over the “fresh face” of Obama, NOT due to racism, but due to comfort.

    Of course, if–that’s a big ‘IF’–the youth vote actually comes out this year, Obama just might be POTUS # 44.

  6. deathstar

    [[Obama is going to win it all, unfortunately. His flash appeals to the stupid American voters.]]

    Texas Mom, this is why all conservatives MUST get the fuck out and vote, even for McCain, otherwise they will be helping the liberals slide a knife into the back of our military. IMO, all of our disagreements with McCain MUST STOP at the border of the US.

  7. Erik Marsh

    Neither of them can be beat.

    — Hillary via the victim card
    — Barry via the newcomer/change candidate

    Meanwhile we are set to send a member of the Keating 5 up against them.

    Sad situation we find ourselves in.

  8. BILL

    Do you people listen to Rush??? So, I am not the only one saying the truth here!

    Go ahead and support a Liberal Republican against a Liberal Demorat! You all will get what you want in the end I guess…

    Bottom line I would rather a Liberal Dem trash the country than a Liberal Republican. Voting for the lessor of two evils in this case is still conservatives committing suicide at the poles. Kinda like rats being lead off the cliff. If the ship is going to sink let the captain be a Demorat!

  9. KBoomr113

    From here on out, I consider anyone who gives support to the idea of being a “Suicide Conservative” as AGAINST American victory in Iraq. Clinton and BHO will both try to pull troops out if Iraq as soon as they can, regardless of what is happening on the ground. They will both ignore the cataclysmic backlash that will occur against our country. Suicide Conservatives are aligning themselves with the Anti-War movement not through their words, but through their actions. A person’s actions are what I base my opinion of you on, and if you betray me and the rest of the military in our time of need when we need your support, it is a slap in the face. I’ve been taught my entire life that action is what defines a person. Sometimes people have to do things they don’t want to do to achieve great things. This could very well be one of those times.

    I’m tired of this shit from supposedly patriotic americans that won’t take a stand for victory….ones that would give the forces of socialism 4 years to destroy America just because they feel like they’re not getting their way in the primaries. Luckily for some of you, you have until November to see the error of your ways.

    I’m going to bed, i have a mission in 5 hours.

  10. deathstar

    [[If the ship is going to sink let the captain be a Demorat!]]

    Bet the troops in Iraq would like to say a big thank you to Bill. I would to, THANK YOU BILL.

  11. deathstar

    Oh yeah, and all the liberals want to thank you also Bill because they are going to control the White House just in time for a big personnel change in the supreme court listen up you can hear them shout:

    “Thanks bill, now we can load the court with pro-abortion, anti-gun, pro-international law over US law judges. Things will be sweet for us for decades.”

    Oh well, at least that Vietnam hero, pro-gun BASTARD McCain will not get elected and thats what really matters right. He such a cunt I might even be a suicide voter and elect anti-gun, pro-abortion, anti-military, pro-terrorist, pro-drivers licence for illegals Hillary or Hussein. That will really benefit my country.

  12. deathstar

    FUCK, my blood is FUCKING BOILING.

  13. One Shot

    Obama will get the nod and sadly, he will be the next president. I will reluctantly pull the lever for McCain, but do not believe that he can win and I think we are going to get royally arse-phooked for 4 years anyway.

    Now, if McCain were to take on Condy Rice or Sarah Palin, we stand a solid chance of beating Obama. I don’t think that McCain is smart enough to do it however. His Veep would garner too much attention and I’m not sure his ego could handle it.

  14. deathstar

    [[I will reluctantly pull the lever for McCain]]

    Me to, and buy ammo.

  15. Tom in CO

    Honestly, I think the GOP can easily beat Ron Paul!

  16. Texas Mom

    McCain can not win . . .

  17. Brian H

    It’ll be Edwards for the Dems, right up the “middle”! snort - choke :lol: :shock: :razz:

  18. BILL

    DEATHSTAR your a joke! No one is going to pull the troops out of Iraq!! That is one thing that will destroy any president right now. I care for the troops as much as you jerk!!

    Go ahead be stupid and vote for Liberal McCain!! The troops will be done in for sure when they don’t have a country to come home too that is worth a crap.

    Read it and weep McCain supporters if you are brave enough!

    Read Ann’s article!! She is saying exactly what I have been saying to you so called conservatives with no convictions or morals!!

    Vote McCain and we are done as conservatives in the Republican Party. Then what for our troops??!! We won’t have any power or say so on how they are treated!

    Deathstar - I want to thank you for being a dumb ass!

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