Who Wins? Hussein Throws 3 A.M. Ad Back At Hillary - Dueling Videos

February 29th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


The Swamp:

With one of the quickest retorts in modern paid-media memory, Sen. Barack Obama has turned Sen. Hillary Clinton’s “3 a.m. call” ad back on her with a “3 a.m. call” ad of his own.

The irony of this, perhaps, is that Clinton has criticized Obama for borrowing the words of his campaign ally, Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts, on the stump. Obama has not only borrowed, but also taken possession of the attack-ad that Clinton launched at him today.

The ad opens with the same words and images that the Clinton ad used in asking voters to think about a 3 a.m. crisis call at the White House and asking who they’d want to answer that call — the answer, in Clinton’s ad, someone “tested” like Clinton. Obama has another answer:

” It’s 3 am and your children are safe and asleep,” the narrator of Obama’s ad states, with a commercial picturing the White House at night. “But there’s a phone ringing in the White house. Something’s happening in the world.

“When that call gets answered, shouldn’t the president be the one, the only one, who had judgment and courage to oppose the Iraq war from the start, who understood the real threat to America was al qQaeda in Afghanistan, not Iraq…who led the effort to secure loose nuclear weapons around the globe.

“In a dangerous world, it’s judgment that matters,” says the narrator, closing a black-and-white ad that pictures Obama at, where else, the White House.

Hillary’s Ad:

Hussein’s Ad:

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6 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    BLAAAH! B.H.O would be a terrible President. Both of those ads are crap. should have been shown at 3am

  2. EDinTampa

    Neither Dhimmi’s can be trusted!

    Didn’t even click the play button, don’t care to see either again.

  3. demetrius

    McCain wins, because he’s the only one of the three qualified to take that phone call. Thanks for reminding us, guys.

  4. POD1

    Who wins?

    The communist one world government overlords and
    the global jihadi terrorist movement.

    Vote for hope.
    Vote for change.
    Vote for a democrat.

  5. Trevor

    Um, did anybody else notice that Obama blatantly took the footage from Clinton’s ad for his own?

    But no, he doesn’t plagiarize… :roll:

    But yeah, McCain is a lot more qualified to be taking htat call.

  6. Robert Phillips

    Yo Bash put a comment up on the tale of two women video. Still waiting for your feedback!

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