Wikipedia’s Got A Pair! Mohammed Pics Stay

February 4th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


They may not be the most accurate source of information on a given subject, but Wikipedia has stood up to a petition fiiled with over 82,000 signatures demanding that they remove drawings and pictures of Mohammed on his Wikipedia entry.

Wikipedia said “Bite me…we ain’t removing the pictures, and if anyone tries, we’re putting them back up!” They even went further and said if there is any more discussion about pictures of Mohammed here at the “Talk:Mohammed” page, we will fucking remove the discussion, end of story.

Ok, maybe they didn’t throw out an F-bomb, that’s a Louie thing…But…

Oh, hell yeah! Wikipedia!

I found the whole thing over at Little Green Footballs, check it out.

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7 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Well…good…anything that pisses of the muj works for me. Gee, and how many of those 82,000 signees were muj? And how many times did the same person sign? Fuck you haj. Freedom rules…

  2. WarBicycle

    That illustration was painted by Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī in the 15th century.

    He was born in Khwarazm (formerly north-eastern part of the Persian Samanid dynasty) presently in Khiva, Uzbekistan. He studied mathematics and astronomy under Abu Nasr Mansur.

    He was a colleague of the fellow Persian Muslim philosopher and physician Abū Alī ibn Sīnā (Avicenna), the historian, philosopher and ethicist Ibn Miskawayh, in a university and science center established by prince Abu al-Abbas Ma’mun Khawarazmshah. He also travelled to South Asia with Mahmud of Ghazni (whose son and successor Masud was, however, his major patron), and accompanied him on his campaigns in India (in 1030), learning Indian languages, and studying the religion and philosophy of its people. There, he also wrote his Ta’rikh al-Hind (”Chronicles of India”). Biruni wrote his books in Arabic and his native language Persian, though he knew no less than four other languages: Greek, Sanskrit, Syriac, and possibly Berber.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    The muj don’t even know their own history. And of those that do, they’re only objection seems to be that a non-Muslim is responsible for the presentation. Yeah, that’s grounds for a riot all right. :roll:

  4. 31Mike

    82000 تأخذ صورا محمد وعصا لهم حتى 82000 حاجي المؤخرات

  5. dave

    War, like the history lesson, very cool.

  6. devdok

    Hmmm, internet cables got cut where? :cool:

  7. franchie


    yes, in Persia, in Turkey, the holy “pictures”, the representation of the humans, animals, nature were/are not forbidden as they were and still are in the arabian conquested countries ;

    they had also a beautiful erotic poetry, and kind of cult of love in the art of “amour courtois” that we had in the Middle-ages and Renaissance.

    Well, bravo to the wikipedia team

    even if it’s n’t a “reference” :lol:

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