Your Vote Counts: Bash’s Babe of the Day

February 27th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Okay Dollard readers…Pat had this really hot pic of Jessica Alba up the other day and I think she’s pretty hot, but then again my wife works out to the Carmen Electra DVD and wants to make sure I don’t know where she keeps it…heh heh.

So…pick Bash’s Babe of the Day…I deliberately went Sepia-Tone because I like it, and because it is trademark Bashage.


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27 Responses

  1. dan (sd)

    Jessica A…………….hands down. :twisted:

  2. kurt(the infidel)

    Carmen! more curves :shock:

    Jessica Alba is hot but Carmen is from my area.

  3. jgee

    Carmen should be disqualified for the brutal beatings Rodman put down on that @*#$&… damaged goods!!

    I’m not being racist… the guy’s a dirtbag/clown

  4. kurt(the infidel)

    check this out

  5. BradW (the Infidel)

    Jessica Alba!!! :beer: :beer: I swear her twin rides the train after work with me almost every night…

  6. Jimmyb


  7. Armand

    All Alba - all the time

  8. Tom in CO


  9. just posting

    Out of these 2 Jessica Alba, but i’d say carmen electra from 10 years ago

  10. hegelbot

    love carmens full figure, but i got to go with alba for overall hotness.


  11. Maynard

    Carmen-I don’t know if I can get a gun holster off with
    one hand.

  12. skh.pcola

    Jessica Alba, with a large confidence interval.

  13. A. S. Wise- VA

    Jessica Alba; she’s been my major celeb crush since I was in the 8th Grade! Also have that “Sin City” poster of her in my apartment. :wink:
    We need more of these posts, and less of the vomit-inducing Code Pinkers.

  14. Monkey3531

    CARMEN, gotta love the ladies with some experience

  15. David Marcoe

    Carmen Electra without makeup. That’s natural beauty for you.

  16. ticticboom

    Jessica. Have you seen Carmen lately?

  17. Richard Quinn


    You’ve STACKED the deck against Alba with that link. WOW!

    I’ll still take Jessica, though

  18. dan (sd)

    richard quinn: type in alba on that same site, then make your decision………

  19. Zeke Eagle

    Jessica! She is delicious looking?

  20. JonnyMordant

    Jessica… But she’s packin’ heat :gun: , so that’s kinda cheating!

  21. Steve in NC

    Jessica Alba, as a bonus she said she can do some serious damage to chicken wings…I was about 5 feet from her once when she was on Jimmy Kimmel, (but then security caught me :shock: )

    >>> Bash, we got more explosions and cleavage with the new site! any balloons for the kids?

  22. jam

    Jessica, for chrissakes!

  23. POD1

    Can’t I just vote for Julie Banderas again?

    The no make-up pic put her way over the top for me.
    Nice pussy.

    :arrow: David Marcoe :beer:

  24. Top Ward


  25. Right_is_Right

    Alba is beautiful but Carmen has more curves…I wouldn’t mind getting stuck with 2nd place! :beer:

  26. TBinSTL

    Alba, no question.

  27. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Jessica, Jessica, Jessica. Carmen is to, well you know.

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