60’s TV babes: Who’s Hotter, Jeannie or Ginger?

March 11th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


These two women used to drive me nuts when I was a kid…

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26 Responses

  1. dave


  2. POD1

    I’ll take Jeannie over just about any one.

    Always wanted a threesome with Jeannie and Morticia Addams.

  3. dave

    Oh! Morticia!

  4. Marc Stockwell-Moniz


  5. JonnyMordant

    Jeannie and her evil twin sister!

    Of course I’d be willing to trade them in for Ginger and Mary Anne, I might even make a deal for just Mary Anne if you throw in a six pack of Henry’s Ale!

    O.K. I vote Jeannie on this poll! (No pun intended)

  6. Zeke Eagle

    Barbara Eden, AKA Jeannie! Oh my my. I turned 18 in 1964. I still love that woman. D’ja ever see her Playboy spread?
    Classy, smart, teasing, great laugh, wonderful!

  7. POD1



  8. Arthuraria

    uhmm….the one on the left?

  9. CJW


  10. LftBhndAgn

    Im not voting. Just saying I find it funny Jeannie even had to escape Haji. Jeannie was born in Baghdad, Iraq, April 1, 64 B.C. :mrgreen:

  11. Lee__


  12. rightangle

    Jeannie. Nice pic of Ginger though.

  13. drillanwr

    :arrow: LftBhndAgn

    Oooooo! Good catch!!! :wink: :beer: :gun:

  14. One Shot


  15. Tom in CO


  16. ken holton

    Jeannie for sure. As a kid, I thought she was what all arab women must look like. Wasn’t I in for a rude shock.

  17. Kevin M

    Choice A: A whiny broad who spends her entire day complaining that she’s stranded on an island and can’t wait to get back to Cary Grant.

    Choice B: A smokin’ hot blonde who walks around your apartment smiling all day in silky PJs, does whatever you tell her and addresses you as “Master.”

    And you have to fuckin’ ask which I would prefer?!

    What’s the next babe competition? Ann-Margret vs. Andy Griffith? :shock:

  18. EDinTampa

    Jeanie :mrgreen:

    The last comment pushed me her way.

  19. TerryTate


  20. RJ

    Kev definitely nailed it

  21. steve m

    I’m w/Kevin

    Any babe dressed like that all day, calling you “master” and just wanting to make you happy. :shock: .. no contest. Ginger = high maintenance

  22. J.

    I like the letter J.

    So… by default, Jeannie.

    Smoki’n.. Hott!

  23. Jewells

    Can a girl participate in this poll or is it men only??? I vote for Jeannie. If I was inclined “that way”, I would so do her.

  24. CBL

    Ginger was the girlfriend but Mary Ann was the one to take home to meet the parents.

  25. Mark

    Ginger … hands down, so to speak

  26. mongo

    OOhhhhh master! yea

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