Adm Fallon Gone: Was He A Problem?

March 11th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I don’t know, guys, the things I have been hearing are that Fallon was pressuring for premature withdrawl from Iraq, which was fucking with Petraeus’ plans, and he was standing between Bush & Cheney’s thoughts of war with Iran.

Not that war is something to be desired, it is not. But Iran is the one rattling its sabre. Iran is the one threatening people with nuclear annihilation. Iran is the one pursuing nuclear weapons against the will of the international community. And at the rate they are going, they aren’t too many years away.

And if the next administration is a liberal dhimmi one, we’re fucked if we don’t act upon Iran before 2009.

And if Fallon was holding that up…

I don’t know, I’m just speculating, what do you people think about all of this? This is the head of CENTCOM, guys, the man in charge of ops in the sandbox.

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11 Responses

  1. chay

    So much of our CIA and State Department have been stacked over the years with Liberal douche bags by previous Democratic Administrations, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did the same to our Pentagon as well. I don’t know if Fallon is a Clinton schill or not, but it would explain things. Look at Wesley Clark, a complete and utter Clinton Yes-man. And there’s been other “military men” who always get picked to appear on 60 minutes to spout their anti-war, anti-administration b.s. All Clinton’s military appointees got the job because they believed that war was never a viable option. They’re basically “Village People” just wearing a costume, not a uniform.

  2. IP727

    This guy was trying to play CIC. That was above his
    pay grade. He will probably become another darling of the
    lefty MSM, appearing on all the bash bush programs.Damn swab jockey’s are all the same. Another Wesley Clark
    lap dog of the left in the making.

  3. deathstar

    Reminds me of Ricardo Sanchez, the General who couldnt cut it running things in Iraq and blamed Bush for his fuck up.

  4. Lee__

    Lincoln had to fire a lot of generals until he found Grant…

  5. Quarnel

    Why is Juan still on this panel. I swear Brit always has to clean up Wiliams’ misinformation.

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Dear Adm Fallon:

    Your job as an officer in the military is to follow the orders and the policy decisions of the civilian authority.

    You don’t make policy decisions idiot you support and follow them.

    Your biggest mistake is that you opened your big mouth and stuck your opinion in it outside of the perview of your position as commander of CENTCOM.

    You of all people should have surmised or learned in the War College, that opinions are like assholes and everyone has one. Only, you should have learned that you only render an opinion when asked. You don’t do interviews while rejecting the CIC’s stated policies.

    You shot yourself in the foot asshole.

    So, enjoy your retirement. Good riddence.


    Dan (The Infidel)

  7. Steve in NC

    IP727 is dead on. I bet he comes out as a Wesley Clark redux.

  8. Boo Boo

    He was out of line making policy statements in conflict with Bush Admin. He knew better–plus what’s an admiral doing in charge of a ground war?

  9. Dave M.

    Debka has just put up on their site that he
    is suspected of having a hand in that dodgy NIE
    that let Iran off the hook and free to pursue
    nuclear weapons in safety.
    LA Times (Max Boot) also reminds us that he gave
    an interview to AL-JAZEERA in which he decried
    “the relentless drumbeat of a buildup to war”.
    WTF? None of our military should go on AL-JAZEERA.

  10. Dave M.

    I forgot to add, Senator Kerry wants an investigation.
    Ha Ha Ha.

  11. RememberOurFathers

    :arrow: Lee__ : Very true. Lincoln played nearly every card in the deck until he got to Grant. Generals who get promoted during peace time rarely deserve it, so when your country goes to war you got to throw these guys in the fire to see who doesnt get burned up. Petraeus is one of those men who made it out on the otherside, tempered and sharp. Good Greek name by the way Mr. Petraeus. Sounds like an Olympian Hero.

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