Breaking Audio: Hussein On Philly Talk Show - “Grandma Typical White Person”

March 20th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I think this guy truly lacks judgement. To put it mildly…

This just in from Breitbart and Newsbusters:

Click here to listen to the audio.

It seems the more Barack Obama tries to explain the peculiar statement he made Tuesday concerning his white grandmother’s “fear of black men who passed by her on the street,” the more he’s assuring attention regarding the matter.

Though it remains to be seen how much focus a media clearly looking to move beyond this subject will give, Obama called into a Philadelphia sports radio station on Thursday making comments that, if publicized, might get him in even more trouble with white voters.

As transcribed by Breitbart moments ago:

“The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. But she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know. . .there’s a reaction in her that doesn’t go away and it comes out in the wrong way.”

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17 Responses

  1. Unbreakable

    What exactly is a “typical white person”? Could someone explain that to me?

    Someone REALLY needs to call Obama out on this one and get him to clarify that statement.

    It’s remarks like that which show he has been indoctrinated by that racist thug preacher of his and has no place in the political arena of this country much less as president.

  2. bustoff

    Barry, when you find yourself in a hole, STOP SHOVELING! Does this gasbag think he can talk his way out of anything he wants? I hope he talks his way right out of this election.

  3. TO

    Wow….. What are the typical Black people like Mr. BHO?

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    No this just shows me that he is so engrained with racism that he cant stop himself. seriously think about this, its not like hes ‘pretending’ to be racist. that wouldnt be politically expediant. This guy can not be president of the USA, hes only running a campaign to become the nominee and is already dividing this country in a negative way

  5. 0311inOHio

    :gun: :twisted: This dip shit will or I should say has set back so called race relations to the middle of the last century. Which, by the way is GOOD NEWS for the like of the Rev’s Al, Jesse, and Louie and of course Jerome. It is getting easier and easier for me to use the “N” word..

  6. John Cunningham

    Constant condescending attitude.

  7. Tommy

    Can’t wait to order my “Typical white person” t-shirt

  8. drillanwr

    And Hillary smiles …

  9. LftBhndAgn

    What do you mean???

    It just goes hand & hand with this…

  10. Mike Mose

    I heard this right. Typical means my grandmother and your grandmother.
    Not only is he a liar, this guys CLASSLESS and doesn’t know it.
    This is the Democrats top candidate. The Democratic party is in shambles.

  11. Birdddog

    :???: What a fucking idiot

  12. Reagan T.

    Obama is probably whiter than I am. Born of a white, raised by whites and has the life of a typical white person. He just went to that church to make himself look black.

  13. Cridhe Saorsa

    typical Chicago black racism is the way I see it. Until urban blacks can deal with their own hatred of “white people” and admit their own racist sins, the next step to a true color blind society cannot occur. Obama can’t be President because he can’t represent all people.

  14. denghis (ibm al himar)

    What kind of asshole says this kind of shit about his grandmother?
    The leader of the free world?

  15. drillanwr

    :arrow: Eric

    Define “hate” …


    Most of YOU posting comments are soooo FULL OF HATE, listen to you…, YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN THE PEOPLE YOU CRITICIZE AS BEING RACIST AND FULL OF HATE..and it doesn’t matter that you are not running for President, you are a reflection of your country and your country is you…This is a great country but it is not perfect because we the people are not perfect..but We can have the audacity of hope for change…you may hear the message if you stop hating the messenger…listen for once and stop the hater-a-tion….Understand That You Are No Better.


    To 0311OHIO….so you really think the gun on the head is Cooool????…..It’s people like you which will cause the demise of America….Understand this…You Are No Better..You have a platform here on the Blog and you choose to express hate and’re no better than Farakkan or Wright..YOU ARE NO BETTER.

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