Barak Orders School Shooter’s House Destroyed

March 12th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Fan Shrine For School Shooter”

Public Security Minister Avi Dichter is pressing police to demolish the east Jerusalem home of Ala Abu Dhaim, the terrorist who shot dead eight students at the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva last week, a senior aide to the minister said Wednesday.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak approved Dichter’s request, Channel 2 reported on Wednesday night.

Addressing the Knesset plenum, Dichter said, “I very much hope that in the end, the legal establishment will allow us to carry out [the demolition], but without it, nothing can be done.”

The aide told The Jerusalem Post by phone that Dichter had instructed the police to obtain a demolition order from the High Court, though he could not say when the order would be granted.

“The home could be demolished today, tomorrow or further down the line if the High Court delays the process,” the aide said, adding that “police will secure the site while the home is being destroyed.”

The source stressed that such a move was “aimed at deterring future potential terrorists from carrying out [such an] act.”

Dichter had given the order for the house to be destroyed at the beginning of the week, but “confusion over this matter” led the Public Security Ministry to publicize the directive to the press, the aide claimed.

“Demolitions don’t usually fall under Dichter’s mandate,” he said; nevertheless, the public security minister “is pressing police to go ahead with it.”

Despite this, Dichter continued to repel calls for the mourning tent pitched by the terrorist’s family to be torn down, saying there was nothing illegal about the display of public mourning.

“I don’t suppose the MKs want to live according to Jordanian law,” Dichter said, responding to Jordan’s refusal last week to allow Dhaim’s family in Jordan to erect a similar tent in Amman.

Responding to news of the order, neighbors of the terrorist’s family in Jebl Mukaber vowed to surround the home and prevent demolition crews from moving in.

“We won’t let anyone ruin the house. Not only the family, but the entire village will surround the house,” one neighbor promised.

“It is outrageous to punish the family for the actions of their son,” the man said. “Of course the family feared [that this was a] possibility, but why should the entire family suffer because of something they didn’t know about and had no part in? No one in this village will allow this to happen - we will protect the house with our bodies.”

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5 Responses

  1. PhilNBlanx

    ““We won’t let anyone ruin the house. Not only the family, but the entire village will surround the house,” one neighbor promised.”

    Nice target circle.

  2. Trevor

    Their son had to know that their house would be demolished when he went on his killing spree.

    Seeing how the Palestinians *hate* the bulldozers-I think the Israelis are hitting them where it hurts.

  3. TJ (The kafir)

    this is one time where i say you shouldnt punish a family who are israeli citizens for the crime of their son, unless you can prove that they supported what he did. Does the tent they erected confirm that they support what he did? then they have a case, but otherwise they are going to create a family that will renounce its citizenship, and stain the good name of israeli democracy. :cry:

  4. John Cunningham

    I’d have thought the house would already have been destroyed. Oh, wait, I forgot, the paper work.

  5. skh.pcola

    hehehe…”Dichter.” As in “Dicked ‘er.” Yeah, juvenile, but damn, that one is so obvious. :sad:

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