Bashage Award! Store Owner Plants Two In Robber

March 19th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Handing out a Bashage Award today…hey! This is in Pat’s neck of the desert…

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12 Responses

  1. J.

    And he did’nt even mess up his hair!

    I’m going there to buy some products this weekend.
    Got to support our local businesses :wink:

  2. One Shot

    Two to the chest and he lived?

    Things to do:

    1) Use a larger caliber.

    2) Use Speer Gold Dots.

    3) Take a third, well-aimed shot between the lip and the hairline (this guy should have a pretty good idea of where that is).

  3. DC

    Probably shot the guy with a .32….. :roll:

    I’ve heard of that cal bouncing off leather jackets and leaving nothing worse than a bruise.

  4. IP727

    The venerable 1911 45 would have settled that then and there.

  5. GregGS

    HE forgot the :gun: :gun: to the head.

  6. steve m

    dumb-ass robber is a lucky bastard to be alive.

  7. Kurt(the infidel)

    Who was the robber? 50 cent? lol

  8. Lone Wolf

    Another failure of the 9 mm to stop the perp dead in his tracks. This cartidge is too fast and tends to cauterize the wounds as well as go through walls. I have heard stories of crackheads being shot a dozen times or more with 9 mm and still being operational (at least in the short term). This isn’t a game of tag - use as much gun as you can carry and handle accurately, and practice with it. .45 ACP is good. Two shots center of mass then a cap to the head is SOP - practice that way. If you need to shoot someone you need to make it count.


    The robber had 9mm. They never specified what the store owner had. I will tell you that if he hit the guy twice in the chest with 9mm from close range the guy would not get up and run to the parking lot.

  10. Lone Wolf

    :arrow: USMC
    Oops - yup, you’re right. I guess I need to wash my ears out. :oops:

  11. Dave


  12. fmder

    Would be outstanding had he used a 45, but still awsome!! :beer:

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