Berkeley: Code Pinkos Break Into Marine Recruiting Center

March 25th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Pictured: Move America Forward’s Melanie Morgan squares off with Code Pink Queen Bitch Susan Media Benjamin in Berkeley recently.

Breaking and entering…isn’t the Marine Recruiting Center considered Federal property?

Wouldn’t this be a Federal Case? If so…

On Monday police arrested four Code Pink protesters during a rally to mark the 4,000th U.S. troop death in Iraq. Dressed in clothing that appeared to have blood on it, the protesters went into the Marine center, sat down and refused to leave, police said.

They tried to open the blinds inside and were arrested on a charge of trespassing on private property after being warned by a police officer, police Lt. Andrew Greenwood said.

“We’ve had enough of this senseless trail of blood and suffering,” CodePink founder Medea Benjamin said in a statement. “We’ll mark this grim milestone by shutting down the recruiting station that symbolizes more death and destruction.”

Those arrested were Benjamin, 55, of San Francisco; Suzanne Joi, 57, of Berkeley; Pamela Bennett, 45, of San Francisco; and Mari T. Blome, 52, of El Cerrito. All were in custody and not available for comment late Monday.

(Mercury News)

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20 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: Breaking and entering…isn’t the Marine Recruiting Center considered Federal property?

    Yes it is….

  2. J.

    Take their asses over to West pico and drop em’ off..

    Suddenly the world’s a different place… :lol:

  3. Clutch250f

    Why didn’t the Marines shoot on sight? Come on don’t they have a night watch? I personally would have loved to have seen a pinko commi get shot.

  4. PhilNBlanx

    Bring in the bio-hazzard unit to clear out the smell of utter desperation emitted by Code Stink.

  5. fmder

    Shouldn’ that be a federal offense were they lose the right to vote?

  6. Molly

    Damned pinkos! Where’s Joe McCarthy when you need him? :twisted:

  7. trustme1013

    God, it is time to take care of these crazy liberals. Like the recruiting center has anything to do with the ACTUAL WoT. They are a cog in a gear, not the machine themeselves.

    The Marine who hoses down the sidewalk each morning erasing their childish chalk drawings and art should have turned the hose on them. This is going too far. I’m all about peaceful protest, but you don’t see any Eagles breaking into UC Berkley. That would be their equivalent. Man, if I were there, I’d go and take a crap right in their front yard — that’s what I think of them.

  8. Infdel

    Susie, aka Medea, was told point blank to get outta this country recently. She says no one will have her.

    This dumbass and her minions don’t have an answer for what would happen to the people our Troops are protecting if we withdrew(surrendered) tomorrow.

  9. Molly

    Wasn’t Medea a witch from Western Mythology? If so it’s a fitting name for that pinko hag.

  10. Tom in CO

    How fucktarded are these liberal douches getting? Well it’s just more proof the left does not support our troops!

  11. bret rud

    she actually RENAMED herself Medea…her original name is like elizabeth or mary or something similarly overly-american

  12. Blue Star Chronicles

    Berkeley: Code Pinkos Break Into Marine Recruiting Center…

    Breaking and entering … isn’t the Marine Recruiting Center considered Federal property? Wouldn’t this be a Federal Case?
    read more | digg story
    Photo from Pat Dollard: Move America Forward’s Melanie Morgan squares off with Code Pink’s S…

  13. BoomBoom

    4000 American Patriots gave their lifes not only to protect this country but also to give 38 Million Iraq citizens a new chance at a life of freedom. Question, how many innocent lives (being the unborn) have these Code Pink sows taken or supported taken via abortion? Just remember, GOD being the author of justice is keeping score and will hold the guilty accountable on JDay.

  14. BoomBoom

    4000 US Heroes gave their lives to not only protect the USA but also to give the Iraqi citizens a chance at a new life of freedom. Question, how many innocent lives do you think these “Code Pink” Sows have slaughtered or supported slaughtered at their pagan alter called abortion? GOD the author of justice is keeping score and will hold the guilty accountable on JDay!

  15. a Golden BB

    I’m thinking they need to station a couple of Provost Marshals there, and a few PM cadets or SPs.
    That way they can practice their submission holds.

    It appears from my reading that the Station was open and these dirt bags walked refusing to leave.
    Should’ve checked to see if they had any cash on them also.
    If not get ‘em for vagrancy too :lol:

  16. Kermit

    Nuke the city. It is no longer worth saving.

  17. lwssdd

    I know this is news but why don’t we ever hear about the people who are supporting the recruiting station. I get tired of the communist pukes getting the ink and the average American who supports this war is largely ignored by the DBM. Especially if we out number their so called activists.

  18. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Time to go to jail Pinko. Fess up, which one of you bitches did this?

  19. Arcane

    Medea Benjamin may well be a witch, but she’s such a hardcore Communist that even Cuba kicked her out. No kidding…

  20. Rumsfeld armed Saddam

    At least the protesters have the courage of their convictions.

    We have an administration that skipped out on the Vietnam War en masse and a President who couldn’t be bothered to complete his National Guard duty.

    Whan are all the post-happy pussies going join the armed services, fund the war completely, and give up your social security (since you hate government spending so much)? Bunch of phonies!

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