Bhutto Attacks Spencer & Jihad Watch From Beyond The Grave

March 19th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Last Moments…

I was just over at Jihad Watch and had my mind blown, probably not half as much as the sites founder Robert Spencer’s mind was blown, to see an article about Benazir Bhutto attacking Spencer and Jihad Watch in her last book “Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy, and the West” which was published posthumously.

In her book she writes:

Robert Spencer is the author of the well-known Web site Jihad Watch. He uses the Internet to spread misinformation and hatred of Islam, while claiming he is merely putting forward the truth. But as in much extremist advocacy, he presents a skewed, one-sided, and inflammatory story that only helps sow the seeds of civilizational conflict. For example, he takes apparently violent verses of the Quran out of context and then does not provide any peaceful verses as a balance.

Unlike many of the more mainstream authors presented, Spencer does not understand the true Muslim faith or differentiate between moderate Muslims and violent Islamists, and so lumps them all in one boat…

Spencer was befuddled because what she attributed to his writing didn’t quite sound, to him, like something he had written. He said it wasn’t in his style. Here is the quote:

Islam is a totalitarian ideology that aims to control the religious, social and political life of mankind in all its aspects, the life of its followers without qualification, and the life of those who follow the so-called tolerated religions to a degree that prevents their activities from getting in the way of Islam in any way. And I mean Islam: I do not accept some spurious distinction between Islam and “Islamic Fundamentalism” or “Islamic terrorism.” The terrorists who planted the bombs in Madrid, and those responsible for the death of more than 2,000 people on September 11, 2001 in New York and the Ayatollahs of Iran were and are all acting canonically; their actions reflect the teachings of Islam, whether found in the Koran, in the acts and sayings of the Prophet, or Islamic law based on them.

Baffled, Spencer writes:

That long quote from me sounded funny to me — it just didn’t sound to me like the way I write. But Bhutto’s endnote said it was from page 11 of The Myth of Islamic Tolerance, an essay collection by many different authors that I edited, and so when I was laboriously typing all this out I went into the Word document of the material I wrote for that book, hoping I could just paste the paragraph in here. But…it wasn’t there! It turns out that that quote is from the book’s Foreword, “The Genesis of a Myth” by Ibn Warraq. Page 13, not 11.

So while excoriating me for allegedly quoting the Qur’an out of context, Benazir Bhutto attributed to me words written by someone else. And that someone is, like Bhutto, a Pakistani who was raised a Muslim. Ibn Warraq has spent years doing research on the historical Muhammad and the origins of the Qur’an — and yet apparently he somehow now misunderstands the Islamic faith.

Click here to go to Jihad Watch and read the rest.

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12 Responses

  1. Jarhead68

    Why am I not surprised when stuff like this happens?

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah this isnt a shock. But it is kind of a shame for Robert Spencer, he will never have the chance to correct her misinformation towards him.

  3. Goose

    Spencer must be a high profile target now. Iv never considered him to be biased beyond reason, but what he is doing wont change any muslim extremist minds, any critic of Islam, whether right or wrong, is an ‘kaffir’ to them.

    Isnt he Jewish aswell? That wouldnt help much.

  4. Kevin M

    Spencer is a devoted Christian.

    This kind of crap doesn’t surprise me, either. It is typical of Muslims to fling uninvestigated garbage at people. Just look at the Mo cartoon outrage. It was started (1) by a Muslim cleric who (2) completely fabricated evidence to incite outrage at (3) people who never made any effort at all to insult anyone.

    Muslims can’t live without violence and hatred. Without those two binding elements, their horseshit religion goes poof in a puff of smoke.

  5. Erik Marsh

    This isn’t surprising at all. Bhutto was Pakistan’s Obama. What western news heads chose to ignore though was that she protected and supported the Taliban during her first term in office (before she got indicted and expelled from the country). And if I remember correctly, her father did the same sort of thing, playing both sides against the middle, and that’s what ultimately brought him down too.

    Same shit different day. It’d be nice if we’d actually get foreign affairs people that actually dealt in the reality of these other countries instead of their pie in the sky ideological wishes that’s based solely on their perception of intellectual superiority.

  6. CBL

    Muslims…..guilty by association

  7. Wolfpack46

    Why has Mr. Spencer failed to provide his readers with an accurate account of Islamic truths and believes?
    And I can only lay this failure at his feet, but I most concede that interviewing some idiot that has separated himself into a few thousand pieces over a large area is a bit difficult. :???:

  8. allahlovesporkchops


    The unending, overblown, violent actions of muzzies worldwide, are a testament to what RS writes. One only need look at the daily news to see that what he writes IS THE TRUTH.

  9. ArleighB

    Wolfpack46: Buy and read some of Spencer’s books,they are meticulously researched. He uses the same sources the Muslim’s use in their teachings.

  10. Lone Wolf

    :arrow: Wolfpack:

    Robert Spencer is shining a light on the cockroaches and they scramble all over themselves to deny the truth. Just look at the content of bin Laden’s or Zawahiri’s messages to other Muslims or what the Palestinians say at their rallies when they are preaching to the choir: it is all heavily couched in expansionist and supremicist quotes from the Qur’an and hadiths. They aren’t quoting the peaceful passages because they know those have been abrogated. But they will quote the abrogated peaceful passages to the infidels to lull them to sleep. Robert Spencer not only points this out, but also provides context in terms of their own authorities. You can tell he’s right because they come back with ad hominem attacks instead of actually showing where he’s wrong. He is a very brave man and we owe him a debt of gratitude for trying to wake us all up. May God protect him.

  11. steve m

    And isn’t it accepted practice for the faithful muzzie to lie to the Christian and Jew?.

    Lonewolf got it right, cockroaches.

  12. Brian H

    Islam’s message: Submission.

    Islam’s offer to infidels:
    Submit (People of the Book, only)

    Pick one.

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