Brattleboro Votes On Bush/Cheney Impeachment Today

March 4th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


We’ve been following this story if you recall…today they decide.

BRATTLEBORO, Vt. - Voters in this southern Vermont town were deciding Tuesday whether to approve a measure calling for the indictment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney on charges of violating the Constitution.

The symbolic article seeks to have police arrest Bush and Cheney if they ever visit Brattleboro or to extradite them for prosecution elsewhere—if they’re not impeached first.

“Our town attorney has no legal authority to draw up any papers to allow our police officers to do so,” said Town Clerk Annette Cappy, “but the gentleman who initiated the petition got the signatures (and) wanted it on the ballot to make a statement.”

A steady stream of voters paraded into the Brattleboro Union High School gym to cast their ballots on a day when school board elections and Vermont’s presidential primary were also on the slate.

Organizers of the indictment campaign were frustrated that the printed ballot ended up relegating the Bush-Cheney indictment article to the back side, which they said would cause some people to miss it.

The 8-by-14-inch yellow cardboard ballot listed the offices and candidates in the local election on one side, and at the bottom in block letters “Turn Ballot Over and Continue Voting.”

“Turn Over Ballot and Indict Bush,” read a 3-by-4-foot handmade picket sign carried by Kurt Daims, 54, who organized the petition drive and stood outside the school Tuesday.

Voters interviewed after casting ballots said they saw the article as an opportunity to express their frustration over the war in Iraq and Bush’s tenure in general.

“I realize it’s an extreme thing to do, and really silly in a way,” said Robert George, 74, a retired photographer. “But I’m really angry about us getting involved in the war in Iraq and him (Bush) disrespecting the will of the people.”

Ian Kelley, 41, a radio DJ, said he didn’t vote on the article.

“It’s not a good reflection on the town,” he said. “Do I like either of them and would I vote for them? No. But I don’t think it’s cause to arrest them.”

Barbara Southworth, a 66-year-old nurse, said she would have voted against it.

“I forgot to vote because it was on the flip side,” she said.

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3 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    That picture, looks like the first-three days of a couple of detoxes I’ve done.

  2. Steve in NC

    perfect pic Bash…

    They are bunch of damned loonies that should be locked up, drugged and lobotomized

  3. drillanwr

    :arrow: Ian Kelley, 41, a radio DJ, said he didn’t vote on the article.

    “It’s not a good reflection on the town,” he said. “Do I like either of them and would I vote for them? No. But I don’t think it’s cause to arrest them.”

    :!: ME: Who was then summarily stoned to death on the street …

    :arrow: Barbara Southworth, a 66-year-old nurse, said she would have voted against it.

    “I forgot to vote because it was on the flip side,” she said.

    :!: ME: Disenfranchised voter, here! Somebody call Jesse and Al!!!

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