Updated New Video: Hussein Goes To Court To Have Polls Favoring Him Opened Late
He’s asking that they be held open late in a few areas tracking very well for him in Cuyahoga County. He’s laying it off to rain, and a couple other reasons, varying from place to place. More explained on this in the next vid update or updates.
The upper video is the update from Fox news about all the controversy.
Yeah, man … They’re just now waking up and sobering up in Cuyahoga County (D).
March 4th, 2008 at 5:45 pmI’ll tell you what. It’s that big bad ol’ Dubya weather machine. W doesn’t want Obama to win, so he’s using the machine to flood Cuyahoga.
March 4th, 2008 at 6:23 pmTom in CO
Well, you’re talking about an area where their river, the
March 4th, 2008 at 6:34 pmCuyahoga River, actually caught fire in 1969 …
Tom in CO
I have to ask, but have you noticed the link between weather and the Republican agenda as well? I only ask because it has been a long running joke in my family, that the RNC has a weather control device. In fact in my family we even go so far as to suggest that if global warming really does become a threat the RNC will use it’s technology to save the world.
As evidence I posit the following events:
1. The 2001 inauguration of President Bush. Cold, nasty, grey with precipitation, until the President-elect prepares to be sworn in; then the skies clear, the rain stops, the temperatures rise, and the wind calms. Coincidence you say? I think not.
2. The funeral for Ronaldus Magnus back in 2004. Everywhere the coffin went it was grey, raining and overcast. Until it reached its final rest in California, then the sky was clear, the weather warm, and the sunset split the uprights on the casket.
3. Oh course this is out of order chronologically; but September 11, 2001. Anyone else notice, (at least here in the east), how clear it was on that day? Do you suppose that is further evidence of Republican/Neo-con complicity in the attacks?
4. Now rain on Election Day in Ohio? We never have rain here in March, and it’s putting all the Republichristians in a dark mood. Yeah that would explain the crossing over and voting Dipshitocratic.
Ok, so I am being extremely sarcastic. If your bullshit detectors didn’t go off I am sorry. Although regarding points one and two I did notice an odd correlation.
March 4th, 2008 at 8:27 pmhoplitesamurai
points one and two
Somebody “up there” likes “us” … but it’s a tough love most times …
During the 2004 campaign Pres. Bush came to the local Reserve Air Force base here. We got tickets and I took my (then) high school daughter (who IS a Bush fanatic). She was right against the railing where he was wlaking down and shaking hands after his, and others, speaches … He stopped, told her she looked like a young Ann Coulter and shook her hand … She snapped a quick picture of him as he moved to the next person … When we got the prints back the sun was behind him, but just peeping above his head. He looked like one of those Catholic Saint pictures with the celestial halo behind him … NOT the typical gold ring over top of the head … but the off center star-burst from behind. Was cool.
As to 9-11 … Yep, was a beautiful pre-fall day … warm and very sunny.
And today’s Ohio rains … Well, if it had been snow we’d be digging out for the next 2-3 days …
March 4th, 2008 at 9:42 pmi had cancer until i shook hands with Reagan back in his ‘84 campaign… since then, besides being instantly cured, my aging has regressed. i look 25 years younger, i can lift a car over my head, i can stop a bullet with my teeth, AND can fly around fighting crime…
and obama thinks he’s a prophet… where’s your 3 miracles bitch?
March 4th, 2008 at 10:14 pm