Breaking Vid: LiveLeak Pulls “Fitna” Because Of Death Threats To Staff

March 28th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


You can now watch Louie’s copy of “Fitna” here.

Watch the video below, LiveLeak’s explanation. It may take a short time to load, as millions and millions of people are looking at it.

Louie has a copy of this film and so we will be reposting it here shortly. I just have to slosh around in the mud to find it.

Nods to John Goodrow.

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39 Responses

  1. Leatherneck

    God is looking for a Few Good Men.

    There are none working at LiveLeak.

    I hope the cowards at LiveLeak hang their heads in shame for the rest of their lonely miserable lives.

    Never mind the welfare of your precious little employees. How about the welfare of the human race in it’s entirety?

  2. DC

    Don’t these stupid muslims know that the louder they complain, the wider the propagation of this will be. Hell, it’s already all over the internet……..what are they gonna do now, threaten all of us with death? :roll:

  3. martymar

    Price became too high? This kind of thinking is getting us into trouble. Arm up and bring it on haji. :gun:

  4. Birdddog

    The price was too high huh? :roll:

  5. John Goodrow

    Everytime pussies like those at liveleak give in to this shit, they make the muslims stronger in their fight against freedom.

    Fuck! This appeasement to terrorism is pissing me off!

    Oh yeah, Fuck Liveleak.

  6. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    Good job Liveleak pussies. I may not use that site again.

    Evil men cannot exist without appeasers, its a simple fact. Live leak crew can now add themselves to the list of appeasers. good job dickheads! :evil:

  7. Steve in NC

    Good job Bash! :beer:

    :gun: fuck em and feed em fish heads

  8. Typical White Texas Mom

    Bash - Can you post the movie and leave it at the top for a while so we can direct people to this site?

    I am sharing with as many as I can about the “religion of peace - my ass” . . .

    Thanks to you and Louie!

  9. Lone Wolf

    And after all of their brave words saying that they disagreed with the video (personally I don’t see how there is much to disagree with - its all in the jihadis own words) but in the spirit of freedom of speech they would host it. Actions tell the truth. Every time the dhimmis cave it just emboldens the jihadis and makes the ultimate conflict more certain, bloodier, and more uncertain in its final outcome. Thanks, LiveLeak.

  10. 96Rin LA

    Found it here:

    Don’t know how long Google will have it up, though.

  11. Goodbye Natalie

    This is good news. As far as I’m concerned, in the long run this is a bad move for Islam as it exposes their real agenda - to suppress and dominate.

    This may open more eyes than the movie itself.

  12. 50 Cal

    :arrow: Since Liveleak removed “Fitna” they should now remove all of the propaganda videos posted by the Jihadists that show things that are offensive to civilized people.

  13. ukatheist

    sorry to disturb your anti liveleak rant but Mr Hayden who is the administrator[owner] of liveleak has had to move his familly away due to the seriousness of this threats you lot dismiss out of hand,judging by the size of Mr Hayden that has not been an easy choice for him[i would not like to bump into him in a dark alley] Liveleak was the first to broadcast fitna with all that implies and yet you lot call them pussies,it is not about appeasement its more like the safety of staff and staff members famillies,if everbody who runs liveleak is done away with what then,think before you rant it saves haveing a case of foot in mouth desease,and i did notice that the vid shown on pat dollard is the one from liveleak and not the other way round,who’s meowing now.

  14. Caligula

    if we send live leaks death threats if they DON’T put it back up, would that level the playing feild and negate the haji bullshit?

  15. J.

    I KNEW this was going to happen…We were talking about this in LL chat yesterday.
    I don’t know wether dollard users know or not:
    but Liveleak got hacked yesterday, and whomever did, they obviously dug deep and hard. If anyone threatened me, called me, emailed me, fired upon me, or my family.. it would be on..

    Obviously LL’s got the MEMO - COWER TO TERRORIST ISLAM!

    I can’t imagine what my forefathers would be saying today..
    We disgrace and dishonor them with our actions, unable, unwilling, lacking the intestinal self-fortitude.. the constitution to see these dark times through..

    I need a fucking Rabies shot right now.. I’m so assed up!!!

  16. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    while the videos posted by Jihadis blowing up American soldiers are allowed to stay.

    I could see this as valid if they knew where the staff was and were in immediate danger. too bad they cant just arm themselves and keep it up. But i guess Americans not sending death threats is the reason why all of the other videos are allowed to stay. shitty double standard. but i guess we all have to do what we have to do sometimes.

  17. Lone Wolf

    :arrow: ukathiest

    Who dismissed the threats? I can *totally* believe they are serious - just look at the part in Fitna about Theo van Gogh. Mr. Hayden should have done his gut check and decided if he was really committed to freedom of speech before he put the video up. Any idiot could have foreseen what the consequences were likely to be. My ancestors in this country stepped up to the plate and gave their lives to defend our freedoms. If you lot keep wimping out you are only encouraging the Muslims to keep making demands because there is no cost to them. Too bad you have abdicated all responsibility for your personal safety to an incompetent nanny state. Maybe now you will begin to understand the wisdom of our second amendment. :gun:

  18. ArleighB

    As everyone here knows,MOST of those threats are not serious. However, after Theo Van Gogh,Ayaan Hirsi Ali,Geert Wilders,etc.etc. What would you really do if you and your family was threatened personally ? With the knowledge that they have your home address and personal schedules,your children’s names and where they go to school ? Much of this stuff is available to hackers…

  19. Leatherneck

    ukathiest says [i would not like to bump into him in a dark alley]…

    Imagine if there was a few British Royal Marines that talked JUST like you during a certain skirmish with the Iranians.

    Oh wait a minute….that actually did happen.

    Heres some more wisdom from ukathiest: who’s meowing now?

    The British.

  20. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    How about this? If any muj kills anyone from Live Leak, I kill his entire family. Parents, wife/wives kids, grandparents siblings, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, shit, their entire fucking family tree. Along with his imam and the entire congregation at his mosque. Everyone who’d remember them, regardless of age, gender, or condition.

    Deterence works, if you know where to push. Even someone eager to die isn’t so eager to doom everyone he knows. And the few that don’t care will be put down like rabid dogs by their own family.

  21. ssgduke54

    When a few good people that do not stand up against Evil then that Evil has won. Then the freedoms you once have will be destroyed….

  22. Lone Wolf

    from LiveLeak:

    “Following threats to our staff of a very serious nature, and some ill informed reports from certain corners of the British media that could directly lead to the harm of some of our staff, has been left with no other choice but to remove Fitna from our servers.
    This is a sad day for freedom of speech on the net but we have to place the safety and well being of our staff above all else. We would like to thank the thousands of people, from all backgrounds and religions, who gave us their support. They realised is a vehicle for many opinions and not just for the support of one.
    Perhaps there is still hope that this situation may produce a discussion that could benefit and educate all of us as to how we can accept one anothers culture.
    We stood for what we believe in, the ability to be heard, but in the end the price was too high.”

    I submit that they don’t understand what the true price of their choice will be - yet. Of all people in this world, you would think the British would understand that appeasement of evil and walking away from what is right just digs your hole even deeper. Go watch Braveheart, folks.

  23. Steve in NC

    ticticboom speaks the truth. Bring it bitches, we founded this nation on belief of freedom for mankind, not to submit to kings, tyrants or religious zealots. We will kill you all you if you bring this stateside. You want brutality, you have no idea. Dresden and Hiroshima. We will slaughter you to end it. You got some shots offs until 9/11. How many dead now?

  24. Paslode

    I need to make a bumper sticker of ‘Islam is the Evil of our time’.

    I hate to say it, but I am beginning to think maybe in regards to Muslims, Milosovic saw something the rest of the world turned a blind eye toward and didn’t understand. Or at very least the Balkans were a glimpse of things to come.

  25. deathstar

    Wow, Liveleak’s bluff has been called. They pretend they are so badass, “we show you all the shit that the other media are to scared to show”. Turns out they are just a bunch of fucking pansies. Next time they host a vid showing US troops getting killed I will send them death threats till they take it down.

  26. Kevin M

    I’m glad I downloaded it as soon as it was posted. This film, like the Satanic Verses, is going to go viral for no other reason than that the porch monkeys insist on it being the topic of the day.

    Are the FBI and the cops shadowing the LiveLeak employees LIKE THEY FUCKING WELL SHOULD BE?!

    This is one of the reasons I’m glad there’s bloggers: the national media will probably not broadcast the attacks by muslims in the states, but the counterattacks by second amendment addicts will be front and center.

    :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: and a :beer: for dessert.

  27. ukatheist

    for Leatheneck,,have you seen hayden and by the way those were NOT marine those were navy rankings your getting mistaken with mariners/marines if those were marines involved with that[they stole my ipod] incident we would be currently at a state of war with Iran which if your president did not get his Q’s and R’s mixed up we would be anyway

  28. ukatheist

    for lone wolf how about leatherneck calling those who run liveleak cowards when it was that site that showed it first[nearly 2.000.000 views]or john goodrow calling them pussies when the lives of your family are at stake due to religious fanatics of the islamic persuasion.

  29. CAPT-DAX

    youtube has it. but i don’t know for how long ..

    Fuckin Moozies!!

  30. Mark in WA

    Where are the police/feds/etc. on these threats? While I find the removal of the video completely bereft of any courage, where are the law enforcement types and what are they doing about the threats? It isn’t rocket science. Find these ***holes and make them miserable.

    Let there be a price for their perpetual outrage. :mad: :gun:

  31. fmder

    “We stood for what we believe in, the ability to be heard, but in the end the price was too high.”

    I think that says it all right there, apperently freedom is not worth defending anymore, according to the British anyway… :gun:

  32. Lone Wolf

    :arrow: ukathiest

    I applaud LiveLeak for showing Fitna first, however pulling it after a few threats puts the lie to their claim of bravery. Based on what happened to Robert Redeker* in France and Theo van Gogh in the Netherlands, Mr. Hayden should have understood what he was going to be up against. Once he committed he needed to see it through, because to cave after a few threats has truly endangered both him and us all the more. Do you think the lives of his family are not still at stake due to the religious fanatics of the islamic persuasion? He has now attempted to trade liberty for mercy - and will have neither.


  33. ukatheist

    its more than just death threats there was something about sections of the british media,and sustained hacking attacks i’ll try and find out a bit more.

  34. ukatheist

    oops my bad 3.600.000 views on liveleak somewhere round there anyway

  35. One Shot

    I smell bullshit.

    This self-promoting, guitar-playing, rockstar wannabe is likely playing the “broken wing” card here. Most, if not ALL of his staff, are virtually protected by their anonymity.

    Who the fuck is this bullshit artist trying to kid??


  36. Dan (The Infidel)

    Just keep on playing the vid and passing it around. This is the kind of thing that the entire west needs to see. Gert Wilders has done a terrific job. Hell, even a Dhimi can understand this vid.

    BZ Gert Wilders.

  37. Leatherneck

    “have you seen hayden”

    No. But you seem to be obsessed with him and meeting him in dark places (like the alley). Kinda creepy if you ask me. Lets get off that subject shall we?

    “by the way those were NOT marine those were navy rankings”

    Tell that to Google. Do a search “Royal Marines captured by Iran”. I didn’t screw up the info.

    “how about leatherneck calling those who run liveleak cowards when it was that site that showed it first”

    And they were the first to cower & remove the video.

    “when the lives of your family are at stake due to religious fanatics of the islamic persuasion.”

    Their lives are already at stake.

    “if those were marines involved with that[they stole my ipod] incident we would be currently at a state of war with Iran”

    We are already at war with Iran. Actually, Iran is at war with the entire world in one capacity or another because everybody is an infidel.


    Big, small, with family or without family, Navy or Marines, video or no video….they wanna see your pretty little head on a platter along with mine & anybody else who won’t follow their dogma. They are a bunch of fascist bully-boys and they need to be put in their proper place (preferably six feet under).

    You are an Englishman. Hayden is an Englishman. I am also an Anglo-Saxon. We. Do. Not. Surrender. In any capacity.

    I simply take NO pleasure whatsoever in calling somebody a coward. But if the shoe fits, maybe the words will spark some kind of resistance against our enemies.

  38. Arthuraria

    They have already threatened all our lives with their declaration of jihad against the west. Why would anyone cave in after that? Those who falter under further intimidation are merely failing to see repercussions of placation.

  39. Crafty Hunter

    Let’s be fair. The Islamovermin are thugs who murder small children with bombs. I don’t consider a man a coward for being careful with the lives of the members of his family, who can’t defend themselves against mail bombs and other terrorist attacks. This sneaky bully stuff is why they are called terrorists with which to begin. Yeah, it sucks big time, but the basic job was done, getting the video out so that torrents and other methods can keep the video around for anyone who wants to see it. Lots of Americans and other people simply don’t respond well to threats, and will keep it alive forever.

    In the end, if the Wahabbists and other jerkoffs absolutely refuse to live on the same planet with people they like to scream are “infidels”, there’s always this:

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