Clinton Camp: Hussein Acting Like Ken Starr

March 6th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Cannibalism…the Dems will be ripping each other to shreds and eating each other’s babies before this is all over…

Ben Smith over at has an interesting article today:

Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson, taking the campaign a bit meta on a conference call today, attacked Obama for attacking Clinton, and compared him to a notorious Clinton foe.

“When Senator Obama was confronted with questions over whether he was ready to be Commander-in-Chief and steward of the economy, he chose not to address those questions, but to attack Senator Clinton,” Wolfson said. “I for one do not believe that imitating Ken Starr is the way to win a Democratic primary election for president.”

Wolfson was attacking Obama’s explicit strategy, in the wake of his March 4 losses, to attack elements of Clinton’s record on the grounds of secrecy, and to revisit the questions raised by Clinton foes in the 1990s and earlier. Obama has demanded Clinton’s tax returns, cited delays in releasing her White House schedules, and even made reference to trades in cattle futures in the late 1970s that became a subject of allegations during the White House years.

Wolfson also responded to the substance of Obama’s complaint, that Clinton hasn’t released her recent tax returns, and to the reminder today that Clinton (via Wolfson) attacked her 2000 Senate rival, Rick Lazio, for failing to release his tax returns.

“Over 20 years of the Clintons’ tax returns are part of the public record,” he said, referring to their White House years and also to her more recent Senate disclosure forms. “Everyone knows we have made clear that all of the post-White House tax returns will be put out by the campaign on or about tax time – April 15,” he said, though he didn’t explain why they wouldn’t be out sooner.”

“As somebody who led the effort to ensure that Mr. Lazio provided his tax returns, certainly at that point he had not provided 20 years of his tax returns to the people of New York,” he said.

He also promised the tax returns would be out before the April 22 Pennsylvania primary.

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One Response

  1. Boo Boo

    Wolfson is an idiot. Ken Starr is smarter and has more integrity in his pinkie than he will ever have.

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