Clinton Hints At Liberal Wet Dream Ticket

March 5th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


NEW YORK― Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton hinted at the possibility of a Democratic “dream ticket” with Sen. Barack Obama.

Speaking on “The Early Show” on CBS, Clinton said “that may be where this is headed, but of course we have to decide who is on the top of the ticket.”

Clinton said the race between her and Obama remains “incredibly close,” with just “smidgens of difference” between them in both the popular vote and number of delegates.

Clinton’s remarks came after her campaign won two big states yesterday: Ohio and Texas. She also won Rhode Island. The wins enabled her campaign to break Obama’s 12-state winning streak and pick up some momentum of its own.

Speaking later on “The Early Show,” Obama congratulated Clinton on her victories while maintaining he would be able to wrap up the Democratic nomination.

“We still have close to an insurmountable lead in delegates,” Obama said. Obama said his campaign had won nearly twice as many states as Clinton as well as a greater share of the popular vote.


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10 Responses

  1. NickD

    “The Ring has only one master, Saruman - and (s)he does not share power.”

    - paraphrased from Gandalf

    yes, I am a geek.

  2. Reign in Blood

    “My precious. Ooh. My precious. We wants it, my precious.” Hillary Rodham Clinton :mrgreen:

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    You 2 geeks! just kidding. i like those movies too :lol:

    If these two had a ticket together it would be pretty much impossible to beat them. whats with the huge Democratic turnout in the primaries compared to the Republican side? damn that has been crazy. we might already be in trouble

  4. Tom in CO

    Never gonna happen.

  5. POD1

    Did Rush just give us our worst nightmare? :shock:

  6. LftBhndAgn


    Did Rush just give us our worst nightmare?


    This isn’t Rushes fault. IF and its a BIG if it happens it has probably been discussed long before ….

    BUT Hillery would NEVER take a #2 position. Think about what kind of person she is. She is a VERY vindictive bitch. I feel she would sabotage Obamas campaign before November and make it imposable for him to take a VP or be nominated for President forcing the Democrats to choose her over him.

  7. LftBhndAgn

    :arrow: Kurt(the infidel)

    You 2 geeks! just kidding. i like those movies too

    If these two had a ticket together it would be pretty much impossible to beat them. whats with the huge Democratic turnout in the primaries compared to the Republican side? damn that has been crazy. we might already be in trouble


    Its just a primary. Turnout means nothing. Many republicans who are unsure who to vote for, leave the decision up to the masses. Its been that way throughout history. The only turnouts that are important are in November.

  8. LftBhndAgn

    :mrgreen: HAHAHAHAHA

    As the Scandal Turns: Clinton, Obama, Rezko and Whitewater


    Headline, (AP)
    “Hillary says Obama can be her houseboy”

  10. skh.pcola

    Never ever happen, because the Dhimmis who vote for Hussein only do so because they loathe Clinton. The folks who vote for Hillarity do so because they will not vote for Obama. Combine both of them on one ticket and you have misogynists and racists both repulsed. Liberals can wax philosophical about diversity and acceptance, but most of the ones that I’ve talked to are intolerant assicles who either won’t vote for a woman or won’t vote for a minority.

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