Clinton Projected Winner In Ohio

March 4th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Fox News has just projected Hillary Clinton the winner in Ohio.

Wow, high in the middle and round on both ends for the Bitch!

This is going to get messy…which is good. And she did it with a huge lead, at 200,000 at the moment.

One note, the guy who introduced her alluded to Florida and Michigan, and then Hillary mentioned “winning” Florida and Michigan, which, when one reads between the lines, means that her campaign will be making a stink about those two states…

8:36 P.M.

Note from Pat: The line has always been “As Ohio goes, so goes the Nation.” No one in modern history has been elected to the Presidency without winning the Ohio primary.

And tonight, hat’s off to Hillary for another rub it in Hussein’s face, bitch move. She introduced a new slogan, and had her audience yelling “Yes, we will!” a rip-off of Hussein’s “Yes, we can!”, with the subtext being, “I’ve taken over your spot, fucknuts, and two can play your empty sloganeering game. Plus the word “will” is an absolutist word, far more decisive than “can”.

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6 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Watching Hill doing a lot of Ohio ass-kissing right now in Columbus on TV.

    She’s wearing a red she-devil suit. Fitting.

  2. dave

    Once a gunt, always a gunt.

  3. JonnyMordant

    Did I ever mention that:

    There’s a certain satisfaction one can get from Hiring a Dominatrix………. and at the point when she thinks she’s in total control………. Punching her in the mouth and saying “O.K., listen up Bitch…. Lick your own boots…. cause this is how shit really is”!

    It’s like that turn about is fair play scene in “Pulp Fiction”, where Zed becomes dead! The question is… Can Obama really be trusted when the Republicans releases him? Of course he can, because he doesn’t want the whole truth coming out about him, now does he?

    Mean while, Hillary hasn’t even figured out that she has become the Fat lip of the DNC…. If they vote again in Florida, will Republicans get to vote Obama there?

    (Disclaimer: It may be said that I’m 1_Twisted_Fucker, but I will direct your attention towards the Hollywood Liberals, Code Stinky Hippies, Abortionists, Gay rights activists, Jihadis, Islamists, Fascist, Communist, Marxist, Stalinist, Nazi Dictators and Democrats that use Dirty/Filthy/Skanky tactics to gain power!)… Fuck it, Fight Fire with Fire!

    Anyways that’s my take on it………… So what did happen to Huckabee and Ron Paul? I just heard a Ronulan beseeching the people to save the world a minute ago on C-Span… LOL!

    Thompson in 2012 anyone?

  4. skh.pcola

    You forgot to type “ginormous” in front of “gunt,” dave. That would’ve been alliterative and superb. :beer:

  5. Arthuraria

    And I thought bill was gettin freaky in the oval office!

  6. KBoomr113

    Her god damned convoy when she came in from the airport to downtown on -670 made me sit in traffic for twenty minutes today. now its personal….bitch :gun:

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