CNN Can’t Find Any Republican Troops In Iraq
Kyra Phillips is a little….I dunno..ditzy?
From Newsbusters:
CNN’s Kyra Phillips, currently in Iraq on assignment, apparently couldn’t find any Iraqi troops who support the Republicans for the November election in the U.S. All of those featured in her report on Friday’s “Newsroom” program said glowing things about Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, or the Democrats in general. Ahmed Mansour, one of the soldiers from Iraq’s Sixth Division that Philips interviewed, expressed his preference for Hillary Clinton. “The truth is I pay attention to Democratic Party — even more, Hillary Clinton.” When asked why he liked Hillary, he said, “Because I like her personality, because she’s new. In America, you need something new, a new female president. We saw and lived under the Republican Party, under Bush. We would like to see what the Democrats have to offer.”
Phillips asked three other Iraqi soldiers about their take on the upcoming American election. Ali Saleh voiced his support for the Democrats in general. “Democrat is better than Republican. We are living under the Republicans. We know the situation. It’s difficult under the Republicans.” Ali Mohammed, when asked which candidate he was “paying attention to,” his one word answer was “Clinton.” As a follow-up, Phillips asked Mohammed that if he “had a chance to sit down with Hillary Clinton, what would you tell her you need in Iraq?” Mohammed’s answer: “I would ask her to help compose a book about democracy and send it to Iraqi politicians. It would help.”
The final soldier featured by Phillips, Alaa Ahmed, said Obama is his favorite candidate. He further explained that Obama is “practical and loves to serve his country.” Phillips then asked the “sit down” question to Ahmed concerning Obama. Ahmed’s response: “I would ask him to pay attention to the Middle East and the Iranian and American conflict that’s happening on Iraqi land. That is affecting Iraq and needs to be addressed.” Phillips then said to Ahmed, “There’s been lots of talk about how Iran is affecting this war, funneling terrorists, weapons.” Ahmed agreed. “Of course, we believe that. We have proof that the Iranians help the terrorists by giving them money, weapons, and many other things.”
I think “dumb cunt” is a better word to use Bash.
March 14th, 2008 at 5:09 pmKyra,
March 14th, 2008 at 5:15 pmYou are a liar, silly-woman. Need your job? Towing the party line?
Have you checked your journalism class 101 out the door?
You are pathetic.
That’s because “You ain’t gonna kill any Deer by going Bottom Fishing”!
March 14th, 2008 at 6:01 pmduh,, any common themes here?? LMAO
Ahmed Mansour
Ali Mohammed
Alaa Ahmed
March 14th, 2008 at 6:38 pmKyra Phillips …
Too dumb to close her mic when in the ladies bathroom before blasting her brother’s wife to a co-worker for all the world to hear over the CNN live air waves.
March 14th, 2008 at 7:21 pmPoor thing must have spent weeks if not months to find those guys
March 14th, 2008 at 7:36 pmRobert
She probably showed them her “tits” and a picture of Hillary before interviewing them.
” … We saw and lived under the Republican Party, under Bush. We would like to see what the Democrats have to offer.”
Apparently y’all haven’t been watching the democrat debates where the rivals have tried to out-withdraw each other (echoing our democrat congress) to leave your country to the terrorists, thugs and Iran.
March 14th, 2008 at 8:01 pmRepublicans out … Democrat in … Iraqi soldier (and his family) dead.
I have trained hundreds of Iraqi security forces since I first came into country. I don’t talk politics with them, but occassionaly I am asked “The democrats wont really pull the troops out if they are elected, will they?” I tell them I dont know, and they usually say “They have to know that if they pull the troops out, Iraq will fall apart, they can’t be serious about pulling the troops out, even the democrats know that, right?” They don’t seem to realize there are people who are hell bent on cutting off all support for their new government, after so many americans and even more Iraqis have given their blood to see this through.
March 14th, 2008 at 8:35 pmWow no Republican supporters huh. Well i hope they enjoy AQ taking over their country once of the DemonRats take office.
This story is such bullshit though
March 14th, 2008 at 10:09 pmBULLLLLLLLSHIIIIIIT!!!
March 14th, 2008 at 11:03 pmI ask myself, “why should I give a shit?” The “I don’t” came to me right away. Why should I give a shit what an Iraqi soldier think about us - or what Kyra herself thinks, for that matter. The liberals are all into and about ‘image’. Fuck you! I don’t care what they think about us. I don’t want them to love us. I don’t even want them to respect us. I want them to live in constant, mortal fucking FEAR of us.
And, that’s just for fuckin’ openers. Pass the biscuits. Please.
March 15th, 2008 at 3:03 am