Condi: Race Problem Is A Birth Defect

March 28th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Yeah, that’s her with Sandy Claws…heh heh…

I’m just thinking she wouldn’t be a good choice for VP…eh?

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said yesterday that the United States still has trouble dealing with race because of a national “birth defect” that denied black Americans the opportunities given to whites at the country’s very founding.

“Black Americans were a founding population,” she said. “Africans and Europeans came here and founded this country together — Europeans by choice and Africans in chains. That’s not a very pretty reality of our founding.”

As a result, Miss Rice told editors and reporters at The Washington Times, “descendants of slaves did not get much of a head start, and I think you continue to see some of the effects of that.”

“That particular birth defect makes it hard for us to confront it, hard for us to talk about it, and hard for us to realize that it has continuing relevance for who we are today,” she said.

(Wash Times)

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12 Responses

  1. Reagan T.

    Well she certainly worked hard and turned out successful. What’s to say other blacks can’t do the same? Nothing. Make it for yourself, nobody’s giving me anything either.

  2. Irish Gal

    I’m incredibly disappointed with her comments. :sad:

  3. Irish Gal

    I mean, no one can do a damn thing about the past. But people have total control over their future. Let me say this again, as long as the African American community continues to blame others for their woes, nothing will change for them. I was not a slave owner, I don’t believe my ancestors were slave owners (cause no one in my family has ever had any money) so you’ll have to excuse me if I am just a little tired of trying to feel someone’s pain who was never a slave much less the son or daughter of a slave.

  4. KBar

    Jews were enslaved by many different nations/cultures over the course of hundreds and hundreds of years. Pogroms in Russia, the inquisition by Christians, holocaust at the hands of the nazis, etc.

    Why then, are Jews so succesful?

    Of course, they aren’t the only race (or religion for that matter) to face such hate, genocide, and/or enslavement. The Irish, Armenians, Asians, just to name a few.

    Memo to black America: GET OVER IT! Take a lesson from the Jews & Asians. Stop whining about the unequal treatment of blacks 200 years ago. The bloodiest war in this nation’s history was fought, for the most part, for YOU! Quit your crying already.

  5. Reagan T.

    I agree with you Irish Girl, all my ancestors were too poor to own slaves and most of them came to the US after the civil war. I’m not paying reparations. Once you give somebody something then they will always need something else.

  6. Earlg

    The document they produced was eventually signed but ultimately unfinished. It was stained by this nation’s original sin of slavery…. - Obama

    …and we wonder why we’ve such a huge problem with State? Talk about fcked.

  7. Word-Drum

    It seems readers of this blog have two things in common:
    Patriotism and Poverty.
    BHO has turned-out to be the most divisive race candidate ever. I got over racism when I was 6. Now I feel like mentioning what Kbar said. American blacks have no monopoly on slavery. We Jews were slaves along with many other groups. I hate talking about this stuff. Mark Steyn has nailed Obama as a phony. He has invented himself as a radical. His choice. Let him crash and burn for it.

  8. tedders

    “Africans and Europeans came here and founded this country together — Europeans by choice and Africans in chains. That’s not a very pretty reality of our founding.”

    More slaves were sold into slavery buy their black African cousins than were forced or captured by European slave traders. The Blacks that ended up in North America have turned out to be the most prosperous blacks in the world. If those slaves hadn’t been brought to North America all their descendants would be back in Africa possibly starving or being slaughtered by rival ethnic groups or living under the wonderful leadership of Robert Mugabe types. I’m not saying that the slaves and their descendants have had a cake walk but there haven’t been slaves here for over 100 years. No one owes any one reparations or anything for that matter, quit feeling sorry for past pull your boots up by the straps and get on with making your life better through hard work and education, that’s what Condi did.

  9. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Freed blacks had it better than Irish immigrants. The main difference was (and is) the Irish (and Italians, Poles, Jews, Cubans, Vietnamese, Chinese, etc., etc.) wanted success more. They were hungier. They knew what they wanted, and did whatever it took to achieve it.

    In America, there is no excuse - NONE - for not being able to get a decent job, raise a family, and give your children a better life than you had. If parapalegics can support themselves, no one else should have anything to complain about.

    If America is such a horrible, oppressive place, get the fuck out. Try maintaining your lifestyle in Liberia. I owe you NOTHING. You want racism? Try growing up white in a black neighborhood.

  10. Dan (The Infidel)

    Yep racism is alive and well alright…and it continues because minorities won’t let it go. Whitey don’t give a shit about your color anymore…or your background…
    There’s no more Black/White entrances, public water fountains, bathrooms or seating arrangements on busses or in resteraunts.

    No white man/woman is denying a minority a job or an education…or the right to vote. The white Jim Crowe is dead. The minority Jim Crowe lives on.

    Now why is that? Is it that minority superiority crap that Calypso Louie, Big Al, and Jessie keep harping about?

    Or is it that race-baiting has made alot of people very rich? Maybe white liberal guilt perhaps?

    Race will never go away until the minorities STFU and stop living in the past.

    And Osama bin Lying is not the answer. Thomas Sowell, Jessie Lee Peterson. Bo Snerdly, the late EV Hill, Tony Evans, and others like them are the kind of folk who are needed to get rid of minority racism once and for all.

    Whether minorities believe it or not (I don’t freaking care)…people rate you by your character far more than your skin tone. Got a problem with that minorities? Cause whitey don’t.

    And Condi is still not my choice for VP. It might be Lieberman or even Romney…since Romney knows economics…and McCain doesn’t.

  11. TerryTate

    It appears to me that she is trying to discuss something that the Black community feels as a central issue to their origins. Notice though, unlike Baraks camp, she didn’t say the solution to this is reparations. Discussing how people feel about the past isn’t necessarily bad, while condemning people for the past actions of others is. Its a fine line, and difficult to walk for people. Barak wasn’t able to do it, but the door is open for Condi to try. Hopefully she can manage the delicacies of both sides. Who knows what she’ll do until she addresses the issue directly. Does anyone know if she goes to a Black separatist church?


  12. Christine

    Everybody on here think all black people want people to feel sorry for them, well im black and i dont want nobody feeling sorry for me, i read that other people was slaves such as Jews and all them other folks, but im quite sure they still talk about it, they still show resentment over it, so what im saying is HISTORY can be forgiven, but never forgotten, and dont expect people to stop talking about it….because you all think that just because we werent there and didnt experience that, that we dont have no right to even speak on it, and we do because that struggle was something our race had to get through, just like every last one of you all races…..slavery is in the history books just like every one of the white Presidents, and the event of the Europeans coming to America for freedom, World War I, and World War II, and i dont see white people having trouble talking about these things…..i notice that everytime things like this comes up and people give their opinions particular white people, it seems like yall dont appreciate people bringing slavery up, because it shows negativity in the European race….. and for the person that said the African cousins its really chiefs gave the Europeans their own people, if you knew your history, they would have killed them if they didnt, and still would have tooken the Africans…….so what im saying even though you werent probably taught black history in your little preppy white school, us blacks have been taught about, and whether or not yall want to hear it or not, we are still going to be talking about it for generations to come…..

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