Congress Calls Truce To Mark Iraq War’s 5th Year

March 13th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Related: Public support for war soaring

The Swamp:

by Frank James

Congressional leaders have declared a truce from the partisan sniping just long enough to observe the Iraq War’s fifth anniversary.

The event, which is also meant to mark sacrifices by U.S. servicemembers and their families in Afghanistan, is scheduled for 9:30 am EDT in the Capitol Rotunda and will include participation by the House and Senate.

The commemoration of the invasion comes at a moment when the war appears to be at another turning point. On Tuesday, the Pentagon reported that eight U.S. servicemembers in Iraq were killed on Monday, the wost single day of fatalities for U.S. forces in months.

Meanwhile, there were signs that one of the key elements that had helped to lower violence during the U.S. military surge of the past year was coming unglued. In recent days militia forces loyal to Muktada al Sadr have clashed with U.S. and Iraqi forces.

As the the Hill newspaper reported earlier in the week, while the event is supposed to be bipartisan, Democrats could gain some advantage by focusing attention once again on the war, especially at a time when economic concerns have risen to primacy for many voters.

The idea of holding a bipartisan ceremony on a war that has bitterly divided the two parties was conceived in (Speaker Nancy) Pelosi’s office. Democratic aides insist that partisan reasons played no part in deciding to hold it this week.
But the event will be held days before the five-year anniversary of the invasion of the war and at a time when both parties are trying to shape the election-year debate over whether U.S. military involvement in the country should continue.

Democrats are eager to point to the five-year anniversary to make their point that the war has gone on for too long, having surpassed the duration of U.S. involvement in World War II, costing the country $11 billion per month and putting American lives at risk.

Spotlighting the length of the war and reminding voters about the run-up to the invasion are part of the Democrats’ strategy to build the case for withdrawing troops from Iraq, analysts and strategists say.

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3 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    :arrow: The commemoration of the invasion comes at a moment when the war appears to be at another turning point. On Tuesday, the Pentagon reported that eight U.S. servicemembers in Iraq were killed on Monday, the wost single day of fatalities for U.S. forces in months.


    Which, by lib politician/MSM reasoning, completely erases any/ALL fantastic outstanding progress(es) made by our military since the surge (NEVER MIND NONE OF THAT NEWS WAS REPORTED OR TOUTED.) … Back to square one by their thinking.

    I fucking HATE these fucking bitches and bastards with a passion.

  2. jam


    I can’t shake this mental picture of Harry Reid and his traitor pals nudging each other and smirking when they see news like:

    “…the Pentagon reported that eight U.S. service members in Iraq were killed on Monday.”

    I really do believe that the surrender monkeys are that fucked up. Am I the one that’s sick? Nope!

  3. drillanwr

    :arrow: jam

    I know …

    Pretty fucking sick soul to view our military casualties as good for ‘your side’ politically.

    I am hoping and praying our military, most especially the “citizen soldiers” population of the whole, realize exactly who/what these Congressional vermin are.

    The libs insist a president should have served in the military, and in combat, before sending this nation’s troops into war …

    Perhaps, instead, we should make THAT a requirement before someone can run for and serve in the Congress/Senate …

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