Conservatives Have A ‘Hate Based’ Campaign Against Hussein?

March 26th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Kathleen McKinley at NB writes:

Paul Waldman at The American Prospect blames conservatives for all of Obama’s race problems:

“For months, I’ve been predicting that conservatives would delicately prompt voters to see Barack Obama through the lens of race. They’d drop hints, they’d make roundabout arguments, they’d find a hundred subtle ways to encourage people to vote their prejudices, while denying vociferously that they were doing anything of the sort.”

Oh, it gets better:

“…these kinds of attacks have their greatest power when they tap into pre-existing archetypes voters already carry with them, and the deeper they reside in our lizard brains the better. So they will make sure white Americans know that Obama is not Tiger Woods. He’s not the unthreatening black man, he’s the scary black man. He’s Al Sharpton, he’s Malcom X, he’s Huey Newton. He’ll throw grievance in your face, make you feel guilty, and who knows, maybe kill you and rape your wife.”


“The Republicans are certainly setting down their marker: they intend, as they have so many times before, to wage a campaign appealing to the ugliest prejudices, the most craven fears, the most vile hatreds. It’s not that people should vote against Obama just because he’s black, they’re saying, but you know, he’s that kind of black.”

When did we say that exactly? When did we start waging this campaign? Because I did not get the memo.

You see, none of this has anything to do with the fact that Obama’s pastor for 20 years is a racist himself. Although I can’t figure out how Pastor Wright raging against white America isn’t the cause of this, but allowing America to see him raging is.

As I recall NBC news first aired the video clips of Pastor Wright and soon all other news agencies followed. I thought we conservatives were only in charge of Fox News. Heh.


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8 Responses

  1. drillanwr (typical white female)

    THIS, from the same side that pondered aloud, even before Hussein entered the dem race, if he was … “BLACK ENOUGH” …

    Fucking BITE ME, Waldman, you unmitigated prick.

  2. Kermit

    And how much did Soros pay to have the Jew Hater run for President? Rather paradoxical isn’t it? What does Soros have to hide from way back in the day at the concentration camp?

  3. drillanwr (typical white female)

    :arrow: Kermit


    The camp guards used to boil the limbs/bodies of “prisoners” who were the ’subjects’ of the Nazi doctors in order to cleanly clear the flesh and soft tissue from the bones/skeletons so they could be kept and studied …

    I’m sure Soros ate well.

  4. Caligula

    so basically we should look past obamas anti american and anti-white views, because to even mention them is to be a racist.

    i love the left, if you don’t agree with them you’re a racist!

    what?! you don’t like twinkies?! YOU RACIST BASTARD! IMPEACH! IMPEACH!

  5. Dan(typical white infadel)

    Of course we’re responsible for twenty years of Noboma hating America, seriously people have you ever known a leftist to take accountability for their actions.

    Nobody should be surprised!

  6. Kermit

    :arrow: Drillanwr

    I really wonder which side of the fence Soros was on. The more he works his wonder, the more I see him with that that black symbol in a red band around his arm show.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    Hate-based? Isn’t that a lib buzz-word for vetting someone by asking questions and exposing their lies?

  8. Zeke Eagle

    Yeah I hate the Marxist POS as vehemently as I hate all Communists. I love the people I fight for and I hate my enemies. Seems to me hate is a natural genetic mechanism designed for self preservation.

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