Controversy: Downey In Blackface

March 7th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Pictured: That black guy in the middle is a white guy…

With his afro hair and brown skin, he is virtually unrecognisable as the 42-year-old star of stage and screen.

Robert Downey Jr plays a worthy Oscar-winning actor taking on a role originally written for a black actor, and rather than re-write the part, he goes method.

Clearing anticipating a backlash, Downey Jr told a US magazine: “If it’s done right, it could be the type of role you called Peter Sellers to do 35 years ago. If you don’t do it right, we’re going to hell.”

But the backlash has clearly begun as one comment on a showbiz blog Just Jared said: “I’m not black and I find it offensive; are there not any talented enough black actors out in the world that they feel the need to hire a white guy to do a black guy?”

“They are infering that there are no good enough black actors to play a black person.

“What is the significance of hiring a white guy to play a black part? what are they trying to prove? I bet its to get more publicity.”

The film centres on a group of pompous actors making the most expensive Vietnam war movie ever made.

(Daily Mail)

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16 Responses

  1. BILL

    LIBERALS!!! :gun:

  2. Jimmyb

    Is that ben fucking stiller?….. pretending like he’s on patrol in the A’shau valley?

    What kind of a limp dick movie is this? they got white dudes playing black dudes, being marched around by a Gaylord Focker!? Man hollywood keeps scraping the bottom of that old barrel, huh?

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    thats just stupid. people play characters unlike themselves all the time. if it was done in a respectable way then i dont see the problem. Do i bitch when dave chappelle dresses up like a white guy? no i think its freakin hilarious. Eddie Murphy was hilarious in Norbit when he played a chinese man. double standards

  4. drillanwr

    Damn! That’s some great make-up job there!

    I stated before, I re-gained great respect for RDJr. after I saw “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” … a pretty good flick. Loads of acting energy from Downey.

    Every time I see Ben Stiller I have a hard time realizing who his parents are …

    Yeah, `cause we need another friggin’ `nam movie … just ain’t been done enough. :evil:

  5. Dbo

    this is a picture from a movie called tropic thunder, describes it this way:

    “Through a series of freak occurrences, a group of actors shooting a big-budget war movie are forced to become the soldiers they are portraying.”

    But yes I agree Ben Stiller looks ridiculous as a soldier. Most of his characters are unsure flaccid feminine men types. Its like, if he had balls and wasnt such a scared bitch about his fiances parents(his character anyway) would Meet the Parents have even been a movie?

  6. Trialdog

    Pretty slick makeup. Seems like Hollywood can make virtually anything appear to be something it isn’t. Maybe his Hollywood buddies can teach Obama how to act like a man.

  7. POD1

    But this is okay.

    Fucking liberals. :gun:

  8. drillanwr

    :arrow: POD1

    I liked ‘White Chicks’ :lol: … I’m waiting for a sequel.

    But I get what you mean about the ’selective’ “double standard” in Hollywood.

    Weren’t the majority of the main characters in “Scarface” played by actors who were Italian, not Hispanic?

    See, that’s the paradox Hollywood has created for itself …

  9. POD1

    :arrow: drillanwr

    My condolences to your family on movie night.
    My suggestion to them for the next one:
    Vote for Hope.
    Vote for Change.

    The Wayans brothers? :???:

    Liberals spend their time railing against any and all behavior limitations.
    Have you noticed how much time they spend trying to limit behavior?
    They’re like dogs chasing their own tails.

    The liberal mind set:
    Do as I say, not as I do.
    If you do as I say and I still don’t like it, you’d better stop doing it.

  10. TBinSTL

    It’s like Anthony Quinn all over again. Remember the Indian uprisings from that? Oh boy.
    Sounds to me like the role is for a white guy playing a black guy. Why make it more complicated and have a black guy playing a white guy playing a black guy?

  11. Mike from the Republic of Texas

    I will say that is amazing make-up and I agree with the sentiment if black actors can make themselves look white I don’t have a problem… As long as it doesn’t look like a throwback to Birth of a Nation
    Know what I mean.

  12. GregGS

    Between the democrats creating racial strife every time oboma looses because of so called voter disenfranchisement and these dicks in the movie industry. There’s no telling what will go down. Dose that dick Stiller have a K-bar stuck into an ice cream cone Tattoo?

  13. drillanwr

    :arrow: GregGS

    Dose that dick Stiller have a K-bar stuck into an ice cream cone Tattoo?

    Looks more like a loaded cheese burger …

  14. hegelbot

    OMG, so it ok to have black actors play traditionally white roles, but not the other way around, you find me a black robert downey junior and he can play the role, good greif, its Robert F’ing Downey Jr…well we better not have any women playing men or men playing women, oh wait…

  15. TerryTate

    The film centres on a group of pompous actors making the most expensive Vietnam war movie ever made.

    Fed up with their self-involved cast, the film’s makers drop them into the jungle to take care of themselves, where they get caught up in a conflict they don’t realise is real.

    The film, Stiller’s first as director since Zoolander, also sees his character adopt an Asian baby but worries “that all the good ones have gone”.

    Well, a film that actually makes fun of Hollywood’s jet set… Looks like Stiller might actually get it. As for Stiller trying to look tough, I think that is the point. Hes being satirical about Hollywood types thinking they are tough. As usual the leftists are trying to pan it ahead of time. I might actually enjoy this if Stiller does a good job of pointing out the Hollywood hypocrisy.


  16. drillanwr

    I think that’s a bleach-blonde Jack Black behind Downey …

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