Cops Taser Little Girl

March 29th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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16 Responses

  1. Leatherneck

    If the daughter did in fact punch the officer in the face…that’s just a taste of things to come if you don’t change your snotty little attitude *sweetheart*.

    If the daughter did it unintentionally…get in line with everybody else that has been falsely accused.

    Life is a motherfucker sometimes.

  2. Denghis (ibm al Himar)

    Jesus Christ, this is fucking ridiculous, don’t you think? Tasering an eleven-year-old is just totally fucking irresponsible.
    If you can’t handle an eleven-year-old kid then you need to find something else to do.

  3. Sully0811

    It’s always so easy for everyone who wasn’t there to tell the officer how to react. It’s really easy to not get tasered. Just don’t hit, try to run from, assault or batter cops, deputies, sheriffs, bailiffs and other officer types. Hell I even knew that as a cub scout.

    And if you think tasering an 11 year old is irresponsible, restraining them physically is much more likely to break something than giving them a little pain compliance.

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    Whatever happened to respect for the law? Hmmm? You don’t resist, hit, punch, kick or otherwise resist an officer. If you got no respect for authority, then you got a major problem, just waiting for a pair of cuffs and a jail sentence.

    Oh my daughter this and my daughter that. Bullshit. Use to be parents taught their kids respect for the law. And God-forbid they resist a cop and end up in the slammer. It wasn’t what the cops would have done to him/her that would have been the worry. It would have been what happened AFTER the little “tard” got home that would have hurt.

    Tasing a kid is better than trying to cuff one. It’s too easy to break their arm or wrist in the process.

    However, a simple WTF is your problem, should have been enough to stop the kid; if the kid had a proper respect for the law.

    In any event, welcome to the real world kid. Actions have consequences.

  5. Jason

    :arrow: Denghis (ibm al Himar)



    I’ll preface my comment by saying that I’m referring specifically to the 11 year old girl talked about in this video clip. If we were talking about an 11 year old hood rat that was pointing a gun at the cop, I not only would be in favor of the cop tasering the hood rat, but would be totally fine with them putting a bullet between the 11 year olds eyes.

    Having said that, this situation is not even remotely close to that scenario. As for not respecting the law…how about the “law” having more respect for citizens? I’m a supporter of law enforcement in general, not just in words but financially also (I have a friend who is in the local PD who hits me up 3-4 times a year for a small donation and I’m happy to oblige). But more and more police officers are abusing their authority, or at least what they perceive as their authority. Do they have valid reasons for being on the paranoid side of things? Sure. But that shouldn’t dictate how they behave. It should heighten their awareness, but once the fear starts taking over, you get clowns like this who are unable to exercise decent and reasonable judgement in regard to a harmless little kid.

    And who cares if this 11 year old girl, who they said in this vid is developmentally disabled (in other words she isn’t exactly the sharpest tool in the shed intellectually) “runs”? Where exactly is an 11 year old girl going to run to? Home maybe?

    I wonder what would have happened if the cop just calmly talked to her and asked her if she would go to the principals office with her to wait for her mom so they could have a talk. In other words, if the cop had been as non-threatening as possible, would this girl have relaxed enough to comply? Good chance the answer to that would be yes.

    She didn’t hit anyone intentionally, but even if she did, again I ask, so what? An 11 year old girl is going to hurt you?! Please tell me all you badasses aren’t seriously making that claim.

    It’s completely beyond absurd in my opinion to defend / rationalize the behavior of cops like this. This ignorant tool should be in psychological counseling and / or training to learn how to deal with situations like this properly, or she should be fired. My preference would be the latter, since I don’t believe she is up to the job.

  6. John Cunningham

    The minute they start playing the “good Christian home” card, you know that’s bullshit. A mentally challenged “good Christian upbringing” child would most likely act like that at first glance, not the way the police officer said she did. Mentally challenged or not they’re quick to rise to the “attitude” level.

  7. Giorgi

    no matter what, whats this pussy ass shit - tazing people, did the deputy felt threatend by a 11 year-old child, smack the motherfucker, dont taze the child, please, taze the parents for “raising” kids like that :idea:

  8. franchie

    as I am on John’s side as far my perception of the people there, though, I vigourously support Jason in his argumentation, the cop should have talk calmly to the young girl, or if he couldn’t, then ask for the help of someone who could.

    Dan, fidel to himself, yeah, I was in the army bro, hey, don’t the army boys get children ?

  9. monkeysdad

    Stress is a mother fucker.

  10. lobogris

    Tazing a child. Wow, that’s brave. And very fucking fascist.

  11. Jason

    Sorry, I was a bit tired when I wrote that last night. I forgot to check my screen name before I posted it. (the “Jason” post above was me…my screen name is supposed to say “Jason’s dad”).

    Combination of being tired, sick, and a bit retarded I reckon.

  12. Jason's dad

    Wow…lol. I really am a f**ktard! I just did it again. I swear I typed the whole thing in though. What am I doing wrong here?

  13. David Ross

    I disagree completely. If the child’s first reaction is to swing or punch then taser the crap out of the unruly snot! The police are in a no win situation. Jason’s Dad, I imagine when the officer originally attempted to stop the child in an attempt to “just talk calmly” that’s when the child hit him/her. It’s not like the child was tasered out of the blue. Also, I could easily provide a bus load of “poor little” 11 yr old kids that could and would just as soon stab or shoot you as soon as look at you. Even quite a few 11 yr old girls that wouldn’t need a weapon to issue a beating and once one gets you on the ground the others will stomp any “calming” words you could ever muster right the snot out of you. Cops, damned if the do and damned if they don’t!

  14. Franchie

    David Ross,

    I am afraid, if you educate a difficult child that way, for sure, he/her’ll become a hooligan and/or a gangster ; you got already the largest population in the world in your prisons ; they cost you money, cause they don’t work, so carry on that kind of education, soon half of America will be in jail

  15. David Ross

    Frenchie, we see how well Europe’s form of corporal punishment works. Had any riots this week?

  16. Big

    Gee, I wonder why we can’t get enough qualified teachers in this country….

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