Court: Mumia Deserves New Hearing

March 27th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


PHILADELPHIA (AP) - A federal appeals court has ordered a new penalty hearing for celebrity death row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal (moo-MEE’-ah AH’-boo jah- MAHL’).

The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals says Abu-Jamal’s conviction for the 1981 murder of a Philadelphia police officer should stand. But it says he should get a new sentencing hearing because of flawed jury instructions.

If prosecutors don’t want to give him a new death penalty hearing, Abu-Jamal would be sentenced automatically to life in prison.

A Philadelphia jury convicted Abu-Jamal of killing Officer Daniel Faulkner after the patrolman pulled over Abu-Jamal’s brother in an overnight traffic stop 27 years ago.

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9 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    The book titled “Murdered by Mumia” will leave you stunned. This rope headed baboon is still alive after 27 years. Maureen Faulkner was in Philadelphia a couple of months ago to do a book signing. I don’t know how she has held up. She now lives in California. Michael Smerconish, sometimes you’ll see him fill in for O’Reilly, oh, and he’ll be filling for Glenn Beck for a week in a couple of weeks, authored the book. He’s trained as a lawyer, but does morning talk on the radio, so the book is filled with all of the facts. There is no doubt mumia executed Danny Faulkner, he should have been dead 25 years ago. All the money from the book went to a charity that Maureen has set up for the children of murdered parents.

  2. deathstar

    Why is this fucking POS still alive?

  3. KBar

    But John,

    Mike Farrell says Mumia is innocent and should go free. I think BJ Hunnicutt knows a little more than the rest of us uneducated racists.

    Hollywood knows what’s best for all of us.

  4. John Cunningham

    And, you want to hear a sick thing? In France, I forget the name of the city, they named a street after mumia.

  5. John Cunningham

    KBar, that list goes on. Ed Asner is one. Other names come to mind, but I want to be sure, before I out them.

  6. KBar

    :arrow: John,
    I forgot about Lou Grant. He is a complete tool.

  7. blastdad( typical white patriot)

    I’ve often wondered, “If this POS is such a nice guy and so missunderstood” why doesn’t one the hollywierd types petition the courts to take him home for rehab.

    The answer is they know this waste of oxygen is a danger to society, but he makes for a good cause and they looks sooooo smart advocating for him.

  8. John Cunningham

    Blastdad, that’s exactly what it is, he’s the poster child for the anti-death penalty crowd. What was going through their mind when they chose this one? He stood over Danny Faulkner, a foot on either side and shot him while laying on the sidewalk after he was already shot by mumia.

  9. Jason's dad

    This is why I don’t support the death penalty…at least not how it’s implemented in every state that has it. The only way I would support it is if a person who is convicted and sentenced to death, was given a maximum of 6 months to file any and all appeals, with the courts having to decide on said appeals within another 6 months maximum. So one year total to try new DNA tests, hear the evidence and adjudicate, etc etc, then that’s it…you’re executed. Either do it like that or something similar, or just get rid of it and give these kind of evil criminals a life sentence with no chance of parole, and no opportunity to profit from their incarceration in anyway. They’re going to be there the rest of their life so they don’t need to write books or movie screenplays or go to law school or anything else that would allow them to profit and/or have an influence on anyone (like incredibly stupid, misguided, liberal leftists).

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