Dollard Reader Opinions Wanted: Snipergate vs Rev.Wrong Which Is Worse?

March 26th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Okay, I can’t take credit for coming up with “Snipergate”, saw Hemmer and Kelly do it this afternoon, and I sometimes roll my eyes when I hear someone try and make up some kind of scandal name with the “-gate” suffix, but this one seemed so apprapo.

I like it. Louie liked it, too.

Both of these “scandals” seriously damage the credibility of their respective candidates so I want to ask you Dollard readers:

What do you think of these scandals? Are they really that bad? Which candidate is the most damaged between the two and why?

Consider this a combination “Opinion Wanted/Semi-Open Thread” to sound off on all things Clinton and Obama…

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24 Responses

  1. Sponge

    I think it hurts them both equally. Obama supports a US hating racist pastor, so where does he lean? Hillary is a flat out liar, so how can you trust her? I do think that Obama’s campaign is doing better damage control since Hillary puts her foot in her mouth every time she opens it. “I was sleep deprived.” WTF do you think its going to be like when you’re president, you stupid woman. She’s proving that she makes big mistakes under pressure. Obama looks like a fool when he is forced to respond without the teleprompter, so its a loose loose proposition for the dems.

  2. Caligula

    both are horrible, both equally show that obama and clinton are moral relativistic narcissists.

    both are lies = lack or character
    both put feelings above the wrong of deceit
    obama’s scandal shows his loathing of america and white people
    hillary’s shows her lack of respect for america and the troops

    which one is worse?

    i’m gonna vote for obama, while hillary’s scandal is disrespectful, it doesn’t show a HATRED of america or racist sentiments against whites

  3. drillanwr (typical white female)

    While they seem equally “smegging” bad …

    Hillary’s involves an event that is long over … And we ALL already knew the Clinton disdain for the military … So, this just proved our point … also confirmed Geffin’s assessment of the Clintons. (was it Geffin?)

    Anyhow …

    Hussein’s [problem] IS ongoing. Here is a man who ran on the ‘change’ and ‘unity’ thang …

    His own little Abe Lincoln story of his exotic life. But don’t pay any attention to that. No, he IS the epitome of black strife in this country … NOT Condi Rice or Janice Rogers Brown or Justice Thomas … No, they are all somehow “House N***ers”, not “blacks” who struggled with adversity and made a success out of their lives …

    No, Obama is the Holy One that will lead us, and especially “them”, into the Holy Land of reparation and heal this ‘racially torn’ country.

    I caught a skinny slice of Fox and Friends this a.m. … Corbin Bernsen was on there promoting something … and from what I gathered he mentioned how it was time for a black prez in this country to show the rest of the world we;’ve come far as a nation from our horrible slave history … oh! and it’s time for “change” … and THAT’S why he’s supporting Obama.

    Jesus H. Christ!

    If I hear one more fuck-head rationalize this election and their support of B-HO in that fucking empty vein again I think I might just go fucking postal. :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

    Oh, SHIT! Sorry … I got off topic.

    I think Hussein’s ongoing church bullshit stings most, as he threw his “whiteness” under the bus with Granny … and refuses to distance himself from the church or the Rev. Wright.

    Besides, Hillary’s not done with him yet.

  4. Mike Swann

    Tough Call.

    One one side we have a whiny, vicarious wanna-be. Can you imagine your cardiologist’s wife substituting? We would have the advantage of 2 presidents in the house that will say and do anything to personally get ahead (some head).

    On the other side, we have a socialist voting, inexperienced, underachiever who has promised everything and delivered nothing in terms of legislation. He promises to be different, but will not take a stand on anything! It would be scary if a bunch of Rev. Wrights started acting like they were running the United States; probably make the 66 Watts scene look like a sandbox scuffle.

    I see it as the worst of 2 evils. I would pick the known quantity.

    I’m sending my contribution to McCain today.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Looks like the Klinton media machine (ie Clinton News Network, Nothing but Clinton, Always Bill Clinton, et al ) is turning on their little pricess Hilda.

    I heard another crazy Black Pastor on Hannity’s show turning on Obama and saying that McCain is the better choice although all three suck.

    Osama bin Lying tripped on his dick bigtime and gave Hilda a huge advantage which she lost in the Sniper-gate lie that she got caught telling (at least three times).

    Both have been equally hurt by their own mistakes. Neither has an advantage over McCain at this point.

  6. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    BHO rev. wrong is worse in my opinion

    sure it pisses me off that Hillary makes up stories that hurt or offend our military. but honestly, what else is new?

    The rev. wright story shows that Obama is a racist and more than likely anti-American. Clinton is a worthless politician but i dont particularly think she is anti-american. she did vote for the war then decided to be against it after it was deemed politically expediant. Obama on the other hand surrounds himself with nothing but shady ass people

  7. Kermit

    First, most people believe that when ANY politicians lips are moving at least some form of a lie is being emitted.

    BHO’s problem is worse, it uncovers the complete lie of his campaign. Everyone already knew that Billary lies, and a huge portion of the Ass Party wanted to believe that BHO was something new, fresh and true.

    Looks like McCain will be handed the presidency. So even though it is McCain, my feelings are not hurt at all.

  8. deathstar

    Rev wrong is worst. Hillary just lied which is typical for dem politicians. Barak (and his family) spent 20 years kissing the ass and licking the balls of a bigoted anti American fuck head.

  9. Mike Mose

    Rev is the worst, Clinton is expected to lie and does.

  10. CJW

    Let’s see. It’s tough to weigh 20 years of attendance at a black nationalist church that calls itself “Christian” vs. the story told about a one-time trip to Bosnia.

    Yep, Barrack Hussein Obama wins the dastardly deed award !!!

    Obama is the anti-Christ.

  11. Mart (just another infidel)

    I my opinion they are both equally bad. One is a secret Marxist, racist, America hating piece of shit , and the other is just plainly a lying piece of shit!

    I’m sick to death of lying politicians….on both sides of the isle. I’m afraid I can’t stomach the fact we are “expected” to accept our “leaders” CONSTANTLY lying.

    It’s time to throw out the trash and start over!!

  12. WarBicycle

    Snipergate, Hillary is no different that the phoney who claims he was a member of the Special Forces or who had falsely claimed he had been decorated for valour.

  13. Sarah

    Snipergate is really nothing. Hillary is a liar. She makes up stuff all the time. This is not new. And maybe that’s what you have to do when you’re married to a man who’d rather be with anyone but you (and pretty much has been). You find yourself fantasizing a lot, trying to escape the dreariness of your existence.

    I don’t know why all these military guys are getting so worked up. It’s not like she’s (mis)remembering OUR guys taking any shots at her.

  14. Zeke Eagle

    It’s a tie, which is what I’d like to put around their necks, a wiretie that is. What a fucked up election.

  15. EDinTampa

    Obama’s Rev. Wright is by far worse because it shows his religious beliefs. He can scream I don’t feel that way, I wasn’t there when he said those things, I I I denounce, etc. However, 20 years of listening to Wright speaks loud and clear.

    Hillary, well, we already knew she was a liar and does not respect the military, secret service or any agency or organization that basically leans right.


  16. Cridhe Saorsa

    Snipergate is worst. It is akin to claiming to have received a purple heart and only breaking a nail.

  17. Ang

    snipergate.. not only did her lies show her contempt and lack of respect for our military but to try and resale it as mis-speaking tells me she thinks the general public is stupid enough to buy that lie too.

  18. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Love that young trollop Hillary at Wesly College.
    Got to vote for her with her non-stop lying. She’ll do any thing or anybody to be president. I highly dislike the Clintons. They give the Baby Boomers a bad rap. Snipergate; just another lie in the life of Billery.
    I can’t wait till November so she and O’Bambam can just fade away.

  19. Q_Mech

    “Rev. Wrong” is worse. “Snipergate” is self-serving ignorance that doesn’t surprise anybody. “Rev. Wrong” is hate, pure and simple.

  20. Typical White Texas Mom

    The racism thing makes me the angriest . . . I have spent my entire life standing up for black folks in Texas. I was raised in a small town - 900 people - and it was so racist it was sickening and I started out young “preaching” about how we are all equal . . . and now 40 plus years later, I think that white racism is minimal - very minimal. Our white children (and my child particularly) do NOT see color.

    On the otherhand, we have black racism and it is rampant and Obama is representative of that attitude. He was hiding until Hannity stomped up and down long enough for people to listen. I live in the city now and black haters are all around us.

    I feel like I wasted my life standing up for black folks just to have them stab me in the back in 2008.

    Hillary is just a lying bitch and she hates our military - I am not shocked - we already knew that.

    Neither are worthy of our highest office.

  21. Bob USMC

    My opinion is that Obama’s situation is a VERY, VERY racist one and it’s actually the worse one but Hilarity’s lie hurt her more in this race because she’s behind and the media will steer attention away from Obama’s shortcomings to protect their love child.

    She was just starting to get some momentum back and his broken when she goofed up. So now after Obama’s “historic speech on race” (BS) and her blatant lie, she’s lost all chance of breaking his momentum for one big final push to get even somehow.

    Obama is mostly getting a free ride on this one in the outrageously corrupt liberal mainstream media, and I’m hearing many libs shrug off the Wright episode because Obama is their golden boy that validates their flawed world view of multiculturalism. If it was a white male republican, we all know what the MSM coverage would be, amongst the demands for the candidate to step down.

  22. JonnyMordant (Typical NASCAR Fan)

    I’ve got to go with six of one/Half dozen the other!

    Hey, that makes two six packs!
    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:
    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:
    I know what to do with those! Hey, larry grab your :gun: , were going target shooting!

  23. Erik Marsh

    I feel weird saying that lying is really nothing big, but come on, who expects anything different from a Clinton?

    BUT, considering Billary was given a red carpet chance to put Obama down with the Wright crap then proceeded to tie her own noose with “snippergate” is huge!

    After Wright got attention in the Media that we have been giving him here for months, there was a 10-15 point swing in Hillary’s favor. After “snippergate”? That swing has been nullified and Obama has pulled even in the poles and ahead in North Cackilacka.

    They’re going to be talking about “snipper” for years to come in poli-sci classes and about how big of a mistake it was.

    ha ha, dumbass!!!

  24. warrior1

    Rev Wrong. Definitely. His rhetoric was waaay out there, and he sounded like a douche bag.

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