Dollard Readers Opinion Poll: Who Should McCain Pick For VP?

March 5th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Who would you like to see him pick? And why? And let me just say…Primary season for us is OVER. I’ll be damned if I will see Hussein Naivety or the Clinton Socialists in the White House. It would be a tragedy for our military, and also for the Global War On Terror. No way in Hell should we let them snatch defeat from the jaws of Victory.

Our Fallen Brave deserve no less than absolute Victory.

Time for family fighting is over.

We got people across the street who’s ass we gotta kick.

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65 Responses

  1. GBU43

    Fred Thompson.

  2. drillanwr

    The easy answer here would be Romney.

    1) It would bring back those who are pissed Romney got out

    2) Would bring a more conservative lean to the ticket

    3) Romney’s “governing” and “business” experience

    4) Sets Romney up for a presidential run 2016 (or possibly even 2012 if McCain chooses NOT to seek a second term)

  3. dtodeen

    I already bet Pat a dollar he will pick Gov. Pawlenty of Minnesota. I still hedging that bet. Problem is, Pawlenty has a few liberal tendencies to go along with McCain.

    Combine the two and you have a Obama ticket!

  4. Gramps

    I have to agree with drillanwr, but I’m afraid his being a Mormon may turn the evangelical right away.

  5. Reagan T.

    Romney for sure. At least I hope so. Romney has that CEO experience that none of the current candidates have. all of them have been 1 in 100 and never just the person in charge. They don’t know how to budget or manage people and resources. Romney would be a good choice. That or another governor of a state. No more senators please

  6. AARON


  7. ticticboom

    Romney would be a good idea, but there’s no love lost between him and McCain. Having Hunter on board would both improve McCain’s support among conservatives, and get Hunter into the national spotlight, where he belongs.

    I would not be surprised to see Guiliani become AG, although a VP slot isn’t out of the question. But he has many of the same weaknesses McCain has, so it wouldn’t help balance the ticket much.

    I’d love to see Peter Pace become Secretary of Defense, but I don’t know if he’d take the job.

  8. Irish Gal

    As a conservative and a religious person (though I don’t know if that qualifies as religious right) I find Huckleberry incredibly evil. He’s mean, nasty and hides behind Jesus Christ. I don’t buy into his scam at all. He needs a TV show or something along those lines. I say Fred or that, who is it that guy who oh yeah, “fires you”…

  9. Kevin M

    My vote goes for Vanessa Williams because she’s smokin’ hot and it would shut up all those race card Obama bitches.

    Either her or Fred Thompson (but him for very different reasons).

  10. Kevin M

    :arrow: Irish Gal.

    You are now officially my personal hero. This country needs Huckabee like it needs a fucking Iranian cleric in the White House. That guy is a bat-shit crazy phoney.

    Sorry, Aaron. Anybody who sucks up to Chuck Norris is a retard.

  11. LftBhndAgn

    Romney or Hunter as the above posts mention…

    Although Bob Dole came to mind this afternoon but I don’t think he would take it or could. He is far to old for the position but it would add to the “Experience” factor for his campaign.

  12. Infidel

    Former Senator and Virginia Governor George Allen!!

  13. andymarshall

    FRED THOMPSON. I’m still pissed that I never had the chance to vote for Fred (I live in Ohio).

  14. drillanwr

    :arrow: Irish Gal

    WHEEEWWW! THANK YOU for saying what I was thinking … I might’ve had an “OK” for Huck … until he came out with that religious mish-mash a month or so back regarding the Constitution … I mean, I know we were founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs, and I don’t believe we should become as coldly secular as [some] would have us … but I also don’t believe we should temp “theocracy” either.

    :arrow: Kevin M

    My vote goes for Vanessa Williams because she’s smokin’ hot and it would shut up all those race card Obama bitches.

    :!: You probably already know this but `Nessa is on the (happy) fence for the two dems

  15. Gary in Midwest

    Personally I would like to see Fred Thompson as VP but I think that electability would show Romney as the surest bet.

  16. chay

    Anne Coulter or Michelle Malkin if its a woman.

    Pat Dollard if its a guy.

  17. Brian H

    Lieberman, Hunter, Thompson, Guliani, Romney. In that order.

  18. RememberOurFathers

    I couldn’t accept a bleeding false prophet believing mormon in the white house about as much as I couldnt accept a muslim. Thompson or Hunter for sure. Maybe even Giuliani.

  19. Texas Mom


  20. Paslode

    Joe LIberman or Juan Hernandez :lol:

  21. Egfrow

    Fred Thompson but he already showed no interest and based on his weak ass campaign and short run. I would have to say Realistically Mitt Romney.

    I would also support Micheal Steele. This would shake up the deal with Obama.

  22. drillanwr

    :arrow: chay
    Pat Dollard if its a guy.


    Well, he doesn’t sleep much anyway … Guess he’d be up to answer that 3:00 A.M. ringing phone in Hillary’s ad (that she takes 6 friggin’ rings to get to …)

    :arrow: Egfrow -

    I would LOVE to see Michael Steele in there too!

  23. Reagan T.

    :arrow: rememberourfathers

    wow what mormon kicked your butt in a fight? why don’t you try getting eductated instead of putting down someone else’s religion. Romney is a christian just like all the other candidates. Just instead of being protestant or catholic, he’s mormon. big freaking deal. he still believes in jesus and god just like all other christians

  24. Cajun Joe

    Historically, He will need someone to help him get the southern vote. Thompson, Gov Perdue, Gov Christ, Huckabee (A lot of supporters in the south). Long Shot - Newt (maybe 2012)

  25. Irish Gal

    Egfrow: I actually like Michael Steele alot. He’s much more intelligent than Obama and much more experienced than Obama(I know, that doesn’t take much). The problem I would have is that I respect him too much to put him in the position of “I picked a black so you pick a black” situation. I believe Steele will start to move up in the Republican party on his own. I would have liked to see him get the Republican National Chair position, but unfortunately that didn’t happen. PS: I love the fish story, I say it all the time to people…

  26. Mike Mose

    Duncan Hunter has a great record a mile long. Former Marine, Builder of the first border fence and wants to bring back the industrial complex. He would be good from Maine.
    Romney second,

  27. Birdddog

    :beer: :beer: GBU43 :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer:

  28. Zeke Eagle

    HUNTER! Army, Airborne,173rd (The Herd) 2nd tour RVN Special Forces. His son is a Marine.

  29. Arthuraria

    I’m going to take a long shot and say Gov. Mark Sanford from South Carolina.

  30. Tom in CO

    Ted Nugent :mrgreen: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :mrgreen:

  31. Ang


    The easy answer here would be Romney.

    1) It would bring back those who are pissed Romney got out

    2) Would bring a more conservative lean to the ticket

    3) Romney’s “governing” and “business” experience

    4) Sets Romney up for a presidential run 2016 (or possibly even 2012 if McCain chooses NOT to seek a second term)

    What He said… :lol:

  32. TJ (The kafir)

    Dr. Alan keyes, not that he would accept. :cry:
    He is a former reagan appointee, staunch moral conservative, or they could play the race and gender card all at once and choose star parker.

    keyes if clinton wins, and parker if obama wins :wink:

  33. Brian H


    The easy answer here would be Romney.

    What He said…
    Is you a newb, or wot? drillanwr ain’t no He! :lol:

  34. DC

    Thompson or Romney……preferably Thompson.

  35. Trialdog

    Anybody previously mentioned because they are all great for various reasons. To throw in another idea, and thinking of a young up and coming political star, Bobby Jindal is someone to consider. One thing to remember, whoever the Dem picks for veep is going to be a bigger idiot than the candidate. Either Clinton or Hussein, they will pick someone even further left for running mate. The veep debate is going to be a slaughter. P.S. Steele would be a great choice - he can’t rise unless he’s running.

  36. Erik Marsh

    While I’m still pissed that my two possible choices didn’t stay in the race long enough for me to vote for them (Thompson, Romney - in that order) neither of them make sense as a VP choice.

    Michael Steele or JC Watts would be great choices, but all they’d get would be the “Token” tag. :arrow: Irish Gal

    While Arthuria has a good idea with the Gov. of NC, I would be surprised if he doesn’t pick Charlie Christ because he did deliver Florida to McCain on a silver platter afterall (Fla. started his roll).

    Am I happy about Christ? NO, but I would prefer that a good conservative not ruin their future potential by running with him.

  37. Kufir Ken

    I’d like to see Romney bring his business sense to the game. I don’t care what his freaking religion is. I care whether he can lead and make a difference in a country that has more than one religion.

  38. Doc Holliday

    I agree Duncan Hunter is a good choice. If Obama wins on the D side how about JC Watts?

  39. Lee__

    JC Watts would be ideal….

    That babe governor or Alaska would be a good choice too…

  40. OK Joe

    Hunter,JC Watts,Frank Keating

  41. drillanwr

    ANY “black” Veep choice by McCain WILL be deemed “token” …

    However, ANY Republican “black” choice for Veep would be leaps and bounds ahead of B-HO in qualifications … for PREZ!

    Hussein … The DNC and MSM “token”.

  42. Dan (The Infidel)

    Michael Steele, JC Watts, Hunter, Tancredo, or Lieberman.
    Lieberman is closer to McCain’s views. Although I think he’ll probably pick his buddy Lindsay Graham.

  43. drillanwr

    :arrow: Trialdog

    (Just personally, here) I’d like to see Jindal put in a couple Gov. terms in La. … Clean it up … Make it self-responsible … Build some “gravitas” for himself.

    Jindal’s young, and a good man. He has years ahead of him. His time will come.

    Just my opinion, however. :beer:

  44. Irish Gal

    Yeah, I think Bobby Jindal is an up and comer. I think down the road, he just might become a formidable opponent should Mr. Obama decide to run again. I would like to see him govern LA for a while too, because executive experience (even of a state) is a big deal when you are dealing with the largest economy in the world.

  45. Steven D

    Mark Sanford, George Allen, or J D Hayworth.

    OOPS, couldn’t be Hayworth - that would have two Arizonans on the ticket - unless he moved back to the Carolinas.

    Of course, Ann Coulter would be my pick for President.

  46. hegelbot

    a lawn jockey, (1) get the race card out of the way immediately and honestly, (2) no harmful political record to haunt the administration, (4) no longer considered a Washington insider, and most importantly (2) liberal leaning independents like posturing black figures who don’t actually say anything.

  47. Walt

    I think bashing Romney because he is Morman is just as silly as those who bashed JFK for being Catholic (oh no, the country would be dictated to by the Pope).

    If Romney is not the VP pick he’d be great as Treasury Sec or running the White House Budget Office. He could help straighten out the economy.

    With Economy becoming the big issue he needs someone with experience in that field for his VP. Social Security is going to loom large since the Boomers are nearing retirement age.

    I would like Thompson but the Dems would have a field day with “Grumpy Old Men”.

    From friends in Fla they say Christ is a RINO in sheeps clothing.

    McCain already has the National Defense covered so Hunter wouldn’t add that much other than being a great Conservative.

    Jindal needs Louisiana, or rather vice versa right now. If he can straighten out the corruption, have accountability for the billions sent there and get N.O. on the road to recovery he’ll be a national hero in a few years. If he fails, you can bet he gave it his best.

    I don’t know enough about the others.

  48. FTL

    have to say Romney b/c Huckabee or Thompson, I feel, could not bring out the voter numbers we’re going to need for a victory over the Dems… FWIW Rom’s exit speech made quite an impact on me.

  49. Steve in NC

    After much deliberation it should be…. me.

  50. Frogg

    Ditto from me on the following:

    Mitt Romney
    Duncan Hunter
    Michael Steel
    Bobby Jindal

    I also think Senator Jim Demint-SC might be a good pick.

    He is from the south, a stong conservative, young, and has made a name for himself recently in taking the lead on defending the military against the Berkeley attacks and in joining the newly formed “Senate Secure the Border Caucus” which is getting ready to whip out aggressive legislation on securing our border. He is also sick of the way things work in Washington, which is why he was a Mitt Romney supporter.

  51. Reagan T.

    I like the idea of Jim Demint.

  52. Justin Foster

    Bobby Jindal - Governor of LA. He is a brilliant, up-and-coming leader who would be positioned to run 2012 regardless if McCain wins or not. He is the GOP’s answer to Obama, but with real substance. He is also a true conservative. Finally, it is about time we get some fresh blood into the process, instead of all of these helmet-haired GOP insiders.

  53. Greg M

    I’d go with Thompson

  54. Dannyboy

    Lot of excellent answers here. My choices:
    Tancredo (would do a lot to address his WEAKEST attribute)
    Hunter (ditto, also carries a lot of credibility)
    Romney (good conservative, and also for drillanwr’s #4 reason)
    Alan Keyes (Always thought he was a brilliant man and a masterful orator)
    George Allen (experienced & charismatic)

    I think Romney & Allen have the best shot. Unfortunately, I can see McCain getting Leiberman or Huckabee just as easily.

  55. Texas Mom

    “Huckleberry incredibly evil. He’s mean, nasty and hides behind Jesus Christ. I don’t buy into his scam at all.”

    Irish Gal - I found your comments on the Huckster RIGHT ON, RIGHT ON, RIGHT ON . . . His treatment of Romney was very “un-Christian” - down right evil . . . he is a snake oil salesman with dimples.

    I like Michael Steele, but I think it would be ridiculous to put up a black VP up just because he is black - It is insulting to the greatness of Michael Steele . . . on the other hand . . . American voters seem to be shallow enough to buy it these days. It might work.

    I like Bobby Jindal - but please leave him where he is - Lousianna needs him to clean up their mess and if he does as well as we all think he will - He will be Reagan-like greatness and unbeatable in the future!

    Really - I don’t think McCain will take anyone who will talk back to him . . . He will pick someone he can run over and curse out. I bet he thinks he could easily do that to a woman. I would not be surprised if he picked a woman - He could pick Kay Bailey Hutchison - I want her out of Texas. She thinks she is going to come back and be governer. If they don’t fix the voting problem, she will win because the illegals would vote for her - They know she shot down the border fence. She voted for SCHIP for everyone under $80,000. That is right up the illegal immigrant’s alley. They already get Medicaid, food stamp, and free housing free healthcare for the kid’s without having to go to the emergency room would be just swell for them.

    We have “some” state legislators who are trying to make it a law that only American citizens can vote in Texas, but it keeps failing. They will try again, but the rich Republicans and the Democrats don’t want it . . . they want the illegal immigrants to continue to vote.

    You ask me what is wrong with Texas - it is the voting problem.

  56. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Duncan Hunter, J.C. Watts

  57. danielle

    Giuliani or Romney. I was rooting for Giuliani til he dropped out.

  58. CL Lucas

    Retiring General “You’re stuck on stupid, reporter” Honore.

    He’s a man of color, and I hear he is a no BS pro!

  59. rightangle

    :arrow: Paslode - Leiberman or Juan Hernandez? I know you are joking so how about Juan Valdez? He’s the only guy who’ll get enough of the coffee beans over the pore-us-border that are strong enough to wake up the management in D.C.

  60. John Cunningham

    McCain/Romney or McCain/Powell.

  61. 1LT JAF

    Romney would be an asoundingly awful pick. Super rich white guy who doesn’t even appeal to conservative whites- Bain Capitol throwing people out of jobs (as the libs would portray it!) and his Mormon faith in going up against a Black guy. He does nothing other than bring money.

    On the other hand, Tim Pawlenty if he can win Minnesota in November should be the choice. If he can’t win his state, go for Chris Cox or Rob Portman.

  62. Marvin

    Sen. DeMint of South Carolina
    Gov. Barbor of Mississppi

    Michelle Malkin would be a hot choice, but she lacks political experience.

  63. Mark Tanberg

    I’ve been told through this whole thing who to vote for and it’s obviously not up to me nor was it ever so I’ll vote for whoever they tell me I have to since I have no choice anyway and neither does anyone else.
    So we like sheep to the slaughter, - - - line up an vote.

  64. hsmith

    Huckabee can really connect with the average voter. In this economy, voters need to be able to know public officials know the pain they experience - Huckabee knows and has a history of delivering common sense solutions in government. Huckabee is the best choice for VP.

  65. mary


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