ESPN Joins MSM Bias Horde, Brings Up 2000 Election

March 8th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


You know, it’s one thing when liberal bloggers and folks with absolutely no understanding of civics claim that George W. Bush stole the 2000 presidential election from Nobel Laureate Al Gore.

And, of course, one expects this type of drivel from leftist publications like The Nation, and clueless shills such as Keith Olbermann.

But, one really isn’t prepared to see such nonsense at the nation’s leading sports website, (emphasis added, h/t NBer AggieSpirit):

On Saturday night, the Atlanta Hawks and Miami Heat will replay the final 51.9 seconds of their Dec. 19 overtime game.

The Hawks believed they won that game 117-111, but commissioner David Stern overturned the result because Atlanta’s stat crew incorrectly disqualified Miami’s Shaquille O’Neal after his fifth foul.


Nevertheless, this got us to thinking that as long as we’re fixing one injustice, we might just want to keep rewriting various moments in history.

The 2000 U.S. presidential election: The former owner of the Texas Rangers won, courtesy of the Supreme Court, and then was re-elected. If you need to ask why we need a do-over on this one, you’ve just returned from being abducted by aliens. Welcome home.


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5 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    As kids we ALL knew the kid who constantly used to get the crap kicked out of him was also the one who was first to shout, “Do over” when things didn’t go his way …

  2. rightangle

    No, the former Rangers owner would have lost were it not for some Cuban ex-pat prospects who showed up ready to throw some heat and a great outfield mailing their overseas ballots to homeplate in the nick of time.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Liberals are Liberals no matter where they are. when a sports station starts talking politics then thats pretty though.

    My little cousin was watching MTV one day and the host of one of their shows was talking about something and he was talking about something being stupid. well he said “thats about as stupid as our President, and nobody is stupider than George Bush”. I wish someone would have punched that little faggot.

  4. Steve in NC

    espn jumped the shark a couple of years ago, it went to hell after abc bought them, the rancid ghost of peter jennings infecting them.

  5. Professor Bill

    Just another example of why ESPN sucks. I grew to really dislike that network after noticing that the anchors are more idiotic than Dan Rather or Peter Jennings and I thought that was impossible. Seriously though, I love sports and they act like such juvenile morons.

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