Fellow Marine’s Heart Saves Another In Transplant - With Video

March 21st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Proof that God exists…

“Not only did I get a heart, but I got a very honorable heart.”

ROCKFORD, Ill. — The heart transplant that saved Brian Troy was made possible by a fellow Marine.

Troy, 43, of Rockford, served as a Marine in the 1980s. He was dying of an inherited heart condition in 2006 when he received a new heart in a transplant. The donor was 23. Troy didn’t know much more than that.

Then Troy saw headlines about the murder of a 23-year-old Marine. He read about how Ricky Martinez survived two tours in Iraq, but he was shot to death in Chicago in a case of mistaken identity. The gunman thought a passenger in Martinez’ car was a rival gang member, prosecutors said.

That was enough for Troy to guess his donor’s identity. He then sent a thank-you letter to the family through an organ donor network. The first letter went unanswered, but a second, sent more than a year later, received a reply.

And just last month, Martinez’ family and Troy met. His mother, Adalilia Cruz, placed her hand on Troy’s chest to feel the heart beating.

“It shows you what kind of a person my son was,” she said. “Even after his life was gone, he kept helping.”

Troy agrees.

“Not only did I get a heart, but I got a very honorable heart,” he said.

Nearly 98,000 people are waiting for transplant of a vital organ, according to the United Network for Organ Sharing. Troy works to encourage organ donation, organizing events and passing out fliers.

Illinois residents can register as organ donors at www.lifegoeson.com or by visiting any Secretary of State facility.

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8 Responses

  1. drillanwr (typical white female)

    Speechless …

  2. Dave

    God bless and protect the soul of Ricky Martinez, hope God is with you and your family. I am so sorry.

  3. Sandy

    I remember when this happened. :cry:
    The waste of skin that shot Ricky should have never
    made it back to the streets to begin with.

    Incredible. I am glad that Ricky Martinez’ family has been able to find some peace with Brian Troy. They will always have a very special relationship.

  4. John Cunningham

    What a great story.

  5. mindy abraham

    :cry: how sad, but at least a life got saved.

  6. blastdad

    No worse enemy, no better friend…..a US Marine

  7. Mike Mose

    Even in death does a US soldier give life and freedom. May his family be blessed.

  8. Kevin M


    No worse enemy, no better friend…..a US Marine

    Wow. Tough to top that one.

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