Da Man: Fox Projects McCain Has Passed The 1191 Delegate Mark

March 4th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


UPDATE (6:10 PM PST): Huck to drop out any minute!

Congratulations to the McCain campaign and John McCain.

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8 Responses

  1. POD1

    Now the real game begins.

    Hillary better wear a cup.

  2. drillanwr

    Okay … here we go …

    Get it done, John, damn it!

  3. deathstar

    He is da man, as in he will never lick Osamas balls like Shitlarry and Yomama are anticipating with joy.

  4. Texas Mom

    In my voting town today, as usual, there were all sorts of folks in front of the different precints with signs for the various candidates - I found it weird that several “Arkansas for Hillary” people were there ??? one Arkansas Hillary lady who appeared to be about 50 stood in the same spot all day long . . . I had to drive by numerous times for the car pools and errands . . . she was there all day long.

    Every black person over 18 in my town of 350,000 voted today. I promise that they were all there. The lines for the Democrats when I went to vote were out the door with black folks and the lines when my husband went were out the door . . . with black folks - that was Democrat lines only - Not too many Republicans voting today . . . in my town.

    It is reported there are black folks at many of the caucuses “running the show” and “over-powering” and “out-caucusing” the white Hillary voters - electing themselves precinct chairman and then directing the caucuses towards Obama - that is what I am hearing . . . Just telling you what is going on . . . in my town.

    Mark Davis - the one who took over for Rush today - he is talk show host from here and he actually believes that the voters (which would have to include these black folks) will vote for McCain when he out-debates Obama with logic and reason . . . not these black folks in my town - they are voting for Obama - no matter what and don’t try to get in their way . . . that is the way I have seen it today . . . in my town.

    South Texas may be a lot different because illegal immigrants vote in South Texas, but Arlington, Texas will go for Obama - hands down. South Texas may go for Hillary . . .

  5. drillanwr

    :arrow: Texas Mom

    You guys sound as messed up as Ohio … :roll:

  6. Texas Mom

    drill - It is just really frightening . . .

  7. hoplitesamurai

    I was a McCain guy in 2000, until he went all freaky on the Michael Reagan radio show. From that point on I held my nose and supported Bush; yanking the lever for him not only in 2000, but like a dumb ass in 2004 as well.

    Fool me once pretend conservatives shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. The last eight years have proved me sadly to be right about Bush, and McCain. Neither of them represents the Founders, or their ideas.

    No matter what the eventual fallout of the Oligarchies and their national conventions, the November elections will come down to the choice of a Socialist or a Communist.

    There is not enough Jameson available to get me to pull a lever on either choice, so I will abstain. Not from the whiskey mind, but the candidates. To say yes to a socialist or a communist is too say yes to evil, and I cannot in good conscience do that.

  8. JonnyMordant

    He may not be the guy I wanted, but he is now ou(r) guy regardless… I’m ready to kick some (D)ems in the ass for McCain now!

    McCain/? ‘08!

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