General: U.S. Will Need Nukes For Rest Of Century

March 4th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


World events trending badly, are they?

WASHINGTON, March 4 (AFP) Mar 04, 2008

The commander of US strategic forces said Tuesday the United States will need nuclear weapons as a deterrent for the rest of the 21st century and should move now to field more modern weapons.

Air Force General Kevin Chilton said new, more reliable nuclear weapons would enable the United States to reduce the large inventory of non-deployed weapons it keeps as a hedge.

“As we look to the future — and I believe we are going to need a nuclear deterrent for this country for the remainder of this century, the 21st century — I think what we need is a modernized nuclear weapon to go with our modernized delivery platforms,” he told reporters.

The administration has requested 10 million dollars for the program in its 2009 budget request even though the US Congress turned down a similar request in its previous budget submission.

It also is seeking 100 million dollars for a plant to make nuclear triggers for the new weapon.

The program is controversial in part because it runs counter to the US obligation under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to work toward bringing its stockpile to zero.

“I’m the father of two children, and I would love to have them grow up in a nuclear-free world, absolutely,” said Chilton. “But I’m not for unilateral disarmament. I also want them to grow up free.”

Chilton, who heads the US Strategic Command, said the new weapons would be designed to be more reliable, safer and more secure than those in the existing stockpile.

New infrastructure to build and maintain the weapons also would enable the United States to reduce its hedge stockpile, he said.

“As long as there are other countries in the world that possess enough nuclear weapons to destroy the United States of America, we will have to deter those countries,” he said.

He said his command needed to do technical studies over the next year to present the new administration early next year with a “decision package” on which way they want to go.

“I really think now is the time to act on this. This is not something that we can continue to either not talk about or to kick down the road for future generations,” he said.

The United States currently has about 6,000 deployed nuclear warheads but is required to come down to 2,200 by 2012 under the 2002 Moscow Treaty.

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7 Responses

  1. Paslode

    His request will fall upon deaf ears if the Magic Negro is elected in November……though the Ohio voter might lynch him if they get their hands on him, in which case it would not be an issue.

  2. David Marcoe

    His request will fall upon deaf ears if the Magic Negro is elected in November……though the Ohio voter might lynch him if they get their hands on him, in which case it would not be an issue.

    Nice attempt, but troll somewhere else please.

  3. Steve in NC

    The big eared one (no reference to his muslim father or his pigmentation in that description) will have something else to say about this war mongering vision once the children vote.

  4. Paslode

    :arrow: David Marcoe

    I don’t think so.

  5. Texas Mom

    I told my husband that our summer project would be to build a fall out shelter in preparation for President Hussein . . . it is so very depressing!

  6. Paslode

    Depressing….Yes it is. But in time I am sure we will find find a way to turn the tables back in favor of common sense.

  7. John Cunningham

    Paslode, listen to David. I think your choice of word (lynch) was inapproprite is what he may be referring. And it comes dangerously close to threatening a Presidential candidate, secret service and all that. My nightmare would be if HRC wins and it would keep me awake if BO gets it. If that happens I stay awake for four years, won’t be the first time I’ve had sleepless periods. I live in an area where I hear that type of talk about President Bush. I know you didn’t really mean what you said, but I think it was in poor taste. OK, I’ll mind my own business, now.

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