Goracle Says Warming Skeptics Same As Flat-Earthers

March 28th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Click ono Da Goracle to hear his bullshit.

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9 Responses

  1. KBar

    Weren’t there reports from five (5) different agencies: NASA, et. al. that said the 100 year mean temperature of the earth was DECREASING? I thought I saw a post on this topic (on this website) a few weeks back.

    Now, if the average earth temperature is dropping (by even 1/10 degree), I’m pretty sure you can’t use the term “Global Warming”.

    But what do I know? And what do those other agencies know? Nothing I’ll bet. Stupid scientists and their stupid PhDs! A liberal lawyer from TN has ALL the answers. Manbearpig will save us all. Thank God for Manbearpig!

  2. Lone Wolf

    Here’s where most of the anthropogenic “global warming” comes from: nearly 70% of the temperature measuring stations that make up the United States Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) have apparently been corrupted (i.e. temperature errors of +2 to +5 degrees C or more) by poor siting and urbanization:

    This is the data many of the climate models have been tweaked to match.

    At the same time the satellite and ocean data shows no recent (10 yrs) distinguishable warming trend:

    So which do you think is wrong?

  3. shotty628

    I just dont hate myself enough to click on the “goracle”.

    Did he not even carry TN in the 2000 election?
    “Those who know him best”.

  4. rightangle

    Lead the way Al, take us into the Cold/Dark Ages. It’s funny that the lady interviewing you bears such a strong resemblence to Mrs. Howell. Guess that makes you the Professor! (Anyone remember the episode where the prof. thought the island was sinking?)

  5. JJIrons

    Where’s the PROOF, AlGore? Global Warming is the global tax scam of the century. It’s all about extorting money from the “rich” to give to the lazy, I mean poor. Total 100% B.S. Now, climate change can happen and that’s normal. Nothing can be done about that. We have nothing to do with that. Global Warming on the other hand is pure politics with no facts to support it.

  6. Mark in WA

    Those who are interested in verifiable science should look into the recent book, “Unstopable Global Warming … Every 1,500 Years” by S. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery. Also “The Pollitically Correct Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism” by Christopher Horner.

    And for some insights into the B.S. methodology employed in the efforts to legitimize the man-made global warming hysteria, Check out the article here:


    As far as algore’s assertion that we who question the validity of his argument are “flat-earthers” … The only thing flat I see is the line on algore’s EEG.

  7. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    If this asshole had all the information about “global warming” and how its supposed to cover so much of the earth in water and include horrible weather then Al Gore should sell 2 of his 3 houses and get rid of the fucking lear jet!

    hes going to preach to me about global warming while im driving a truck and hes always flying around in his private jet? like the pot calling the kettle black

  8. cb10

    This brain trust of the dhimmicraps makes Jimma Carter look like an intellectual.

  9. Jason’s dad

    We must all bow down to the Goracles superior wisdom! After all, he was the one who invented the Internet, not DARPA, right Al?

    What an insipid fool. As already mentioned, the weather like most things, goes in cycles (just like the economy, real estate, etc, etc).

    Climatologists / Meteorologists have a hard time accurately predicting the weather 10 days in advance, so why would I believe their prognostications for 10 YEARS in the future?

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