Hillary: “Fuck Off”

March 28th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


“I like long movies.” -HRC

HAMMOND, Ind. (AP) - If Hillary Rodham Clinton is feeling heat from pundits and party elders to quit the race and back Barack Obama, you’d never know it from her crowds, energy level and upbeat demeanor on the campaign trail.

“There are millions of reasons to continue this race: people in Pennsylvania, Indiana and North Carolina, and all of the contests yet to come,” Clinton told reporters Friday. “This is a very close race and clearly I believe strongly that everyone should have their voices heard and their votes counted.”

The former first lady weathered a two-pronged blow Friday, with influential Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey Jr. endorsing Obama and another Senate colleague, Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy, urging her to step aside. But to hear Clinton tell it, it was just another day in an epic primary battle whose result is still not known.

“I believe a spirited contest is good for the Democratic Party and will strengthen the eventual nominee,” she said. “We will have a united party behind whomever that nominee is. … I look forward to campaigning over the next several months.”

Traveling across Indiana, the former first lady was greeted by large, enthusiastic audiences who roared their approval at her proposals to help fix the state’s economic challenges.

At events here and in North Carolina on Thursday, Clinton raised the issue of whether she should quit the race, only to have it firmly batted down by her supporters.

“There are some people who are saying, you know, we really ought to end this primary, we just ought to shut it down,” she said in Mishawaka, Ind., drawing cries of “No, no!” inside a packed gymnasium.

In Hammond, she compared the state’s struggling steel industry to her own efforts to fight the odds.

“I know a little bit about comebacks,” she said to cheers. “I know what it’s like to be counted down and counted out. But I also know there is nothing that will keep us down if we are determined to keep on.”

Yet despite the optimistic talk, there is no doubt that Clinton faces long odds for securing her party’s nod.

She trails Obama among pledged delegates and is not expected to close that gap even with a strong showing in the 10 remaining primaries. She also trails in the popular vote and probably cannot close the gap without revotes in Michigan and Florida, whose January primary results were nullified because they broke party rules. Neither state is expected to go through with new contests.

As a result, the so-called “superdelegates”—some 800 elected officials and party insiders who can choose to support any candidate—would risk intraparty rebellion if they backed Clinton.

The New York senator reaffirmed her belief that superdelegates will base their choice on which candidate would make the best president and would have the best chance to beat Republican John McCain in November.

All the more reason to look forward to Pennsylvania’s primary April 22, Indiana and North Carolina’s May 6 and the handful of others that follow, Clinton insisted.

“There will be additional information that will inform those decisions that will come from these upcoming contests,” she said.

Dismissing concerns raised by Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean that a prolonged contest would demoralize the party base, Clinton pointed to a recent surge in voter registration and turnout in Pennsylvania. Democratic registration went up by 4 percent in the state this year, while it declined 1 percent among Republicans.

“Both Senator Obama and I have brought millions of new people into the process,” she said. “People are registering to vote for him and to vote for me. They’re part now of the Democratic Party.”

Asked what she thought of Obama’s comment Friday that the Democratic primary race resembled “a good movie that lasted about a half-hour too long,” Clinton smiled broadly and said, “I like long movies.”

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9 Responses

  1. Kurt(Typical white infidel)

    Bill Clinton was in a small town about 5 minutes down the road from me the other day in Indiana. of course I wouldnt walk across the street to see him, let alone jump in my truck and drive somewhere.

    I hope this battle continues until convention. all the while John McCain is already out there looking presidential, people better get used to seeing that too.

  2. Charles

    To listen to Hillary requires a “willing suspension of disbelief…”

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    She wants that nomination real bad. And her supporters want Billy-Bob in the WH for a third term. And she’ll do anything, including ripping apart her party to get there.
    And she’s succeeding very nicely. So keep on keeping on Hilda. You are a “gift” to the Republican Party.

  4. Leatherneck

    My goodness….what a mesmerizing picture…I think I’m starting to believe everything she says…..I see the light now…..

  5. Denghis (imb al Himar)

    What is it about this woman? You either love her or hate her.
    Why is she so repulsive to me, and so enthralling to others? Why is it so obvious to me that she is an obsessively ambitious, blatantly duplicitous, conniving, deceitful, disingenuous, fraudulent, corrupt, shit-filled shell of a bipedal human, but others see her as the Second Coming of Eleanor Roosevelt?
    I live up here in the middle of Zilch with barnyard animals and thick, sticky mud like a cloistered wino leper and in the evening I like to sit on my porch with the dog drinking beer and plinking at magpies with my .22 Colt whilst my wife is in the house watching American Idol with a lampshade on her head (we have an interesting relationship).
    But while I’m drinking and plinking I am trying to come to terms with the current state of the American psyche.
    Such a contradiction of political and personal philosophies we have in this country of ours. Red or blue, black or white, love or hate or tolerate, queer or hetero, more taste or less calories, fat or skinny, natural or enhanced, reg’lar old fucking Tommy Edison light bulbs or ’save the planet’ pigtails, stay the course or cut and run, carbon credits, and love Hillary or hate the ever-lovin’ crap out of her and her schreechy-assed obnoxious bitch-cunt persona. Pardon my French…
    I think we should take everyone who would vote for Hillary and give them to Mexico. Hell, toss in the Goreites and the Obama-lama-ding-dongs and run ‘em across the Rio where they can fuck shit up to their hearts content and nobody will give a crap. We can make a deal with Felipe Calderón to swap our considerable complement of commie miscreants for an equal number of Mexican drug-runners and then shoot ‘em.
    Fuck! What a brilliant plan!

  6. Kurt(Typical white infidel)


    solid gold rant! that needs to put up on top of the site in a post all by itself with a picture of hillary and just your words. :beer: :beer:

  7. RTLM

    inbrededness !

  8. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    The Scarecrow from Romney Marsh?
    Please God make this woman go away and by all means do not have her serve as President of The U.S.

  9. Denghis (ibm al Himar)

    Thanks, Kurt…Peace, Love, Dove, as the hippies used to say…

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