Hillary Grilled: “I Misspoke About Bosnia”

March 25th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


See the 4:09 AM entry in “Deep Thoughts for killer vid, as well as our earlier reports here and here.


Her campaign spokesman conceded the point this morning, and she met later in the day with the Philadelphia Daily News and Inquirer, where she was grilled by columnist Will Bunch:

Earlier this afternoon, Sen. Hillary Clinton came to the Daily News and Inquirer building here in Philadelphia — where she’s seeklng the Daily News editorial board endorsement — and I had a chance to ask her about a controversy that’s increasingly dogged her campaign the last few days: Whether she misrepresented the danger of her March 1996 trip to a U.S. military base in Bosnia in an effort to boost her foreign policy credentials.

Clinton acknowleged today for the first time that it was a “misstatement” when she said in a major prepared foreign policy speech last week that “I remember landing under sniper fire” but also tried to brush off the entire issue as “a minor blip.” She also gave a revised account of her airplane landing and her tarmac greeting at the Tuzla Air Force base 12 years ago — seeking to explain a picture re-published this weekend in the Washington Post showing her and daughter Chelsea calmly greeting an 8-year-old girl.

In her speech last week at George Washington University, Clinton maintained “[t]here was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base. Today, she told our group at the Daily News that she was informed that we “had to meet this 8-year-old girl,” so “I took her stuff and left.”

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14 Responses

  1. Goodbye Natalie


    The Clinton’s entire life is a figment of lefty imaginations. The only sniper fire Wild Bill and Hillary Rotten have ever received was in the Lincoln Bedroom while shooting at each other.

    Boy, the Dims have been left with a difficult choice. You’ve got a pathological, man-hating liar and Afro-centrist, racist homey to choose from!

    And 50% of the masses of dumbasses called the Dimocratic party think this is a good thing.

  2. Mike Mose

    Can you imagine anyone in their right mind publicly supporting either of fools?

  3. allahlovesporkchops

    Sniper fire? IF ONLY!!! Minor blip? Misstatement? def: freaking LIE. Revised account? Damage control. “I took her stuff and left.” What she will do to Amereicans if elected.

  4. KBar

    When I said “I remember landing under sniper fire” what I meant to say was “Man, my ankles are HUGE!”

  5. T Double Dash

    The hillary and obama campaigns are so damn sloppy, how do the democrat’s expect to win anything?

  6. LftBhndAgn

    Misspoke = LIED

    And busted for it - lol

  7. drillanwr (typical white female)

    You misspeak about what you recall having for dinner that far back …

    You would HONESTLY remember being shot at. Especially IF you had never been shot at before … or since.

    Come on, Hillary … I expect better of you … Well, maybe NOT … We are supposed to believe a record number of your friends and associates and acquaintances (direct and indirect) have an inclination to commit suicide … even as their plane is about to slam into another country’s mountain. And then there was that mountain of missing FBI files finally found on your coffee table …

  8. BradW (the Infidel)

    I have been shot at, numerous times. Each instance is part of my memory, and the first instance was over 30 years ago when the neighbor kids were shooting .22’s and the little bees sounded really angry going by. back then they thought it was funny shooting at us. until we told our parents, and THEY called the other kid’s parents…. hell, that was scary as a pre-teen. The few times as an adult are seered with more clarity. the 9mm that hit my knee sounded like a bloody cannon. the other crap over the years, yeah, I would vote for Sinbad before that lying waster of oxygen…

  9. Joshua

    Hoo ahh! Hillary Rambo Clinton!

  10. JJIrons

    Hill O’ Beans did not misspeak. She lied and she knew it ALL ALONG. Period.

  11. RacerX

    Maybe she mistook the camera snapshots for sniper fire.

    Although she’s right.. there “technically” was sniper fire going on SOMEWHERE in Bosnia at that time.

    Ha ha.. more of the joke that are the Clintons. Good riddance for them to be finally gone. Talk about a pair of turds that just don’t want to flush down.

  12. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Billery, you have mis-spoken your whole life.
    And that is the bad joke on the American people.

  13. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Just got through the O’Reilly Factor interview with that creepy little man-minion of Clinton, Lanny Davis. He is the epitome of a suck-monkey; I’ll do or say anything to defend the Billeries. He basically was calling Col. Hunt a liar, trying to dispute his (Hunt’s) account of events in Bosnia. And Hunt was apparently head of security there at that time. You could tell Hunt just wanted to slap the little-minion but of course he can’t. And Davis telling Hunt, Well you just got in the last word, feel better Col Hunt? Freaking liberals, just unreal. Very child-like. O’Reilly was calling him out also.
    And to the Clinton troll or what-ever you should be called that will no doubt read this thread, I of course speak for myself, however, I believe most of us on this blog cannot wait till your precious Billery implodes, explodes, just freaking goes away and loses to O’Bambam. You have been one of the worst-sleezy couples to ever come along in American politics and your departure will be not fast enough as far as I am concerned.
    I need a beer. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  14. denghis (ibm al himar)

    I mis-spoke once and her old man, who’s name was Mad Dog, called me on it.
    I quit mis-speaking and honed my lying skills to a fair-thee-well…
    It’s always better to just outright lie than to mis-speak. Mis-speaking is for assholes.

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