Hussein Still No-Show At Race Speech - Wife Shows Up, Disappears Live Feed For CYA Speech Here

March 18th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


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The Swamp:

Obama no show so far race address late, wife arrives, steps out

Posted at 10:15 AM
by Mike Dorning

PHILADELPHIA — Michelle Obama arrived in the room for Barack Obama’s speech on race in America, but quickly stepped back out again after being photographed taking her seat. There is still no sign of the candidate several minutes after the scheduled start time.

The stage in the small auditorium inside Phildelphia’s Constitution Center is decorated with plenty of American flags — eight flags are displayed on poles behind the lectern.

The text of the speech is being tightly held. No advance copies have yet been distributed to press in the room. And the speech appears to be delayed. Few of the invited guests have yet taken their seats. But the campaign’s chief strategist, David Axelrod, just walked into the room to chat with the assembled press corps.

With only a little over 50 seats available for press, the campaign had to turn away most of the more than 200 reporters who requested credentials for the event. Requests came in from news organizations based as far away as Sweden.

Last report from scene, half hour ago:

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21 Responses

  1. DC

    He jumped right into the race bit and started playing the “slave card”.

  2. Steve in NC

    ever hear the tale of the monkey and a football?

    no racism meant, if taken, shove the football up your ass.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    I dont understand the race issue. Its not about race entirely. It has a shitload to do with his pastor and his serious anti-american views. Saying we deserve 9/11. calling Israel an oppressor. and so on

    Im watching this right now and its a pity party so far.

  4. PhilNBlanx

    I did not have racist relations with that man….Mr. Wright.

  5. ticticboom

    Stick a fork in ‘im. He Who Must Not Be Middle-Named is done. His main appeal was the illusion of being post-racial. He just pissed that away, proving, at heart, he’s no different from Jackson or Sharpton. More eloquent and flowery, but still the same old ‘Blame Whitey’ bullshit.

  6. Steve in NC

    jeez, at work, gotta go, he’s going on like bubba

    late and non stop jabbering, yea he is like klinton

  7. ticticboom

    Oh, great. Being angry over affirmative action is the same as thinking America is commiting genocide? Thanks, but I liked it better when Malcom X said it.

  8. James "Jihad this" Hooker

    let’s see…”blacks can’t get an education” As far as I recall, all you have to do to get an education in America is get your ass to school, set your ass down, shut the fuck up, listen, study, and GET YOUR ASS AN EDUCATION!!!

    Fuck me runnin’!!

  9. ticticboom

    This word ‘justice’. I do not think it means what you think it means.

  10. ticticboom

    We should be our brother’s and sister’s keeper:

    All your money belongs to us.

  11. Pat Dollard

    I think I heard the word “slavery” about ten times in the first paragraph.

    For the most part, he sounds like a guy trying to talk his way out of a speeding ticket.

    The rest of the speech seems to be 1. victimology 2. defense of his friend/advisor/preacher: the media has made him a caricature, as if the media invented those tapes. For the most part, the media hasn’t said shit about the preacher. They’ve just played tapes of him talking.

    Oprah found Reverand Wright so distasteful, she walked away from his church years ago.
    I guess Oprah’s judgement is better than Hussein’s.

  12. ticticboom

    Pay no attention to that American-hating demagouge behind the curtain. Look at all those crumbling schools. It’s all the corporation’s fault. Give me power, and I’ll destroy them, and then we’ll be free (and dirt poor, but hey, at least you won’t be ‘exploited’ by working for a paycheck).

    Oh, yeah, I’ll surrender to the jihadi’s while I’m at it.

  13. Pat Dollard

    Whether you liked it or not, that speech could hardly be called rousing.

  14. blastdad

    I really like the part about our Declaration of Independence being stained by slavery…. Oh and bawdy humor in the church, makes me want to go join that one!!

    I learned the first rule of holes long ago. ” when you find yourself in one stop digging.” This guy doesn’t learn does he?

  15. ticticboom

    God, what a pity party. Mustard and relish sandwiches? I was living on mac & cheese when my father was on strike, the longest time over five months. It was boring, but the simple fact is that it is almost impossible to go hungry in this country. And I sure as hell don’t remember anyone helping my family out except friends, family, and the union (ours has always been smart enough to have a strike fund, unlike most of the service industry AKA socialist unions).

    Lovely, he just walked away without taking questions. Like I said, he’s done.

  16. Kurt(the infidel)

    I have to say it, and whether biased against Obama or not means nothing, Im more pro American than anything.
    That speech was disgusting. Filled with racism and the usual ‘im the victim’ thing. talking about his wifes roots to slavery. We dont need that kind of talk, opening old wounds.

    I actually heard a democrat strategist on fox last night saying that if the super delegates would change their mind and give them to hillary then their would be rioting in the streets. see thats what we’re dealing with. Oh yeah, there is racism, but it seems to be coming from the other side these days

  17. ticticboom

    How is what Ferraro said equivalent of what Wright said? Did she say that blacks are all raping, thieving, murdering scum? Did she say they were fried chicken eating idiots too lazy to succeed in life? All I heard her say was that if He Who Must Not Be Middle-Named was white, he wouldn’t be where he is today. Given that he hasn’t even served a full term as a Senator or Congressman, and has no legislation with his name on it, I can’t see how anyone can honestly say she’s wrong. Impolitic, maybe, but factually correct.

  18. ticticboom

    Let me make an observation:

    If MLK and Medgar Evars were cut from the same cloth as Wright, there’d still be segregation in this country. He seems to delight in living down to the stereotypes of the paranoid, borderline psychotic, ‘Get Whitey’ black leader.

    The unholy glee he took in the 9/11 attacks disgust me. This piece of shit ain’t worth the cost a bullet, and I’d hate to get his filth on my hands.

  19. John Cunningham

    Glenn Beck made an interesting point about the Constitution. It was originally supposed to read “life, liberty and property”. Benjamin Franklin forced them to change it to as it is today. Franklin’s reason for wanting to change it was since Franklin was an abolitionist he felt that the South would take the word property to mean their slaves.

    We’re being put on a guilt trip setting us up for reparations.

  20. Mike Mose

    Obama took a bad situation about his pastor and church and laid it at the feet of all Americans. Changed the subject.

    The schools issue, the fool Democrats have run the Dept of Education for years. The Democrat party (Teachers Union) has failed to educate despite the massive amount of $$$ given every year. If Black urban kids aren’t educated fire the teachers. More money will not solve this.

  21. cb10

    The angry/proud Ms Obama is hangin out with Ms Tressa Heinz trying to figure out why they always have to disappear.

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