Hussein Speech: Jesus Was Black? Christians In The Lion’s Den?

March 18th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Okay look, it is absolutely fine and normal for people to get Bible stories mixed up or just plain wrong.

No problem, happens all the time.

However, if you are giving the biggest speech of your life, with your aim as the most powerful man on Earth, centered around your “Bible” teacher, Pastor, and spiritual guide, it would help if within your well-crafted, finely honed speech, you got Bible stories right.

I’m just sayin…pay attention to the video. All the stories “came alive” to him, including that old Bible staple and basic Sunday school building block: “Christians in the Lion’s Den.”

Christians? In the sixth century BC?

The “Lion’s Den” story appears in the Old Testament in the Book of Daniel. Long before there were Christians, several hundred years before Jesus even came on the scene. It was Daniel in that lion’s den. Not Christians.

Yes, the Romans did sadistic things to Christians with lions centuries later, and this may seem nitpicky. But like I said, when you are giving the biggest speech of your life, with your aim as the most powerful man on Earth, centered around your “Bible” teacher, Pastor, and spiritual guide, it would help if within your well-crafted, finely honed speech, you got Bible stories right.

And it was a Valley of Dry Bones, not a field. I know, I know…nitpicky…

By the way, the teachings of that particular church include Jesus being black. Remember when Hannity was grilling Wright and Wright kept asking “How many of Cones’ books have you read?” Well, Cones promoted the whole Black Theology thing, including the notion that Jesus was a black man.

Anybody taking bets they have a picture of black Jesus in their little Sunday school for kids class?

When He walked the Earth Jesus wasn’t black…nor was He white…He was a Jew.

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20 Responses

  1. TRM

    Whoops. :lol:

  2. Irish Gal

    what, no tatoos…

  3. KBar

    How could Jesus be black AND Jewish?

    I’m confused.

  4. LftBhndAgn

    All I can say is if Obama had planned to make race the cornerstone of his campaign, why NOW is all of this coming to lite? Why NOW is his ideas on the race issues? IF this was the cornerstone of his campaign, NONE of this would be an issue now, but would have been an issue when he first threw his hat in the ring. He is no different the any other politician caught with his/her hand in the cookie jar of any other scam throughout history. He only NOW is expressing these views because he was caught.
    I don’t care what color Jesus was. I do care that there are MANY who CHOOSE to use Jesus to push a political agenda. Jesus was NOT a politician. Obama is.

  5. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :evil: Bad Bambam.

  6. PhilNBlanx

    Man, this Wright dude is really obsessed with race.

    If God didn’t consider race as a factor in the salvation of man why should race be a factor in contemplating God?

    The audacity of hope indeed.

  7. cb10

    Keep diggin chump, your almost home.

  8. jack douglas

    Hopefully this minute 13 or 14 of Obama’s 15 minutes of fame.

  9. Max

    Obama is not a theologian, and it is easy for those who are not immersed in the Bible every week to get things wrong, so I might overlook this kind of verbal slip-up, even though I agree with what you said, Bash.

    The other side of the coin is his church itself. The “United Church of Christ” is a hotbed of liberalism (to put it mildly) and does not believe in the Bible as an authoritative source of doctrine, to put it in layman’s terms. They accept unrepentant homosexuals as church members and even ordain them as church leaders (absolutely forbidden by Scripture), and laugh at miraculous events such as 7 literal days of Creation, the Great Flood, the Virgin Birth, the Bodily Resurrection of Christ, etc. Of course, in all such groups there are exceptions, but these that I have listed are par for the course. This is how they are able to accommodate and promote such anti-Christian ideas as Socialism, special rights for homosexuals, black supremacy and/or white hatred, etc.

    The UCC left the Bible behind many years ago, so it is ironic to hear Obama quoting the Bible as if this will convince everyone that he actually believes it. Bill Clinton did it back in the 90’s too, but real Christians weren’t fooled then either. I would be interested in reading his Statement of Faith.

  10. Max

    :arrow: KBar

    You’re right to be confused. Jesus was Semitic in his Humanity, which is neither black nor white. Take a good look at the average Israeli today or perhaps a Hasidic Jew might be a better example (without the black hat and coat etc), and this is probably similar to what Jesus, the man, looked like physically. Portraying Him as a black man is an error, and does a disservice to anyone who wants to understand the Bible better.

  11. steve m

    If Jesus was black then The Virgin Mary was black or The Holy Spirit is…which is it?.. :roll: …Ummm….me thinks neither. The Rev Wrights’ got alotta ’splainin to do. The guy’s a kook.

  12. Kurt(the infidel)

    Jesus looked like an average Israeli..tan, but not black. just look where he came from to understand that.

  13. denghis (ibm al himar)

    I don’t much care what color Jesus was. What I do know is that he was not a screeching racist preacher using his pulpit to foment hatred and unrest amongst his congregation.
    Obama attended Wright’s sermons for twenty stupid years listening to this most unrighteous poisonous spew and now, like the chickenshit son-of-a-bitch he is, he finds the wherewithal inside himself to toss the goofy old fucker under the bus (but he can’t disown him).
    I, for one, don’t want a President that is not only a card-carrying lying sleaze bag but a guy with a Muslim name that is probably still a hajji at heart.

  14. patriot (the infidel)

    God is neither black, white, tan, yellow, nor red. He is the color of love (if that makes sense).

  15. rightangle

    All this time I thought Peter was black. It would help explain his lack of buoyancy out on the Sea of Galilee.

    What’s that?…..No I’m not related to Al Campanis.

  16. chay

    Well, Jesus probably had more black in him than LaBamba does.

    LaBamba seems to have also skipped the part of the Bible known as the Ten Commandments: thou shalt not lie, bear false witness, hate, take the Lord’s name in vain, etc…

    Politicians referencing the Bible is like the Pope referencing Hustler magazine. Give me a break.

  17. TJ (The kafir)

    the man is normally so eloquent and gifted in his speeches.why then does he not look up when speaking about his fond memories of stories from the bible? could it be that he actually doesnt remember any stories from the bible and is afraid he will get them confused with quranic stories he knows by heart? :mad:

  18. Goose

    People painting pictures of black jesus reminds me of those crap vampire movies where draculas a black pimp.

  19. Dr. Jerry

    Hey Bash,

    Good job refuting Obama’s Biblical gaff(s), which are more than obvious. When you learn and study under a “Preacher and Pastor” that lacks common theological knowledge and Biblical truths himself, you will certainly be led atray and be unlearned also.

    By the way, Daniel was not in a lions den (where lions may have once been). He was in a “Den of Lions” (Where lions were present at that time). Daniel 6: 16 “The the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions…” (KJV)

  20. allahlovesporkchops

    Hussein caught in the den of lyin’s.

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