Hussein’s Grandma Lied About Religion? Family Trait?

March 6th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Our buddy Charles over at Little Green Footballs caught something very interesting today, especially if it turns out to be true…check it out:

Yesterday’s edition of USA Today had a story about Barack Obama’s grandmother in Kenya, in which she slams the Clinton campaign for circulating photos of Obama in Muslim garb—and then states that she is a Christian:

Obama’s grandfather had converted to Islam from Roman Catholicism and taken the name Hussein, Sarah Obama said, but his children had inherited only the name, not the religion. Each person should be able to choose how they worshipped, she said.

“In the world of today, children have different religions from their parents,” she said. She, too, is a Christian.

Just one little problem with this statement.

In April of last year, Sarah Hussein Obama told the New York Times she is a devout Muslim.

Sarah Hussein Obama, who is his stepgrandmother but whom Mr. Obama calls his grandmother, still rises at 5 a.m. to pray before tending to her crops and the three orphans she has taken in.

“I am a strong believer of the Islamic faith,” Ms. Obama, 85, said in a recent interview in Kenya.

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6 Responses

  1. Moe

    ummm… does it matter what religeon they are? they are all fucked. and he is not a good candidate for president.

  2. Kevin M

    Ah, the sweet stench of Muslim lies and tarqiyya. Is there no depth to which this assclown and his MUSLIM family will stoop?

  3. Mike F.

    Don’t forget that in the madrassas, they teach that it is just fine to lie to the kuffar. She’s just doing what ONE of her religions says is OK.

  4. Kurt(the infidel)


    This seems to be true. AOL has a headline news thing when you start the service, and they seem to lean left on where they choose to find their stories from and it was on their site. I have seen it in a few places. seems to be true to me.

  5. Lone Wolf

    Unfortunately you can’t discount the possibility that it was the reporter and/or translator injecting their own agenda or just being incompetent. Something stinks here, though.

  6. ron

    I read this article on drudge, it stated that she was Obama bin Laden’s loser grandfather
    second wife! those African moochers

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