I Heard From LCpl Jeremy Today…

March 23rd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Any of you remember LCpl Jeremy? I first told you about him last year when he was sent over to Iraq.

Hadn’t heard from him since October, but knowing that when the guys over there ever get a chance to hit the Internet, it is extremely slow, and I guarantee you the first people Jeremy wanted to be in touch with were not me and Louie, heh heh, I understood.

I decided to send him a Happy Easter email the other day, and lo and behold I heard from him tonight:

Bash! … Happy Easter to you, as well!

We have been in xxxxxx this deployment. I can actually count the days left on two hands now of the time I have left here. Then it is on to xxxxxxx, then to xxxxxxx.

This hitch here has been relatively quiet. Only recently have some in the area of operations been engaged with small arms fire.

Only one or two IEDs detonated in this area, as well. Numerous caches have been found, specifically when we swept the islands in the Euphrates on our Zodiacs. As a matter of fact, my squad just finished one of those sweeping operations yesterday.

Thank you for getting in touch with me again! I will write you and tell you of some of our successes and good stories here.


Man, felt good to hear from him. I was always checking the casualty reports, and not really being family and all that, I figured I’d have to keep tabs on him as best I could.

Strange, I had no idea this would effect me as it did.

Godspeed LCpl Jeremy. Semper Fi.

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2 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    Thanks for sharing this Bash.

    When you leave the big picture of the mission, operations and goals and get down to the individual troop, that’s where emotions come into play the strongest.

  2. BradW (the Infidel)


    i understand your comment about scouring the casualty lists. I have done so as well, as some of my old units have been over there, plus I know so many guys have switched MOS’s over the years and that plus the normal unit changes that take place, I never really know how many guys I served with are still active. I know that some buddies are gone, and I pray for their families, and honor their service and sacrifice as well I can.

    On the plus side, I found a good friend that I went through basic and HAWK school (1984) that recently retired as a MGST from Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children. Borgy did at least one stretch over there before retirement. I hope to catch up with him some day, the little shit still owes me a beer… :mrgreen:

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