Iranian Crowds Crying “Death To Ahmadinejad”

March 19th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Trouble in Munchkinland…

TEHRAN, March 19– Many Iranian youths rallied in streets across the country, shouting “Death to Ahmadinejad,” in celebrations marking the end of the Persian calendar year.

The last Wednesday of the Persian calendar is celebrated as the Fire Festival in Iran, with bonfires and firecrackers marking the occasion.

In the western city of Ahvaz, angry mobs declared “Freedom is our legitimate right” while demonstrators in the western city of Sanandaj shouted “Death to (Iranian President Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad,” Ynetnews reported Wednesday.

The police in Tehran were out in force and, though they were met with a barrage of firecrackers, the situation didn’t escalate beyond what is typical for the Fire Festival, local reports cited in the news report said.

Ahmed Raza-Radan, the police chief in Tehran, warned demonstrators against violating the rule of law in a news conference.

“The police force has resolved to detain any party-goers who break the law. The secret police will have full control, and will not hesitate to photograph citizens for evidence,” he said.


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8 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Well he usually forces them to hit the streets and chant ‘death to America’ for the cameras. something tells me this chant is legitimate.

    How does it feel Ahmadingleberry?

    hopefully the people finally rise up and forcefully replace him and all the mullahs

  2. Goose

    Poor old Ahma-jihad. I love how he calls himself “professor”, as if he actually passed any tests, may aswell take a knighthood aswell.

  3. franchie

    O P A C I T Y

    can’t be there reality

    the youth as usual is playing on request

  4. TedB

    Why is it always “Death to..(insert death-worthy here), in these arabic countries.

  5. allahlovesporkchops

    TedB, because that’s the Religion of the Perpetually Offended. RoPO

  6. ticticboom

    How about we give Iran all the dopey kids chanting “Impeach Bush!” and they give us all the kids chanting “Death to Ahmadickwad!”?

    No givebacks, mind you.

  7. Dave

    Tic, excellent idea.

  8. Brian H

    Politics is for keeps, there. Even Code Pink would never say “Death to Bush”!

    Oh, wait a minute ….

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