Kinky: “I Found The Perfect Presidential Candidate”

March 24th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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6 Responses

  1. drillanwr (typical white female)

    Cripes! I’d vote for Juan before I’d vote for Hussein or Hillary … But not before McCain … Maybe …

    Does Kinky strike anybody else as Nugent on crack?

  2. mike3481

    Juan Williams, A Liberal with a sense of humor, wasn’t sure that life form actually existed. :mrgreen:

    Every Lib. I know is miserable, unfortunately I know far too many. (Calif. Res. :oops:)

    Why the fuck did I ever leave Texas. :shock:

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    What kind of name in Kinky anyways? Is that his sexual preference or just a joke?

    Yeah, the Ted Nugent on crack analogy fits Drill.

    And I’d also vote for Juan before I’d vote for Osama bin Lying or the Hildabeast.

  4. Brian H

    Kinky Friedman! Ex-gubernatorial candidate in Texas! Immortal performer and composer of:
    Jews Like Jesus

    Well, a redneck nerd
    In a bowling shirt
    Was a-guzzlin’ Lone Star Beer;
    Talking religion and-uh
    For all the world to hear.
    “They oughta send
    You back to Russia, boy,
    Or New York City One
    You just want to doodle
    A Christian girl
    And you killed God’s only son!”

    I said, “Has it occurred
    To you, you nerd,
    That that’s not very nice?
    We Jews believe
    It was Santa Claus
    That killed Jesus Christ!”
    “You know, you don’t
    Look Jewish,” he said,
    “Near as I could figger
    I had you lamped
    For a slightly anemic,
    Well-dressed country nigger!”

    No, they ain’t makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore,
    They don’t turn
    The other cheek,
    The way they done before.
    He started in
    To shoutin’ and
    A-spittin’ on the floor,
    “Lord, they ain’t makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore!”

    He says, “I ain’t a racist
    But Aristitle Onassis
    Is one Greek we don’t need
    And them niggers,
    Jews and Sigma Nus,
    All they ever do is breed.
    And wops ‘n micks
    ‘N slopes ‘n spics
    ‘N spooks are on my list
    And there’s one little hebe
    From the heart of Texas —
    Is there anyone I missed?”

    Well, I hits him
    With everything I had
    Right square
    Between the eyes.
    I says, “I’m gonna gitcha,
    You son of a bitch ya,
    For spoutin’ that pack of lies.

    If there’s one thing
    I can’t abide,
    It’s an ethnocentric racist;
    Now you take back
    That thing you said
    ‘Bout Aristitle Onassis!”

    No, they ain’t makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore,
    We don’t turn
    The other cheek
    The way we done before.
    You could hear
    That honky holler
    As he hit that hardwood floor
    “Lord, they sho’
    Ain’t makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore!”

    All right!

    No, they ain’t
    Makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore,
    We don’t turn
    The other cheek
    The way they done before.
    You could hear
    That honky holler
    As he hit
    That hardwood floor,
    “Lord, they ain’t
    Makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore!”

    They ain’t makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore,
    They ain’t makin’
    Who know what nails are for.
    Well, the whole damn place
    Was singin’
    As I strolled
    Right out the door:
    “Lord, they ain’t makin’
    Jews like Jesus anymore!”

    No, we ain’t makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore,
    We don’t turn the other cheek
    The way they done before.
    Well, the whole damn place
    Was singin’
    As I strolled
    Right out the door
    “Lord, they ain’t makin’
    Like Jesus anymore!”

  5. John Cunningham

    Yes, I have FNC on too much, but, one thing, Kinky’s liable to show up at any time of the day.

  6. Kurt(Typical white devil)

    Juan Williams is starting to step over from the dark side. I have noticed the change in him over the last few years. recently he has really stepped into the light though

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