Knowing Hussein By The Company He Keeps

March 16th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Yeah, I’ve been making this point for over a week now, but as should be expected, I found a much more eloquent enunciation of it…thanks to Mike Moseley…who probably just wanted to make me feel bad by showing me how it’s really done….

American Thinker:

I learned more about staying on the narrow path and avoiding trouble from my grandmother in five minutes than Barack and Michelle Obama seem to have learned in their whole lives. This lesson in human nature and relationships is pretty darned simple. And it gives no quarter to anyone; it applies to all human beings.

“People will know you by the company you keep,” my grandmother told me.

“So, be very careful how you choose your friends, because a person’s most valuable possession is his reputation, and once lost, a reputation is nearly impossible to restore.”

But the most valuable nugget of all:

“If you remain friends with people up to no good, you are bound to become like them. If you think you’re above their influence, you are just fooling yourself. So, choose wisely.”

Barack Obama chose Jeremiah Wright as his pastor, his spiritual mentor and friend. Obama has kept the relationship intact for more than 20 years now.

I’ve watched videos of only five of Wright’s sermons, delivered in fiery oratory, and I’ve had to conclude that there is no way that Obama should not, or could not have known better than to keep going to that man’s church and listening to his hate mongering, racist rants.

Barack Obama was not exposed to this as a young child, taken to hear Wright in the company of his parents.

Barack Obama freely chose this as an adult, as a well-educated adult, having garnered his education at prestigious institutions of higher learning.

Yet, Senator Obama, now close to grabbing the Democrat nomination for the Presidency of the United States of America, has said, “I don’t think of my church as being particularly controversial.”

Well, I paid a visit to Trinity United Church of Christ in January to see for myself. After reading just a few well-covered racist snippets from Wright’s sermons, I needed to know if a man running for the highest office in the land was really exposing himself to this kind of hatred week after week and having the gall to call it Christianity. At that time, I gave Obama the benefit of the doubt because I didn’t want to make a mountain out of a molehill.

What I discovered was, that up until then at least, our mainstream press had been reducing a mountain into a molehill.

Racism Ain’t Rocket Science

The most universal message preached by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.:

The content of a man’s character is not determined by the color of his skin.

And it’s opposite ain’t rocket science.

Making assumptions about a man’s character based solely on the color of his skin is racism.

Any way one chooses to cut it, slice it, dice it or rationalize it, Jeremiah Wright preaches, and presumably practices, black supremacist racism.

Wright’s racism is guileful, I’ll give him that.

He cloaks his gospel in the mantle of eternal black suffering. Where in the white racism I grew up in down South, white might made automatic right, this preacher man, Wright, just inverses the equation. If your skin is black, you’re good; if your skin is white, you’re evil.

Reverend Wright’s own admonition to his congregation on why they should vote for Obama is based solely on the candidate’s skin color and presumed mantle of suffering at the hands of white oppressors.

Why vote for Obama?

“He ain’t rich.”

“He ain’t white.”

“And he ain’t privileged.”

And how did so many people get the idea that Obama is the long-awaited messiah of suffering black people? Perhaps it started with Wright. He has, on more than one occasion, compared Obama to Jesus.

Like Obama, Wright exhorts:

“Jesus was a poor black man in a Country ruled by rich white people.”

Wright seems to be as confused about Jesus’ Jewish ethnicity as he is about some of his other “facts.”

Just one example of Wright’s “confusion,” which Obama presumably picked up in church is this:

“Fact #1: We’ve got more black men in prison than there are in college.”

Obama has repeated this falsehood quite frequently, and evidently just took his pastor at his word. Even our mainstream media finally tracked down this lie and exposed it. The Washington Post fact-checker was getting downright frustrated by last November because in spite of its falsity, Obama kept on repeating it in public.

Interestingly, I may have found the actual source of the lie. It is stated in print by Obama’s mentor’s mentor: James H. Cone.

“More black youth are in jails and prisons than in colleges and universities.”
(Black Theology and Black Power; James H. Cone; p. ix)

The first edition of this book was published in 1969. But the quotation above is part of the newly added preface and dated 1997.

At the risk of seeming picayune about Obama’s repeating this falsehood, I must insist that when a man of upright character learns that he has been deceived by a trusted advisor, he begins to question everything else the man has told him.

Senator Obama, however, has shown a rather arrogant refusal to do this regarding Jeremiah Wright’s pronouncements.

Obama had nothing negative to say about Wright’s honorific celebration of Louis Farrakhan until he was pressured repeatedly by the press and aggressively in a debate with his political opponent, Hillary Clinton. Even then, Obama persistently referred to Farrakhan with an honorific title: “Minister Farrakhan.”

Louis Farrakhan likes being compared to Adolph Hitler, saying Hitler was a great man. Jeremiah Wright says Farrakhan will be known “as one of the 20th and 21st century giants of the African-American religious experience” and has praised his “integrity and honesty.”

No one, that I’m aware of, is promulgating the assertion that Barack Obama thinks Hitler was a great man, simply because his minister thinks Farrakhan is a great man, and Farrakhan thinks Hitler was a great man.

To do so would be using the fallacious reasoning of guilt by association.

But racism ain’t rocket science.

And it doesn’t take an Ivy League education to spot it either.

David Duke is another admirer of Adolph Hitler. Duke used to make quite a spectacle of himself at LSU, dressing up in a Nazi uniform and holding parties on Hitler’s birthday. To my knowledge, Duke has never been charged with committing violent acts against either blacks or Jews.

But I simply cannot think of a single nice thing to say about David Duke. I wouldn’t put an ounce of credence in anything the man had to say on any matter whatsoever, even if he presided over pure and saintly missions to the unfortunate on the side.

His blatant racism and anti-Semitism automatically nullify whatever good traits he may have. I don’t need anything more than the Bible to tell me so. The huge racist board in David Duke’s eye can be clearly seen, even through all the splinters in my own eye.

And if Duke were the honored recipient of some grand award at the church of a white man running for President, I would run, not walk my vote away from that candidate. I could not trust my Country to a man who couldn’t spot David Duke’s stupid and hate-filled racism any more than I would trust the job to a six year old.

Word Leads to Deed

The most heinous actions of history began in mere words.

When Adolph Hitler was running for Chancellor of Germany, he plastered the towns with a poster that simply proclaimed:

Peace and Equal Rights

Adolph Hitler blamed the Jews for every German misery. And for a long time, he used just words.

Jeremiah Wright blames all whites, and sometimes especially the Jews, for every black misery.

Louis Farrakhan is even more outspoken than Jeremiah Wright; Farrakhan openly admires Adolph Hitler.

James Cone, Wright’s own mentor, in his chapter on “Revolution, Violence and Reconciliation,” vehemently denounced integration as the white man’s silly notion of equality. He advocated ignoring the white man’s Christian morals. He promoted a black man’s Christianity.

To Cone, it was a simple matter of any means whatsoever justifying the goal of liberation.

To Cone, the choice was simple. Do you choose to be a black liberator or a white oppressor?

“Where is your identity? Where is your being? Does it lie with the oppressed blacks or with the white oppressors? Let us hope that there are enough to answer this question correctly so that America will not be compelled to acknowledge a common humanity only by seeing that blood is always one color.”

History tells us that people who see themselves as unfairly treated underdogs often say things they don’t mean in the heat of a moment.

But history also teaches that if and when persons who have spoken about violent retribution actually attain power, their words, once hastily disregarded, can take the form of heinous atrocities.

Which is precisely why, in my opinion, it is inherently dangerous to associate with people who think this way.

Because, as my wise grandmother used to say, “you are influenced by the company you keep.”

Barack Obama persistently contends that he has not been influenced by the racist sermons of Jeremiah Wright or Wright’s mentor, James H. Cone.

One must wonder now whether Obama is fooling himself, or us.

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12 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    Birds of a feather, flock together. I hope they keep this story going for a total of at least a month. It will take that long for the message to be received by at least most of the population.

  2. drillanwr

    :arrow: Barack Obama persistently contends that he has not been influenced by the racist sermons of Jeremiah Wright or Wright’s mentor, James H. Cone.


    Then … WHY bother attending religious services?

    Spititual Guidance = Religious Influence = How You Live Your Life

  3. Max

    John Cunningham: “Birds of a feather flock together” You took the words right out of my mouth!

    As a (born-again) Christian who has attended a number of churches over a period of 20-odd years, and now have my own ministry, I can tell you that this article is right on target. The entire purpose of church services is to LEARN the message of the pastor. Ideally, the message would be the pure Word of God. In Wright’s case, the message is not the Word of God, but the words of radical Liberation Theology, which is an unholy mix of Christian concepts taken out of context and Marxist ideology. It was popular during the late 20th Century in Latin America and was preached usually by Jesuit priests. This makes me think that Mr. Obama is a very nice, polished version of Jesse Jackson, only without the huff and puff oral delivery.

  4. Kevin M

    Nail on head.
    He scores!
    Hole in one.
    Slam dunk.
    Game. Set. Match.

  5. Gary in Midwest

    His past acquantances have been domestic terrorists(Bill Ayers,Bernadine Dohrn), PLO sympathizers(Rashid & Mona Khalidi), a shady slumlord (Antoin “Tony” Rezco) and a couple of racists (Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan).

    I wonder what his cabinet would look like!?

  6. EDinTampa

    Free Obama’s White Grandmother
    Andy Martin
    Wednesday, March 28, 2007

    CHICAGO — If anyone else running for president locked his granny away and refused to allow her to be seen, would the media complain? You betcha.

    But America’s media have supinely allowed Barry Obama to pretend he has no white relatives. He has paraded his step-grandmother in Kenya, who never saw him until the 1980s, as his “granny,” and locked the grandmother who actually raised him away in a closet.

    Now, the Chicago Tribune reports “the Obama campaign declined to make [his white grandmother] available.”

    Is she sick? Not apparently. Bedridden? Hospitalized? Not apparently. She is the “Prisoner of Obama,” and of Obama’s racist myth that he is “Black” and not “Black and White.”

    What a disgrace.

    And like whimpering puppies the media do not protest, complain or demand access.

    Free Granny Madelyn Dunham [Obama]!

    Barack Obama is one of the most racist politicians in America today. And we let him get away with it. We are afraid to confront Obama’s reality, so we pretend that reality is not there, even though it is staring us in the face. Anyone remember “Miss Lillian?” Or Barbara Bush? Or Bill Clinton’s mom, drinking, gambling card-playing gal that she was?
    Noone else but Obama could get away with pretending that his paternal grandfather’s second or third or fourth wife was his “granny” when she wasn’t.

    Maybe that’s the core of the antipathy between grandson and grandmother. Maybe that’s why Obama’s white grandmother is locked in purdah. She is offended that Obambi shamelessly highlights his black relatives in Kenya and, equally shamelessly, pretends his white relatives in Hawaii who actually raised him do not exist. It would hurt me.

    No one could get away with pretending his white grandmother didn’t exist except a media witch doctor such as Obama.

    I have been attacking Obama for months because of his racist exclusion of his white relatives from the campaign trail.

    We finally smoked out a picture of Obama’s sister in the Chicago Tribune. She had said she was his “adviser” but refused to be photographed. Did she plan to enter the White house with a paper sack over her head?
    But the “segregation” of Madelyn Dunham, Obama’s white grandmother, and only real grandmother, has to be one of the cruelest and most mendacious political kidnappings this nation has ever seen.

    Mrs. Dunham lives alone in the same apartment where she has lived for many years. Thus, it is reasonable to assume she is not incapacitated or an invalid.

    Granny Dunham told the New York Times she was not well enough to speak, but in reality the Obama campaign maintains Stalinist “control” over potential interviewees. Obama’s minions tried to control access to Obama’s friend who was recently released from prison. Since he became a candidate for U.S. Senator, Obama has locked his white relative away in his racist closet.

    Madelyn Dunham raised Barry Obama. It was probably her money that got him admitted to the prestigious Punahou School in Hawaii and paid his fees. Her efforts were formative, perhaps even more so than those of Obama’s mother Ann, Madelyn’s daughter. And yet Madelyn is being hidden away.

    All because she is white and Barry Obama is a “black” candidate for president.
    What a lie. What hypocrisy. What cowardice. And this man wants to sit in the Oval Office?
    Ironically, locking Madelyn away is going to hurt Obama more with African-Americans than with whites. Whites delight in drinking Obama’s Kool-Aid. Reason and reality will only gradually descend on them.

    But blacks are a lot smarter than whites when it comes to slights, because they have experienced racial slights all their lives. Blacks know who Obama is, and they know how he is trying to “pass” and ignore his past.
    During the decade when crack devastated the African-American community it was the “Black Grannies” who were and are the backbone of the community. These grandmothers helped stabilize disintegrating families ravaged by drugs. Black grannies will not like the fact that their white counterpart is being treated badly by Obama.

    Black and white grandmothers? My guess is they will stick together on this one. They will be offended by the way Obama is treating the woman who really raised him and was the stabilizing factor in his life, Madelyn Dunham.

    I repeat: Free Granny Madelyn Dunham [Obama]!
    Chicago-based Internet journalist, broadcaster and critic Andy Martin is the Executive Editor and publisher of

    © Copyright, Andy Martin 2007.

  7. POD1

    With all the recent talk (mostly by liberals) about Barrak being bleck.
    I was stopped in my tracks the other day when it dawned on me,
    I had never once thought of Obama as a bleck-man.

    To me he was just the “other” liberal douche-bag looking to personally steer
    America off the edge of his flat Earth.

    I thought “Holy shit, could it be that I’m NOT a racist?”
    This can’t be true.
    My entire life I’ve been told by every TV show,
    every newspaper article,
    every piece of mass media I’ve EVER consumed,
    that being born with white skin in America was the very definition of being a racist.
    My racism was just a mundane fact of birth, like having ten fingers and toes.

    “Oh My God, I’m NOT a racist.”

    I know, as epiphanies go this ones not all that deep.
    But this one hit me like a fully loaded cesspool truck with a parking brake problem.

    “Oh My God, I’m NOT a racist.”
    An artificial and useless weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

    That’s when I got angry. Again.
    Fuck You liberal! I refuse to carry this load ever again.
    How dare you sneak it onto my back when I wasn’t looking.
    Find an ignorant teenager with dreadlocks and body odor to carry it for you.
    FUCK YOU!!!

    Now the self doubt begins.
    Just how much residual liberal programming is playing hide and seek with the already destructive voices in my head?

    Great just what I need. MORE fucking baggage.
    Fucking liberals!

    I know, I should’ve posted this in the Deep Thoughts section.
    But the world seems a better place to me and I had to vent.
    Hope I didn’t get any in anyone’s hair.
    Cause that would be wrong.

  8. Rudemeister

    I’m sorry. There is no way BHO can justify his participation in this Church and at the same time disavow it’s core beliefs. The Bible itself in Amos 3:3 says “How can two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?”. If BHO was so naive that he did not know the core values his pastor taught, he is too naive to trust as commander in chief. If he did know, he is too much of a racist to be commander in chief. I know exactly what my pastor believes on major issues. This is a major issue when deciding whether or not to become a Church member. Race isn’t a major issue for many black men? Especially attendees of this Church? Afrocentrism seems a pillar of their beliefs. Jesus was not black. He was a Jew. Pastor Wright says he was black. I don’t care if he was paisley. But truth does matter. Please. Give me a break.

  9. saintly

    […] not even funny.? We had a great time, as did the kids at least, I think Harry dislackermama.comKnowing Hussein By The Company He Keeps Yeah, I??ve been making this point for over a week now, but as should be expected, I found a much […]

  10. Pervis

    You guys think he can talk his way out of all this bullshit tomorrow?

  11. Sean Insanity

    Calling Obama by his middle name is hate speech. It reminds everyone of the Muslim influence of his father and family. No one should ever be allowed to even mention his middle name who thinks of themselves as a good person.

  12. Goodbye Natalie

    But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. ~ 2nd Peter 2:1-3

    reference to the false prophet and hatemonger by the name of Rev. Jeremiah Wright

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