Kuwaiti Pop Star Leaves “Sin” To Join Al Qaeda In Afghanistan

March 15th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I guess this would be like The Dixie Chicks leaving music behind to join the Marines…

A retired Kuwaiti superstar singer has recently the left the Gulf emirate for Afghanistan to join ranks with al-Qaeda and Taliban forces in fighting foreign troops there, according to a press report published Saturday.

Hussein al-Ahmad, who was until recently one of the Gulf’s most famous pop stars, decided to join “his Mujahideen brothers in Afghanistan to support Islam and fight alongside his fellow Muslims in al-Qaeda”, reported Kuwaiti daily Al-Rai Saturday.

Al-Ahmad has previously told Kuwait’s Al-Rai TV that the reason he decided to quit singing was “a dream” where he saw his “own journey from this world into the hereafter through death”.

“I’ve seen horrors and terrors I don’t think anybody else has. I thanked Allah for being alive when I woke up and I was grateful for the fact that He has given me a second chance,” the retired singer said.

“I then informed my family and friends that I would retire from the dark world of sin (singing). Since then, my job has been to warn against arts and their sinful atmosphere.”

The retired singer will soon appear in his new military outfit in Afghanistan, in a video expected soon on a website known to be affiliated with al-Qaeda extremists, according to the paper.


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7 Responses

  1. GregGS

    Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines! Give him some! :gun: :gun: double tap!

  2. drillanwr

    I’m so damn proud of dear Hussy … Giving it all up for the cause.

    Just think how valuable his CDs will be after we smoke his superstar ass.

    What’s — What’s that? … Do I hear the horrible growl of one of those damn fugly Warthogs?!?!?


  3. Max

    From the frying pan into the fire

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    I can hear him now, sitting in his cave one afternoon after not sleeping for 3 days straight because the boogeymen have been outside shooting the shit out of his friends. “Oh why in Allahs did i give up being a singer for this?”


  5. Kufir Ken

    The Muslim version of “oooohhh I’ll never drink again”…

    I guess his buzz wore off and when he woke up with a little boy in his bed he figured he’d better go to jihad before someone told the press…


  6. blastdad

    The US Marines will be more than happy to grant your wish of going on to meet your virgins :mrgreen: :evil:

  7. Marc

    Al-Qaeda just scored its own Clay Aiken!

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